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Canadian Civilians Fighting ISIS (including threats to YPG)

I can only imagine they're getting a lot of donations, I wonder what they have in place if anything to help return wounded members or bodies.
jollyjacktar said:
He is just towing the party line , did you honestly expect him to publicly say anything different?
If he had said don't join the kurds and left it at that I would have had no issue. But to tack on join the Canadian forces to fight Daesh knowing full well that the army isn't going anywhere reeks of dishonesty.

Just my 2 cents
Altair said:
If he had said don't join the kurds and left it at that I would have had no issue. But to tack on join the Canadian forces to fight Daesh knowing full well that the army isn't going anywhere reeks of dishonesty.

Just my 2 cents

The Army is doing their bit by training the Kurds with CSOR.  The RCAF is doing their bit with the air campaign.  There is no dishonesty in his comments. 

You're just unhappy that you're not hearing what you want to hear with the tempo of operations in theatre and that is not his call, it's the government's.
and to be fair joining the army now means it's unlikely to be involved in this fight directly. The CSOR guys likely all have 10+ years under their belt, a select few pilots get to the pointy end of the stick, but supported by a large group to arm, fuel, direct and maintain the aircraft. So if someone wanted to fight them directly, joining the Canadian Forces is a unlikely way to do so and with little or no say where you go. The current tactical situation is going to be decided in the next few years if not sooner. So joining the Kurds is a very quick way into the fight, but likely they need people that bring unique skillsets they lack as opposed to untrained foot solider. 
Colin P said:
and to be fair joining the army now means it's unlikely to be involved in this fight directly. The CSOR guys likely all have 10+ years under their belt, a select few pilots get to the pointy end of the stick, but supported by a large group to arm, fuel, direct and maintain the aircraft. So if someone wanted to fight them directly, joining the Canadian Forces is a unlikely way to do so and with little or no say where you go. The current tactical situation is going to be decided in the next few years if not sooner. So joining the Kurds is a very quick way into the fight, but likely they need people that bring unique skillsets they lack as opposed to untrained foot solider.

All parties involved have no trouble filling their ranks with people willing to fight; however, fighting and fighting well are too very different things.  Fighting well isn't something any of the regional parties involved are well known for. 

The Kurds should do what the Croats did in 1995 and pay a company like MPRI to come in and "advise" them.  After all it worked for the Croatian Army and allowed them to retake the Krajina region during Operation Storm.
newshooter said:
I'm new to this forum. I'm from Calgary and I'm spreading the word for 1NAEF and Dillon Hillier.

Our friend Dillon is asking us to crowd-fund for night vision goggles. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/night-vision-goggles-for-dillon-hillier

Follow the link and read his story. Cheers.

Hate to say it, but this does not say much for 1NAEF.  Fine.  Dillon Hillier went off to fight ISIL, as did a few others.  Question is: "Who funded their travel, outfitting with kit, and wages?  1NAEF?  Or was it all out of their own pockets?  What is the popular sentiment towards donating money to an organization like 1NAEF that probably has no status as such in the eyes of CRA?  Should 1NAEF not be the ones responsible for kitting these individuals, not someone asking for donations on the internet?  Next question will come some time in the near future as to whom will be covering the medical bills for any individuals injured or even killed while off on this enterprise?  Does 1NAEF have any form of insurance policy to cover casualties among those they send off to foreign lands?  These people will not be covered by the Canadian Government as they will not qualify under legislation that would have Veterans Affairs take care of them. 

Sorry, but to put it bluntly; the optics of this is really BAD.

Still a 1-man expeditionary force?

naef's facebook says they are recieving all kinds of donations, how come they aren't providing their guy NVGs?  I've noticed they are quite fast at deleting questions on their FB page.
Have to agree with George.  Where will it end?  Boots? Weapons? paid vacation? I'm leery about a crowd funding endeavour that directly funds and equips fighters and armed conflict that are not our own troops.  I donate to charities involving our own men and women in uniform.

While I wish mr hillier all the best in his chosen path, one that I support in principle but cannot support with funds. 
Jarnhamar said:
Still a 1-man expeditionary force?

naef's facebook says they are recieving all kinds of donations, how come they aren't providing their guy NVGs?  I've noticed they are quite fast at deleting questions on their FB page.

You do know how bad that sounds:

1 man actually in country fighting.

1NAEF just a front for a possible scam artist.

That is my initial suspicions from your statement. 
George Wallace said:
You do know how bad that sounds:

1 man actually in country fighting.

1NAEF just a front for a possible scam artist.

That is my initial suspicions from your statement.

I neither support nor have any firsthand knowledge of what these guys are up to.

My understanding is that this "organization" is hashing together international airfare and an address book for folks to hook up with the peshmerga. I doubt they even manage most of the former. These guys'll find themselves with some local qm for a unit of irregulars for whatever gear they either didn't bring or got stolen from them between A and B.

I doubt that it's an effective way to help anybody, but it doesn't scream "scam" to me.

I wish this guy the best, but I won't put cash in his kickstarter.
Well......When I read or hear things like this:

I've noticed they are quite fast at deleting questions on their FB page.

I begin to think that things are not completely on the up and up. 

But that could be only me.

The group NAEF may be legitimate but that doesn't mean it's not a perfect set up for tons of scams to use them to take advantage of people.

Nathan Cirillo's body wasn't even cold before scam artists started making fake fund-raising accounts "for his family".

Not that they will however practically speaking NAEF is in a great position to take advantage of a hell of a lot of soldiers, ex-soldiers and citizens.  People on facebook are begging them to take their money and these people have no idea who NAEF is besides a facebook page.
Kat Stevens said:
How does one become a "former veteran"?

If you are referring to my post; they don't.  I am talking about Veterans Affairs taking care of Veterans who have been in the Canadian Armed Forces and any injuries they may have incurred in the Service of Canada; NOT anyone who as a civilian or former member of the CAF (Veteran) who has embarked on an "adventure" to fight in the service of a foreign power.  They may be a "veteran" still, but Veterans Affairs Canada has no responsibility to care for anyone who while in the service of another nation or government becomes injured or incapacitated while doing so, even if they are Canadians and may have once served in the CAF.

I could use the example of Canadians who have left to serve in the FFL, some of whom were former members of the CAF.  Veterans Affairs has no responsibility to give them coverage or aid for any injuries suffered while in the FFL.
It is the thread title. "Former Veteran"

Once you are a veteran, I think the only way to earn the qualifier "former" would be by dying.
MCG said:
It is the thread title. "Former Veteran"

Once you are a veteran, I think the only way to earn the qualifier "former" would be by dying.

There ya go, hoofbeats = horses most of the time.