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Canadian Civilians Fighting ISIS (including threats to YPG)

I can imagine the FB for the McKenzie-Pappion Brigade would start out like this if the had FB in the 1930's
Sigs Pig said:
From About The 1st
"...the 1st NAEF has no specific national association"
But he wears two flags...


That looks like it could open up a whole can of worms...

Although I doubt anything prevents that from being worn.
If I was them I be buying a whole whack of Chinese Optics, you can give a bunch of guys optics for the price of one North American built(branded at least) one. Plus the Chinese don't GAS about end use certificates.
Colin P said:
I can imagine the FB for the McKenzie-Pappion Brigade would start out like this if the had FB in the 1930's

Let no nit ever go unpicked ...  ;)

It was the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, named for:


Cheers!  :subbies:
I remember to call you when my daughters get another head lice infestation  ;D (This is where I learned the true meaning of nit-picking)

thanks for the correction
that dude needs to remove the Canada flag patch. I don't give a rat fuck if his Daddy's an MP, or if he is former CF, he is not over there representing this country or his citizenship, he is simply over there for his own idealism. That  flag patch worn on a combat uniform is symbolism of the Canadian Forces that are currently serving their country, and not for those serving their own ego. If he wants to wear a patch, the most historically appropriate is the skull and cross bones, for he is in it for himself and perhaps for the thrill (I doubt there is much rum, booty or treasure over there).
whiskey601 said:
that dude needs to remove the Canada flag patch. I don't give a rat frig if his Daddy's an MP, or if he is former CF, he is not over there representing this country or his citizenship, he is simply over there for his own idealism. That  flag patch worn on a combat uniform is symbolism of the Canadian Forces that are currently serving their country, and not for those serving their own ego. If he wants to wear a patch, the most historically appropriate is the skull and cross bones, for he is in it for himself and perhaps for the thrill (I doubt there is much rum, booty or treasure over there).
He should keep that flag and wear it with pride,  seeing as how he's over there putting his life on the line fighting against a group of scumbags. Which is more than 99 percent of the Canadian Armed Forces can say.  At least he's doing something.
Altair said:
He should keep that flag and wear it with pride,  seeing as how he's over there putting his life on the line fighting against a group of scumbags. Which is more than 99 percent of the Canadian Armed Forces can say.  At least he's doing something.

Hey ***** quite a few members of this forum,  let alone the forces,  have put their time in "fighting scumbags".  There is even a list of forum members who didn't come home.  Why don't you simmer down.  Better yet why don't you hop on a plane and go yourself.
Jarnhamar said:
Hey dip crap quite a few members of this forum,  let alone the forces,  have put their time in "fighting scumbags".  There is even a list of forum members who didn't come home.  Why don't you simmer down.  Better yet why don't you hop on a plane and go yourself.
My comment is directed at the current situation in the CAF,  not years past.  I have great respect is for those who went over to Afghanistan and the many who didn't return. But currently 99 percent of the CAF sits around in Canada, not over in Iraq or Syria fighting a group who beheads journalists,  aid workers,  kurds and anyone who doesn't subscribe to their twisted form of Islam.

Hiller is fighting this current group of scum,  as he fought the last group,  which is better than what 99 percent of CURRENT military  members are doing(for free I might add).  In my opinion he can wear whatever damn flag he wants as long as he's shooting at the zehaf-bibeaus of the world. It's not like the Canadian army is going to.
Altair said:
.... 99 percent of the CAF sits around in Canada, not over in Iraq or Syria fighting a group who beheads journalists,  aid workers,  kurds and anyone who doesn't subscribe to their twisted form of Islam.  Hiller is fighting this current group of scum,  as he fought the last group,  which is better than what 99 percent of CURRENT military members are doing (for free I might add).  In my opinion he can wear whatever damn flag he wants as long as he's shooting at the zehaf-bibeaus of the world. It's not like the Canadian army is going to.
1)  According to what I hear, "Canada" is helping in the fight.
2)  Assuming you're in the CF (based on your previous posts), if you're that unhappy being in a military that's not meeting your expectations, or if you're unhappy working in a military that ultimately takes its instructions from civilian elected officials, ever consider other options?
There is a difference between a backpacker in europe sewing a maple leaf flag on their gear, and fighting while wearing the national colours. You only get to do the latter while fighting on behalf of the national government.
He is a Canadian Citizen choosing to fight scumbags on his own time who have threatened Canada with physical harm and as I recall a Veteran who served in the sandbox as well. As far as I am concerned he has earned the right to wear it and if happens that he kills some of those scumbags while wearing it, all the better. It's a free country more or less. People joining up foreign militaries or organizations to fight bad guys without official sanction is a long tradition. 
It's probably the only IR marker he has. Anything to help.

It's not the wearing of it, but the comments of a wet behind the ears poster, that I took offence to.
1st North American Expeditionary Force
A non profit organization under CRA 912409-8

What they are : a group of veterans
What they do: They are setting up processes, international connections  and whatever support they can  for those veterans, volunteering , paying their own way and  "Planning to go and fight ISIS anyway" without knowing how to go about it in the safest way.
THE goal reduce the risk to these brave veterans in whatever way possible and provide support to them as much as possible.
They deter and security screen for "adventurists" for  lack of a more descriptive word.  Those with out the proper skill set. 

Please do your research ..reach out to them. They will respond. within OPSEC  and PERSEC  boundaries. 

Or Ask me..I will answer you.

