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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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i also wrote it today lol. Were you at 4900 Young?

As for the LONG post dude. I had a very opposite expirience with the test. In the english part i only knew 5-4 words out of 15. I mean I NEVER saw other words in my life. But the math part was a piece of cake. I guess its the russian education system I have to give credit to. We were doing this type of questions in grade 5-8 :salute:. The shapes part was also very controversial. looked easy in the beggining, but turned out rediculiously hard in the end. Also i do not agree with your comment on calculators. Most of question you dont need precise calculations. And if your in the field your not likely to carry a calculator
If you nees help with aptitude the best things are IQ tests and some online quizzes, you can buy some aptitude test books at coles or chapters, etc.
My biggest weakness is fractions. I found an awesome site from this thread  (www.math.com). It has step-by-step instructions on (re)learning fractions and a short test afterwards to see how you studied. I have been cracking down on that website to the point my eyes bog out of my head -LOL-

Koss, just soldier on and apply again three months down the road. I'm sure that once you do some more practice, you'll be able to do some more trades.
Spazz said:
hmmm, mines schedualed for dec. 5th. Well it sounds like you didn't prepare yourslef enough. i don't think its going to be easy, nor should anyone think that about anything. But anyways all the best, only 3 months out of approxamitley 960 of your life right?

heh, i was under the impression that you weren't supposed to really study or anything for it.  i didn't and i passed, although i really struggled with the spatial, that was hard, but i'm not aware of anything you can really do to develop that, either way in hind sight i would have studied a little bit more for some of the math parts cause you don't get a calculator and i forgot how to do long devision(damn calculators spoiling me).
Grunthor said:
heh, i was under the impression that you weren't supposed to really study or anything for it.   i didn't and i passed, although i really struggled with the spatial, that was hard, but i'm not aware of anything you can really do to develop that, either way in hind sight i would have studied a little bit more for some of the math parts cause you don't get a calculator and i forgot how to do long devision(damn calculators spoiling me).

I haven't been in school for years. I studied for the test with online tests and had some co-workers take them too so I could compare where I was within my 'peer' group.

My advice, koss, is to do some online studies, search google for 'employment tests' or 'aptitude tests' You'll find some good ones. Also check out the other threads on here that relate to that, there are some very good links on there.

Ask your recruiter to get the link to the CF practice test, I know there is one because my recruiter sent it to me.

If this is what you really want for your future, then don't give up on yourself. Ask your recruiter what areas you were weak in and then concentrate on them. Good luck.
Glorified Ape said:
I didn't think you could fail the aptitude test... I stand corrected.   :o

That came out wrong and sounded worse. What I meant to say was that I thought the aptitude test was a gauge of which trade a person would fit well in, and thus not a pass/fail affair. My apologies for the poorly thought-out statement - it was both insensitive and stupid.

I know how crappy it feels to be turned away, as I was when I first applied out of highschool (not only turned away but with a 1-year ban from application). Just get back on the horse and give it another shot when you feel you're ready - that's what I did and, after ANOTHER 1-year ban after my second application, I finally got in. Do what you can to prepare, NavComm offered some good suggestions, and then give it another shot. I'm sure you'll have no difficulty passing it on your second go.
Glorified Ape said:
I know how crappy it feels to be turned away, as I was when I first applied out of highschool (not only turned away but with a 1-year ban from application). Just get back on the horse and give it another shot when you feel you're ready - that's what I did and, after ANOTHER 1-year ban after my second application, I finally got in.
What did you do to get those two one-year bans? Kudos on your tenacity.
Check out this link for CFAT?

Any comments?

waste if money. Just look at the advice available on the forums and the practice links and you will be fine. Just brush up on math and vocab
-- quote --
waste if money. Just look at the advice available on the forums and the practice links and you will be fine. Just brush up on math and vocab
-- quote --

Thats true!

There's many free online test!

Practice Test for the Graduate Recruitment Test

General Competency Test: Level 2 Practice Test

Office Skills Test Practice Test: Information
(Sub-test 1, 2, and 4)

I just threw it out there for anybody and everybody to view,

just to see if any people had personal experience(s) good or bad with the program.

I might do it when I join up , I had better see if my Dad would go for it!
I think it is something that one might consider if they did poor on the CFAT the first time and had to retake it. It might be very helpful in that situation. Otherwise you would probably be wasting your money, it isn't the GRE or SAT exams you know.
Don't be fooled - even if this was identical to the CFAT, you still will not be able to answer the actual CFAT questions without having a solid base or knowledge. Save your money.

NOTHING can prepare you for the CFAT better than a high school education. Honestly.

Relax, manage your time and you will do fine.

Good luck.
You're not suppose to be prepared for it.. I did it myself 3 weeks ago the best way is to just go random and be sharp.
Errr, because solving math problems are something that you don't learn and just know, right? Of course you can and should practice before taking the test to get the best score you possibly can.

        I have recently stumbled across this website and have found it to be  an excellent resource of information. Thank you to everyone who has contributed either the stories of their experience in applying to the CF, and to those of you who have answered questions in this thread that I have wondered about myself.

        I am applying under the ROTP program for Pilot. My application has been handed in and I have January 10th booked as the date for my physical, medical, CFAT and interview. It's a good thing I found this thread because it has opened my eyes to the fact that the math portion of the test may not be the joke I thought it was going to be. Although I have taken University level calculus courses and had honor roll marks in all my math classes in highschool, it has been a couple years since I have practiced any of it.

        I have attained a grade 10 math textbook from my younger brother who is still in high school, and have been practicing the online  preperation applitude tests. I have also ordered a GED Math workbook from amazon.com and plan on going through that before the exam. Though I am sure the test will not be outrageously difficult, I plan on being as prepared as possible; when I want something as much as I want this I need to be sure I have done everything in my power to be ready.

      I wanted to ask a question about the required performance for Pilot applications; would it be on par with other officer career options or higher. Am I correct in believing it would be below the required score for say, an engineer profession?

                    So I'll be around the boards, and if there are any pilots out there who feel like talking a bit about their career I would appreciate a PM.

              I'll let y'all know how my CFAT goes along with the rest of my application process! Wish me luck!
I wanted to ask a question about the required performance for Pilot applications; would it be on par with other officer career options or higher. Am I correct in believing it would be below the required score for say, an engineer profession?

All officer applicants must meet the same CFAT minimum score regardless of the occupation they are applying for except for Aerospace Control Officer.