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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Se7eN
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Hey everyone.

I recently completed my CFAT and I completed it with about an hour to spare and scored above average on all components, specifically the spatial component, I was told I got a perfect score on it. If anyone needs some help regarding how to prep for it, and how to study please feel free to DM me, I know there are sites and tutors that charge money etc, I definitely would want no money for any of this, I am more than happy to help anyone for free that requires assistance or tutoring. Feel free to dm me :)
Call me impressed, you must be a savant if you managed to ace a 60-minute test with an hour to spare  :whistle:
winds_13 said:
Call me impressed, you must be a savant if you managed to ace a 60-minute test with an hour to spare  :whistle:

Not sure what you are trying to get at? The test was 1.5 hours, that was the allotted time given to us. Not sure the objective of your response when I am offering to assist people that need assistance? Does your response offer any value? Not really - so I'm not sure why you took the time make a smart ass remark, insinuating that I'm lying. Please, refrain from childish remarks, especially when someone is offering to help individuals seeking help. Unless you are willing to do the same, please abstain from making such remarks. For your information sir, we were given 1.5 hours, test was started at 12pm, we were given until 1:30pm to complete the test. Thank you for your reply though.
EpicBeardedMan said:
Creed, your teeth called, your breath stinks. Boom. Roasted.

I'm not sure why he made that "roasted" post. It's so childish. I can promise you we started the test at 12pm and were given till 1:30pm, I did google right now CFAT test time and it even says 45mins on some sites, but for sure we were given 1.5 hours, he can feel free to contact Toronto Detachment and ask how much time we were given on January 15th? I am only trying to give assistance, and don't even want anything for it and right away I get attacked, especially on the computer. This is what kills me about today's society, here we are on the Canadian Armed Forces forums, where we are supposed to be working towards becoming soldiers, or are already soldiers - protecting our people, country etc, and working together, and I get attacked for offering assistance. I wonder if these guys even did the test themselves or are a part of the CAF. All I'm trying to do is help my fellow friends on here that want help, and there are people that want help, just as I want help in other aspects. Ah well, it is what it is I guess.

Mod edit: removal of name.
Right guys, back on track, please.

Scott said:
Right guys, back on track, please.


My sincerest apologies, and extremely stupid and amateur of me to compromise personal information, I should know better. Warning acknowledged.
Just a question about the CFAT, if someome is already in the reg Force in trade X, re writes the CFAT test but scores LOWER than the minimum trade requirement, does he have to OT?

hey im sorry if this has been asked multiple times in this thread, but, I wrote my aptitude test twice in 2007. after speaking with the pso a couple weeks ago he informed me I would have to upgrade highschool credits in order to rewrite the CFAT now. its been 10 years. wondering if anyone has been able to rewrite after that long without upgrading? Thanks a lot!
jofafa said:
Just a question about the CFAT, if someome is already in the reg Force in trade X, re writes the CFAT test but scores LOWER than the minimum trade requirement, does he have to OT?

I have never heard of that happening.  The CFAT is really geared towards NCM Occupations and really it's in place to determine whether you will pass the QL3/DP1 course.  If you've already done that I don't see why the CAF would force you to OT...

knawktwice said:
hey im sorry if this has been asked multiple times in this thread, but, I wrote my aptitude test twice in 2007. after speaking with the pso a couple weeks ago he informed me I would have to upgrade highschool credits in order to rewrite the CFAT now. its been 10 years. wondering if anyone has been able to rewrite after that long without upgrading? Thanks a lot!
Generally a third attempt at the CFAT is only given if you can prove that you've done academic upgrading.  Anything past a 1st attempt at the CFAT is up to the discretion of the PSO in the CFRC's as they're the ones who approve the CFAT Waiver.  A failed third attempt is the last attempt at the CFAT, there is no 4th attempt so that is why normally only those that have done academic upgrading are allowed to do the test a 3rd time.
knawktwice said:
hey im sorry if this has been asked multiple times in this thread, but, I wrote my aptitude test twice in 2007. after speaking with the pso a couple weeks ago he informed me I would have to upgrade highschool credits in order to rewrite the CFAT now. its been 10 years. wondering if anyone has been able to rewrite after that long without upgrading? Thanks a lot!

Please capitalize where appropriate in future. You used to do that.

Hi Guys,

I contacted my local recruiting center last week to give them an update on setting up a 3rd CFAT attempt for infantry officer. I have a BA degree but never hit the mark for officer level. I was told that there have been “policy changes” and to apply for infantry officer again. Does anybody know what these policy changes are? This is a game changer for those with degrees who didn’t hit the officer mark on the CFAT.
IIRC the new policy is that DEO applicants don't need to pass the CFAT. Regardless of their score, the file is processed and sent to selections (after the regular interview, medical, etc).

However I wouldn't expect to have a competitive file without a passing CFAT score.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

dapaterson said:
CFAT is only disregarded if (a) you're a skilled NCM applicant - that is, you have a diploma or certification relevant to your selected military occupation or (b) you're a DEO with one of the preferred degrees for your selected occupation.

If you're an unskilled applicant or ROTP applicant, CFAT is still used to qualify you for occupational choices.

Can anyone confirm this ? I have had a PLAR approved for my trade and im wondering if my CFAT score is worth another look as my mcc said it was average. On the other hand.. If it's not being looked at since I have training in my trade..

So I did my CFAT and I passed for all my trades that I applied for(Int O,Log O, Armor O). Though i'm just curious on the opinions on the verbal section on the test. As the questions don't really give you a way to figure out the meaning of a word like you would get in school test. So it mostly comes down to simple knowledge of the language your test is in. I remember a question where the word on it was so ridiculous. That I decided to write it down and memorize it if I finished early. Just so i could search it up in a dictionary. It wasn't even in Websters dictionary and I had to google it. The word was something that you could not derive from other languages or latin or anything easily. As far as I know unless you compete in spelling bee's you would not know what the word is. Have any of you guys gotten questions that hard on the verbal? Do you think its reasonable? The only purpose i think a question like that would be to see how long you do it. E.g. does applicant take too long on a question that is clearly impossible.
noahjsc said:
So I did my CFAT and I passed for all my trades that I applied for(Int O,Log O, Armor O). Though i'm just curious on the opinions on the verbal section on the test. As the questions don't really give you a way to figure out the meaning of a word like you would get in school test. So it mostly comes down to simple knowledge of the language your test is in. I remember a question where the word on it was so ridiculous. That I decided to write it down and memorize it if I finished early. Just so i could search it up in a dictionary. It wasn't even in Websters dictionary and I had to google it. The word was something that you could not derive from other languages or latin or anything easily. As far as I know unless you compete in spelling bee's you would not know what the word is. Have any of you guys gotten questions that hard on the verbal? Do you think its reasonable? The only purpose i think a question like that would be to see how long you do it. E.g. does applicant take too long on a question that is clearly impossible.

There is an actual strategy to answering questions like that. However I would like to remind you that you are not supposed to discuss the content of what is actually in your CFAT.
noahjsc said:
So I did my CFAT and I passed for all my trades that I applied for(Int O,Log O, Armor O). Though i'm just curious on the opinions on the verbal section on the test. As the questions don't really give you a way to figure out the meaning of a word like you would get in school test. So it mostly comes down to simple knowledge of the language your test is in. I remember a question where the word on it was so ridiculous. That I decided to write it down and memorize it if I finished early. Just so i could search it up in a dictionary. It wasn't even in Websters dictionary and I had to google it. The word was something that you could not derive from other languages or latin or anything easily. As far as I know unless you compete in spelling bee's you would not know what the word is. Have any of you guys gotten questions that hard on the verbal? Do you think its reasonable? The only purpose i think a question like that would be to see how long you do it. E.g. does applicant take too long on a question that is clearly impossible.

The verbal section is not easy, nor is it meant to be. They don't expect everybody to even finish, let alone get them all right.

Having said, the words that appear on the test are real, and are not meant to be "impossible" at all. It's meant to test your vocabulary, and there are no trick questions. The verbal section on some other standardised tests are even more difficult e.g GRE. 
JP4422 said:
There is an actual strategy to answering questions like that. However I would like to remind you that you are not supposed to discuss the content of what is actually in your CFAT.

I've reviewed the post a couple times before making my reply; please note that the poster did not actually discuss what was on the CFAT beyond what is already public knowledge.  It is public knowledge that the CFAT is designed up of three parts: (1) math; (2) spatial; and (3) verbal.  The poster didn't give the word that he was presented with as such didn't break any rules.

Seanadams said:
Can anyone confirm this ? I have had a PLAR approved for my trade and im wondering if my CFAT score is worth another look as my mcc said it was average. On the other hand.. If it's not being looked at since I have training in my trade..

The way that the policy is written is as follows:
(1) RegF DEO applicants that meet the Entry Standard requirements are not required to meet the minimum CFAT officer cut-off score requirement;
(2) RegF applications for SCP, OVOTP, officer applicants to M Plans and NCM SEELM applicants possessing the eligible/relevant degree are not required to meet the minimum CFAT cut-off score.  However UTPNCM, ROTP and NCM Applicants to M Plans will be required to meet the minimum prerequisite;
(3) PRes (Army, Navy & Air Forces) and foreign skilled applicants to the Reg or PRes are not required to writ the CFAT upon enrolment;
(4) CFR nominees are not required to meet the CFAT officer cut-off score requirement;
(5) RegF/PRes applicants possessing diplomas that meet the requirements as per the NCM-STEP RegF Military Occupation List, and all Skilled applicants are not required to meet the minimum CFAT cut-off score for the desired NCM MOSID; and
(6) With the exception of the NCM-STEP MOSIDs and NCM Skilled applicants, the CFAT cut-off scores are still in effect for both in-service and out-service NCM occupations.

What this means is that unless you're joining an NCM occupation that has an NCM-STEP entry standard that you still have to complete & pass the CFAT; if you are applying for an occupation that has NCM-STEP entry standard you must have the diploma that matches the occupation (i.e. just having experience in the occupation doesn't cease the CFAT requirement).

Please note that although it's not required to "pass" the CFAT anymore (for the situations above) that it is still a competition / selection process.  What this means is that even though it's no longer required to meet the minimum cut-off score anymore, the following could apply: if only 10 positions are being hired this year and there are 20 people who've scored above the cut-off and 10 people who haven't scored above the cut-off, the reality is that those have haven't score above likely will not receive an offer of employment.