I would suggest that a demonstration of the Chinooks capability to fulfill part of our requirements would be a trip through Arctic Canada on a published itinerary with a departure from Ottawa in February with a Boeing crew of two pilots and one technician. I had a look at the weather today in the Arctic and temperatures are about typical with -35 and -40 being the lows.
Ottawa--Churchill overnight,--7 am departure to Hall Beach, overnight,--7am departure to Resolute, overnight, --7am departure to Eureka,overnight --7am departure to Alert. One day crewrest Alert. One day slinging operations Alert area. Alert--Grise Fiord, overnight, --7am departure to Clide River,overnight --7am departure to Coral Harbour,overnight --7am departure to Moosonee,overnight --7am departure to Ottawa.
If that trip worked out and kept to itinerary it would be a great first step in confirming that the Chinook would be able to operate in the Arctic.