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Canadian Club Whisky in Australia


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Well, to my suprise a 40 lb'r of CC (unblended Cdn style) is going for AUD$39. So bough this along with a 2L cask of red wine.

Also premixes like CC & Cola in a 375ml tin, and CC & Dry in a 375ml tin or bottle.

Has Canada got these premixes yet, and is $39 a good go for 1.14L of CC?

What would you pay for such?

NTF: All booze shops are pretty much under the monoply of Australia's two supermarket chains (Cole's and Woolworth's). Government control is not existant shy of taxes.

When in the UAE, I paid USD$13 for a 1L bottle of Lamb's Navy Rum (dark). Thats was at the airport, and it would be cheaper on the outside.

Thats was cheap. In Baghdad, we paid under USD$30 for for a slab (24) of 500ml Heinikens.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Has Canada got these premixes yet, and is $39 a good go for 1.14L of CC?

What would you pay for such?
Well, just the other day in good 'ole Saskatchewan;)
Managed to get a bottle (1.14l) of CC for the low low price of 35+tax and enviro, so it looks like you got an OK deal.
As for those mixes, have never seen them unless they were DIYers.
One thing I like about shopping is the price marked is what you pay, no added taxes, and no pennies, all rounded off to the nearest 5 cents.

The premixes are canned or bottled, at the factory, with CC labels on them with either cola or ginger ale. They are nice, and have caught on well. They also come with Jim Beam, and JD, Johnnie Walker, Cougar whisky, and of course Bindy Rum, plus a host of others.
Wesley  Down Under said:
One thing I like about shopping is the price marked is what you pay, no added taxes, and no pennies, all rounded off to the nearest 5 cents.

The premixes are canned or bottled, at the factory, with CC labels on them with either cola or ginger ale. They are nice, and have caught on well. They also come with Jim Beam, and JD, Johnnie Walker, Cougar whisky, and of course Bindy Rum, plus a host of others.

A 40 goes for about 34- 35 bucks here in Ontario. I wish we had those premixes though, I could drink rye and gingers all day long.
Cougar whiskey?

So that's what the ladies drink!  :D
From the LCBO site, for Ontario;

LCBO 125 | 1140 mL bottle

Price: $ 33.35
Limited Time Offer
Was: $ 34.35
Now: $ 33.35
Save: $ 1.00
Until Apr 27, 2008

It's about right, if they added a bit for shipping.

As for the pre-mixes haven't seen any as of yet in the store I go to.


I kind of miss having a Bundy now and then.  Is there even anything like a Bundenberg rum and coke premix in Canada?
KingKikapu said:
I kind of miss having a Bundy now and then.  Is there even anything like a Bundenberg rum and coke premix in Canada?

Import it! You wont regret it. ;D
Mr Haleist of Hales,

Lately I have been buying two 700ml bottles for $50 at.... you guessed it - Liqour Land here on the island.

I see you've been on leave and the rumour net tells me there has been copious amounts of horizontal refreshement (either that or someone had a lassie dog in the shacks. The walls have ears, ha!

EDIT: See ya the medals parade for 0720h.

Time for a hot bath, but no CC tonight - ran out of ginger ale :(

Happy days,


all those pre-mixed cans you've been talking about makes me home sick. i've been looking for those for the 5 years i've been here. i miss the good old op bundy and coke mix, although i did manage to find a place in vancouver that does sell bundy rum now so can't complain too much.
Bundy & coke premixed in a can

Living in Bermuda we'd have cans of "dark & stormy" - same size as a can of Coke but a premix of Jamaican rum & cola...

played hell with the kids in school - at one point teachers were searching the kids lunch bags at school - confiscating the booze
I remember back in 2001 (i believe) CC came out with premixed 350 mL bottles of CC & Ginger (they marketed it as CC&G) but I haven't seen it since.
Overwatch Downunder said:
I see you've been on leave and the rumour net tells me there has been copious amounts of horizontal refreshement (either that or someone had a lassie dog in the shacks. The walls have ears, ha

I'm on guard, so no medal parade for me, not till next week and my four year medal but...
The...cough, refreshment... that went on in the shacks last weekend was fuelled by Jim Beam and Bundy... in a can!
All i can say is that it was frankly brilliant.
I'm a big fan of the pre-mixed but the new tax has made it financially unviable to drink them lest i want to spend $80 on 24cans of bundy or what ever ridiculous price it is now. 
Sheerin said:
I remember back in 2001 (i believe) CC came out with premixed 350 mL bottles of CC & Ginger (they marketed it as CC&G) but I haven't seen it since.

It was making people sick.
I had an allergic reaction to it.  After about 18 of them, my vision got blurry, speech was slurred, and gravity became much harder to deal with.  After 24, I got nauseous, incoherent, and eventually unconscious.