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CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

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CFSM 3-13G-002 para 5 still states:
If after being fitted IAW Measuring and fitting of footwear (3-13G-003) an individual is found to have a foot size, which does not fall within the range of standard catalogue footwear sizes and does not require orthopaedic footwear, the individual will be provided with special size footwear. B/W/S are responsible to fund these requirements through their Command allotments. All special size boots are free issue to all Regular and Reserve force members. Supply sections shall ensure the member receives footwear that fits properly and that meets performance and quality standards equivalent to the authorized CF footwear to which the member is entitled as defined in the applicable scales of issue. Special size safety footwear must meet the safety standards of the regulation footwear. Supply sections are under no obligation to procure brand name footwear.
However, it should be noted that nowhere is there a specifically stated entitlement to LPO boots.  The CF supply system gets to decide the mechanism through which these boots are gotten and the CoC, from ADM (Mat) nationally anywhere down to the local base, could decide that LPO will not be used without an operational requirement.

If you have been getting on without the boots for years, you can probably get by a few more months without them.  However, if you have an urgent requirement then supply would have an obligation to seek the more expedient means of acquisition.  Expect that your CoC may have to justify the urgency of your requirement if you want to push this route.
MCG said:
CFSM 3-13G-002 para 5 still states:However, it should be noted that nowhere is there a specifically stated entitlement to LPO boots.  The CF supply system gets to decide the mechanism through which these boots are gotten and the CoC, from ADM (Mat) nationally anywhere down to the local base, could decide that LPO will not be used without an operational requirement.

If you have been getting on without the boots for years, you can probably get by a few more months without them.  However, if you have an urgent requirement then supply would have an obligation to seek the more expedient means of acquisition.  Expect that your CoC may have to justify the urgency of your requirement if you want to push this route.

It's looking like that's the way they're playing now.  Apparently DSSPM has decreed that COTS boots are no longer authorized (nationally), and that a contract(s) has been let for manufacture.  Cost nor looks are the mitigating factor behind this, but the wellbeing of the individual and the fact that the boot needs to be identical to the stocked boot are the driving factors.

One could argue that there isn't an "operational" (read: urgent) need for the boot, but it could also be argued that year-round wear of the CWWB should be the exception rather than the rule when there is a suitable COTS replacement.  My Temperate WWB will arrive just in time for...Cold WWB season.  >:(
mysteriousmind said:
"which by the much more comfy then the good old mark III":) good luck

FYI information there are very few pair of Mark III in the system and are no longer available for order through the system.  Our current boots come in 72 sizes (that's right 72) and while i agree there are some soldiers I say again SOME who legitimately in need of special size footwear.  I firmly believe that now we can accommodate the vast majority of people, including the people who have flat , and wide feet as these boots also accommodate orthodics. 
I will be honest in this, I truly do not have a problem with the Mk IIIs, and I have wide and flat feet. That being said, I was issued the Mk IVs, and I absolutely despise them. They leak water (and I am not the only one to make that comment), they do not suppose my feet, but they do offer me more than enough room. I will be honest, I have tried a number of different gucci boots (Magnums, SWATs, Danners) and have found the Danners (Ft. Lewis) to be the most comfortable.
Jeezum Christie.....I take  a size 15 shoe, and even I was accommodated in the "black boots-nearly unpolishable-(1)".

I was told that there were no WWB for me when my toes stuck out beyond the "shoe-fitting-dealie".
So they sent me somewhere else to get "cold weather" boots. (Toolbox, or some other strange name).

No biggie, if your boots don't fit, you'll be assigned new ones. (I was never issued CHIT, just footwear)
Yeah, it's kind a pain in the butt to explain it ad nauseum, but if you have big/strange/freaky-ass-feet....then there's nothing they can do.

"OK, MCpl, or PO, " or whatever....I'll take my boots/shoes off....
"What now, MCpl?/PO?"

Just a bitter 2 cents.


So to resurrect this thread a bit (its a sticky so is it really a necro?): Does anyone know offhand how long a member should expect to wait for custom-sized boots? I'm not an off-the-shelf fit, and was placed in the queue to receive custom boots in Aug 2012. Kingston still doesn't have a contract for this, and I'm stuck using my one pair of SWATs (my own purchase), which isn't that big of a deal in Garrison. I went in to Clothing the other day, and they still don't have a contract to size and supply these boots, and they have over 400 people waiting. Is clothing required to LPO me boots if the wait is too long? Especially if I get tagged for Maple Resolve, I don't want to go to the field with only 1 pair of non-waterproof boots.
PuckChaser said:
So to resurrect this thread a bit (its a sticky so is it really a necro?): Does anyone know offhand how long a member should expect to wait for custom-sized boots? I'm not an off-the-shelf fit, and was placed in the queue to receive custom boots in Aug 2012. Kingston still doesn't have a contract for this, and I'm stuck using my one pair of SWATs (my own purchase), which isn't that big of a deal in Garrison. I went in to Clothing the other day, and they still don't have a contract to size and supply these boots, and they have over 400 people waiting. Is clothing required to LPO me boots if the wait is too long? Especially if I get tagged for Maple Resolve, I don't want to go to the field with only 1 pair of non-waterproof boots.

Sorry I can't help with Kingston-specific questions, but the dude that used to do the Trenton custom boots is gone for who knows how long, so they're in the same boat as you guys, it sounds like. I had custom boots done up with foot molding, fitting all that business, start to finish, for 2 pairs of black steeltoes, and 2 pairs of desert steeltoes, was just over two years. That was over 2009-2010. They were crap. Fell apart the first week I wore them. I was in KAF by then, so I just bought myself some tan boots that fit at the German PX and all was well with the world.

I recently went back to supply to ask about more boots, because mine don't fit any more. (As a side note, did you know that your feet can grow an entire size during pregnancy and then STAY THAT WAY FOREVER? Yeah me neither. The more you know.) Anyway. The boot lady at supply let me know that they stopped using the custom dude because it was like $1200 per pair, and they consistently fell apart. SO she said their first line of action for those of us with weird/misshapen/silly feet, was to send us to a relatively local boot store, try some on, and get that store to send an estimate for the boots you fit properly, to supply, who will then send money, order the boots, and you pick them up at supply.

So long reply short, if I were you, I'd go back to supply, tell them you need boots that fit, and what they would recommend you do. In my case, the boots were literally tearing my feet open and making them bleed, so they didn't have much of a choice, they had to find some that worked. (Another side note, it is extremely difficult to find a size 6.5 womens, bigger than EEE width boot.) Supply would much rather dish out a couple hundred bucks for LPO boots than for custom fit ones, at greater than $1200 a pop. So I would ask again about that.

And if you want to PM me, feel free. I've been dealing with boot issues for the past 7 years.  :blotto:
Sparkplugs said:
And if you want to PM me, feel free. I've been dealing with boot issues for the past 7 years.  :blotto:

The Clothing Spvr has actually been sending update emails, expecting a contract award and appts to start this month. I'll give them until after block leave, and ask again. I could care less what boots I get, as long as they fit and don't destroy my feet. Never had a sizing issue with Mk3 boots, but with the GPs and on its been horrible.
PuckChaser said:
The Clothing Spvr has actually been sending update emails, expecting a contract award and appts to start this month. I'll give them until after block leave, and ask again. I could care less what boots I get, as long as they fit and don't destroy my feet. Never had a sizing issue with Mk3 boots, but with the GPs and on its been horrible.

The regular GPs I can fit fine, but as soon as you stick the steel toe in there, I'm done for. Frustrating!
As long as we're on the topic of boots can anyone tell me if there is anywhere in the dress regs that defines where pants should be bloused in relation to the boots?
PuckChaser said:
The Clothing Spvr has actually been sending update emails, expecting a contract award and appts to start this month. I'll give them until after block leave, and ask again. I could care less what boots I get, as long as they fit and don't destroy my feet. Never had a sizing issue with Mk3 boots, but with the GPs and on its been horrible.

Custom Footwear is done via a National Contract (which was allowed to expire) vice a local or regional.  I know that you've already recd that update from Ottawa on expected PWGSC awarding of such (a new custom contract) ...  ergo the 'desert boot' slant.
ArmyVern said:
Custom Footwear is done via a National Contract (which was allowed to expire) vice a local or regional.  I know that you've already recd that update from Ottawa on expected PWGSC awarding of such (a new custom contract) ...  ergo the 'desert boot' slant.

Yeah, I got my desert boots last week. Strangely, they look the same on the outside but the inside doesn't have the massive foam inserts that kept my feet warm in Kabul last year. Must be a different manufacturer. At any rate, these at least fit properly from what I've seen (no rucks yet), however I think I'd be screwed in the fall/spring/winter without my NEOs.
Journeyman said:
And a blood-chilling wail of dispair was heard from generations of The RCR.....    ;D
Been a Loyal Royal for going on 7 years now and never once have I heard a single person (i.e. RSM/SgtMaj types) complain about anyone's boots.  Not once.
Quote from: Journeyman on August 31, 2009, 17:57:24
Really?  It took you FOUR years to come up with that brilliant "oh...oh ya" response?  Good work, Forest.  :not-again:
Journeyman said:
Really?  It took you FOUR years to come up with that brilliant "oh...oh ya" response?  Good work, Forest.  :not-again:
Actually buds, I didn't pay any attention to the date of your post.

I had clicked on the thread seeing it had new responses and the first thing I saw was your post which contained a common misconception (to which I responded).

I'm glad it caused you enough distress to feel the need to respond in a negative manner.  Have a life much?
DirtyDog said:
Have a life much?
Guess not.

But then, I generally don't go back more than 2 years -- 3 years, tops -- to find something to respond to.  :boring:
Journeyman said:
Guess not.

But then, I generally don't go back more than 2 years -- 3 years, tops -- to find something to respond to.  :boring:
Hardly worth getting into but...

I rarely browse this site all that much.  The thread popped up and I clicked on it and I didn't bother looking at the dates.  Noticed your comment and hence my response.
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