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Canadian Army Prohibits Purchase of Commercial Kit

It was just a general comment on the state of things. Not the complaints.
Why not make the order simple this is the approved list private purchase kit from it is allowed there is no need for the at Com'd discretion addition.
Things such as helmet pads are proven technology, do not permanently alter the helmet, and are out of sight. So whats the problem with them, put them on the approved list. Canadian Forces should be looking at what our allies are using ie. OTW shirts we are the only country not using them officially yet, why not investigate them for quality and standards of protection then put them on the list.
Com'd should be looking after the welfare of the troops instead of worrying so much about how they look.
As before SSDD.
Infanteer said:
Should we talk about the pay 15 years ago?

We don't need to because that's been fixed, too (some would even argue too much [while in Canada, anyway]).

As for the beginning of your post, I wasn't making reference to LGen Leslie's order or what units were allowed to buy so much as countering the endless stream of guys who will gripe about kit no matter what the CF gives them, how much is costs, or how much better is than what Country X has.
Petamocto said:
We don't need to because that's been fixed, too (some would even argue too much [while in Canada, anyway]).

As for the beginning of your post, I wasn't making reference to LGen Leslie's order or what units were allowed to buy so much as countering the endless stream of guys who will gripe about kit no matter what the CF gives them, how much is costs, or how much better is than what Country X has.

Exactly - maybe I wasn't clear, but I was agreeing with your post.  There is many complaints these days, but those who remember the pay, equipment and training from the 90s know how well we have it today.  The fact that the Tacvest is the biggest cause for concern is a good thing.
Canadian (todays rates)


(Unable to get to the 1990 rate charts)
CF....I was trying to compare what I made as compared to a CF member....I made 90/month as a private, in Canada a private made 155/month in 1967

my search was "Canadian army pay scale 1968"
Infanteer said:
Exactly - maybe I wasn't clear, but I was agreeing with your post...

Ack, sorry.  I guess I'm just so used to seeing Farva attacking me that I subconsciously go into defensive mode when I see your avatar.
GAP said:
CF....I was trying to compare what I made as compared to a CF member....I made 90/month as a private, in Canada a private made 155/month in 1967

my search was "Canadian army pay scale 1968"

The Canadian private had a sum (I think around thirty bucks, but it could have been more) deducted for rations and quarters from that 155/month. The figure must have been for a private recruit or private, trained, basic rate, as I made 157/month in 1960 as a gunner (private), trained higher rate (18 months service) with Group 2 trades pay and did not pay for rations and quarters.
As a base private, I made $90.00/month...Private 1st Class was 95/96....as a Sargent with combat pay of 65.00/month, I made the grand sum of 260.00, tax free though.... ;D

Rumors being what they were, everybody used to razz me about not joining the CF where the pay was supposedly 5 times higher....I guess those tables at the link put paid to that argument... :)
Gap sounds like you were short changed better put in for back pay. When I went into the Army in 1972 I made a whopping $288 base pay a month. ;D
See.....you guys were cheaping out the Marines!!!!  ;D
Not worth going into because it's already been covered many times before on this board, but you can not compare pay rates for the CF and the US military because so many factors are different.

So many different things are funded by each country like uniforms, housing, at different levels.  Also, there is no way that personnel account for over 50% of the US military budget like it does here.

However, yes a Canadian may be paid more, but what is it worth for a Marine to be truly appreciated by his citizens he's protecting?  The Canadian public's support of the military may be wide, but it is paper thin. 

I'd give up some pay for that public trust.
Recon 3690 said:
Why not make the order simple this is the approved list private purchase kit from it is allowed there is no need for the at Com'd discretion addition.
Because every approved item would see the government assume liability & an obligation toward the soldiers, an approved purchase list would require every item to be tested by DND and continuous manufacture quality monitoring by DND.

Recon 3690 said:
Things such as helmet pads are proven technology, do not permanently alter the helmet, and ...
Our helmets were disigned to work with a suspension system and it is known that pads will significantly impair protective characteristics.
Our helmets were disigned to work with a suspension system and it is known that pads will significantly impair protective characteristics.

But you can't show us any proof of this :o

Because every approved item would see the government assume liability & an obligation toward the soldiers,

But yet an approved item list exists for aftermarket rigs.

an approved purchase list would require every item to be tested by DND and continuous manufacture quality monitoring by DND.

Does DND really test all after market rigs on the approved list and do they monitor quality?

Does DND really test all after market boots and monitor quality?  No real approved list for these but almost every make of boot is worn in the CF.

A great senior NCO once said, "A soldier shouldn't have to adapt to his kit, he should adapt his kit to his job."
Farmboy said:
But you can't show us any proof of this :o
This seems to be your standard fall back position whenever it is suggested your products might not be as safe as the issued PPE.
I suppose that is convenient given that PPE levels are classified.  The proof is out there, and I've seen enough with respect to other items of PPE to trust the agencies that do these technical evaluations for us.

Farmboy said:
But yet an approved item list exists for aftermarket rigs ...
... and that list went through a validation process and all items on it have been trialed by the Army.
and that list went through a validation process and all items on it have been trialed by the Army

How does a brand get on that list or trialed?  Say something like Tactical Assault Gear which has been purchased by multiple CF units?
whiskey_tango said:
A great senior NCO once said, "A soldier shouldn't have to adapt to his kit, he should adapt his kit to his job."

Wise words that MAYBE we all should heed.