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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Se7eN
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Just to reiterate what a few others have written here. My personal belief is that if you feel that you need to study for an aptitude test, you are probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I recently re-wrote my aptitude test and aced it. The last time I wrote it was in 1981!!

The bottom line is don't worry too much about it, after all it is not a MENSA test, nor does it require you to split the atom or anything like that. The questions are geared towards approximately grade 9 material in high school and some good old fashioned common sense. My demolitions safety test, now that was a little harder, but not that much.
:cdn: ok  here is my situation. i did the aptitude test and failed. waited 3 months to do the test again when i called the cfrc they told me that theyhave noticed that i have had previous service in the past, now the only thing with that is that i was in the army cadets like 10yrs ago (CGG) i want to know why does that still matter? and if it does matter, how does it turn in my favor?   

small tip for those who failed tha apptiude test ( math part) cheak this link i found.
codeblue said:
:cdn: ok   here is my situation. i did the aptitude test and failed. waited 3 months to do the test again when i called the cfrc they told me that theyhave noticed that i have had previous service in the past, now the only thing with that is that i was in the army cadets like 10yrs ago (CGG) i want to know why does that still matter? and if it does matter, how does it turn in my favor?      

small tip for those who failed tha apptiude test ( math part) cheak this link i found.

Call and asked them.

I should get paid extra for this. :P
I'm going to aply for the reserves for thsi summer. I'm wondering if any of you are in the reserves and could give ma a brief overview
Ryan Hill said:
I'm going to aply for the reserves for thsi summer. I'm wondering if any of you are in the reserves and could give ma a brief overview

Search and spellcheck and search and spellcheck.
Se7eN said:
   Well I feel like a right moron right now. I just failed my CFAT. I cannot belive it actually. I have a 92% avg in English and a 78% in math. When I was given the practice problems it said it would be a simple test and I was informed there would be no real need to study. But I failed and I am real confused, anyone else had this problem or am I unique? It seemed the practice questions I was given were not even representitive of the test.  :(

i Filed mine too i have a 91 in english and a 86 in math  ??? that test is crazy :rage:[flash=200,200][/flash]
the CFAT is not a crazy test at all, if you review before you take it, you should do well.  It has been said that if you study for the CFAT you are not the sharpest knife, but for any test it is always good to have a review. There have been many suggestions on other tests to look at before doing the CFAT in this thread, did you have look at any of them.  I live in math every day( engineer technologist, working in research and development), but I had to work on doing math without my PC.  There is no shame in reviewing and being prepared.

good luck when you rewrite.
Hi folks, I have applied for Regular NCM and I have passed the CFAT back in august (2005/08/29).

Does anybody know (maybe kincanucks) the minimal CFAT result for MOC 226, 227, 291! (I'm just curious!)

During the CFAT, we were about nine candidates in the room. At the end the test, the Cpl. ask everyone to leave the room except me and another people who applied for DEO. The Cpl. congratulated us! He doesn't give us our scores, he just tell us that we have an excellent score.

Here in QC (CFRC QC), I (the candidate) have to fill a Personal Information Request Form if I really want to know my CFAT result.

By the way, does anybody know (maybe kincanucks) the average CFAT score!

Quebec City
From other posts, it seems as though, for officers, our scores are considered relative to other candidates.  So, if the CFAT is like other aptitude tests, we produce a raw score and then are placed relative to others based on that raw score.  I.e.

Verbal Test: 60th percentile - say x for raw score
Numerical Test: 55th percentile - say y for raw score
Spatial Test: 40th percentile - say z for raw score

Overall: 52nd percentile

Therefore, there would be 48% of all other officer candidates with a higher overall score.  I think this makes sense ... however, I am not a recruiter and I took the test a long time ago.
Does anybody know (maybe kincanucks) the minimal CFAT result for MOC 226, 227, 291! (I'm just curious!)

You need a minimum total score of 30/60.

In my CFRC/D I would guess that the average CFAT score is around 35 or 36.  As for the national average, who knows.

I just recently rewrote my CFAT because the AEC realm require a minimum score which I was one under the first time I wrote it... I personally am not aware of anyone who failed the test... In high school or otherwise and I know some people who... Well... They're not the sharpest crayon in the box... However the practice questions I suppose tell one what TYPE of questions not soo much the calibre of those questions.  Don't Sweat It!
Actually, I found that the practice questions were pretty representative of the calibre of questions you will face. The only reason you might have more difficulty is the number of questions... as they just kind of blend together after you've seen 30 of them.
Se7eN said:
   Well I feel like a right moron right now. I just failed my CFAT. I cannot belive it actually. I have a 92% avg in English and a 78% in math. When I was given the practice problems it said it would be a simple test and I was informed there would be no real need to study. But I failed and I am real confused, anyone else had this problem or am I unique? It seemed the practice questions I was given were not even representitive of the test.  :(
where  and how would I get a appl and print it off so I can send it in?
Take the time and read this Thread....all the info is here....besides, you can not print off the test and fill it out at home and take it in....You will do that at the Recruiting Centre under controlled conditions.
going into the test, i had my doubts in failing it because i know some smart people that said they failed, but passed the second time when they werent high.

when i was doing the test, the only part that got to me was the english, and i usually got 80's in english in school, and i saw some words there that i never even knew were words. but i passed, so i crapped my pants then moved on.
Hello everyone out there, i gave it my shot and just so you know, the appitute test is a lot harder then  you might think, i just did it and i was unsuccessful, i have to wait now 3 months before the rewrite
failed math even though i studied for it, all well not much one can do, :cdn:
Hello everyone out there, i gave it my shot and just so you know, the appitute test is a lot harder then  you might think, i just did it and i was unsuccessful, i have to wait now 3 months before the rewrite

"a lot harder than you might think"

I know exactly how hard it is, I've done it. Its not hard at all.
koss78a said:
the appitute test is a lot harder then  you might think

Forgotten_Hero said:
Its not hard at all.

And these comments at two ends of the spectrum only serve to emphasize that it is an individual challenge, taken by an intellectually diverse segment of society.

Now, unless the two of you are willing to trade detailed comments on scholastic backgrounds, grades, and academic interests both in and out of school in order to establish the basis of a spectrum of comparison for others, then this discission is, well, rather academic.
hmmm, mines schedualed for dec. 5th. Well it sounds like you didn't prepare yourslef enough. i don't think its going to be easy, nor should anyone think that about anything. But anyways all the best, only 3 months out of approxamitley 960 of your life right?