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Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

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N. McKay said:
I can't imagine why not.  A cadet can be a reservist at the same time, and there's nothing to restrict the training opportunities of a cadet as a result of his also being a reservist.

The only barrier I could see is if the cadet were taking a cadet course at the expense of taking a reserve course; the reserve unit might be concerned about how well he was using his time.

My Trg-O said that if I were to join the Reserves, I could not continue to parade with the cadet corps (ours is really short on senior members, and people don't take Cadets seriously enough and it's getting on my nerves; this is most of the reason why I want to go into PRes). He simply said "If you want to wear one uniform, you have to trade in the other. Not only that, but we can't take you on as a volunteer instructor until MCpl, maybe Cpl but I think that's pushing it."

Is it possible, that there is some regulation that states that I cannot continue to be Cadet and be enlisted in the Reserves? Or is my Trg-O just "making things up?" The only thng keeping me in Cadets is NSCE and possible placement on International Exchange and the fact that there is two of us Cadet Sergeants (me and one other) and a C/Warrant Officer at the top (C/WO being the SSM/Acting RSM; I am a TrpSGT along with the other Sgt.; we have one active MCpl and one AWOL MCpl.)

Basically we have 5 senior cadets (MCpl and +) out of 22. Everyone else is Corporal and under.

I don't want to leave to join the Reserves at this point because I am attending Phase II of NSCE in March and my CO wouldn't be too happy if I did. We had an incident back in 2006, a C/Warrant Officer was sent to Scotland on exchange and came back and quit, my CO was devastated and outraged.

If someone can clarify the regulation of being Cadet and Reservist at same time, that would be great, thank you.

EDIT: Looking in CATOs, CFAO's and the QR (Cadets).

Found the CATO station Cadet and Reservist membership, but did was not able to access the CFAOs and I could not find anything pertaining to Reserve and Cadet participation under Chapter 4 of the QR (Cadets).

So I guess what my Trg-O was doing was using his authority to recommend me to choose one or the other because he feels that I cannot handle the increased responsibility?
I believe you need to have the approval of both your cadet CO and unit CO. If one says no, then you can't do it.

Speaking from experience, do what I should have done and join the 'Mo as soon as you can as opposed to staying in cadets. You'll get paid for spending your weeknights and weekends working and the experience you gain there will be more beneficial then what you'll get from cadets (if you're intending on being with the CF for any length of time).

Don't make the mistake I did, get into the 'Mo as soon as you can.
It depends on what you want to do. I stayed in cadets an extra year to get my basic parachutist wings. When I took it this year, you were not allowed to be on the course if you were a reservist. The reason being that reservist are not allowed to participate in a CF course unpaid. As it stands now, the cadet program is trying to work out a deal with the CF to try and allow cadets/reservist to take the parachutist course. But this is still being worked out and might fall through.

My look on it was that one year less of being in the reserves was worth getting my wings, since I've heard that it can be very difficult to get loaded on once your in the CF.
Big Beef said:
My Trg-O said that if I were to join the Reserves, I could not continue to parade with the cadet corps (ours is really short on senior members, and people don't take Cadets seriously enough and it's getting on my nerves; this is most of the reason why I want to go into PRes). He simply said "If you want to wear one uniform, you have to trade in the other. Not only that, but we can't take you on as a volunteer instructor until MCpl, maybe Cpl but I think that's pushing it."

Is it possible, that there is some regulation that states that I cannot continue to be Cadet and be enlisted in the Reserves? Or is my Trg-O just "making things up?"

As you've discovered, your Trg O is wrong.  It may be helpful for you to give him or her a copy of the CATO -- with all of the diplomacy you can muster.  There's a widely-held belief that you can't be a cadet and a reservist at the same time, and I would guess that your Trg O is making that common mistake.
N. McKay said:
As you've discovered, your Trg O is wrong.  It may be helpful for you to give him or her a copy of the CATO -- with all of the diplomacy you can muster.  There's a widely-held belief that you can't be a cadet and a reservist at the same time, and I would guess that your Trg O is making that common mistake.

Ok, thanks for that. My Trg-O had been a cadet and been in PRes for 5 years or something like that and claims that he "knows the system." My Father on the other hand was 14 years in the Regular Force and he said that numerous time when volunteering to help instruct the Lord Strathcona's cadets that there were two or three cadets who were also Reservists. My Dad had said that I should do both until that way the corps doesn't fall apart from lack of senior ranks and I can get paid and trained in the 'Real Mans Army'.

When my Trg-O had told me I couldn't do both... well... I was shocked.

The only reason I'm staying in is because I need NSCE to be eligible to receive the Incentive Pay in the Reserves. Or do I only need 3 years? That info wasn't very clear to me either.
The recruiter told me that to get the incentive you need three years in plus a 6 week leadership course including CL and CLI. Not sure what else you need though, he just told me to bring in my cadet credentials and told me that I'd qualified for it once he saw them. I do have NSCE, so I'm not sure if you need it.
frazzledazzle said:
The recruiter told me that to get the incentive you need three years in plus a 6 week leadership course including CL and CLI. Not sure what else you need though, he just told me to bring in my cadet credentials and told me that I'd qualified for it once he saw them. I do have NSCE, so I'm not sure if you need it.

Well, I guess I'm in the clear then. I've got 3.5 years and two 6 weeks courses (CL + CLI Drill and Ceremony). I'm going to have a nice chat with my CO, and re-open my application with the Recruiting Office.

EDIT: Actually, I'll wait until I'm done NSCE (Phase II on first weekend of March) incase I get International exchange. Otherwise, I'm moving on to bigger better things.

Thank you everyone for your guidance.
When he first told me about it, he told me that he was pretty sure it was only a 6 week leadership course and 3 years cadet time. But he asked me to bring in my credentials and he'd check to make sure. So I'm not positive whether you need NSCE or not. Might want to check that out.

On a side note, don't give up on some of the other advanced courses ie Leadership and Challenge at Rocky Moutain. I took it two years ago and it was AMAZING (not trying to get off topic or anything).
frazzledazzle said:
When he first told me about it, he told me that he was pretty sure it was only a 6 week leadership course and 3 years cadet time. But he asked me to bring in my credentials and he'd check to make sure. So I'm not positive whether you need NSCE or not. Might want to check that out.

On a side note, don't give up on some of the other advanced courses ie Leadership and Challenge at Rocky Moutain. I took it two years ago and it was AMAZING (not trying to get off topic or anything).

No, Cadets is making me sick. The lack of motivation, lack of seriousness, the terrible organization and extreme lack of dedication is making me severely ill. I do EVERYTHING above and beyond was is expected and I have never been recognized for it when it counts; sure I've been given awards for top cadet and such but... it's just not as fulfilling. I need something with more of a challenge, with a little more seriousness and skills that actually help me - sure Leadership, Map and Compass and Drill from cadets will help me in PRes, but the rest of it... I doubt it.


So regarding being a Cadet and a Reservist, what is the ruling on uniforms? Cadet Parade night you as a cadet, but what about field exercises (and no, I would not attend a cadet Ex over a Res Ex; that's just stupid)?
If you are old enough to join the Military, you are old enough to leave the kid stuff behind. You have to grow up some day.
CDN Aviator said:
If you are old enough to join the Military, you are old enough to leave the kid stuff behind. You have to grow up some day.

Yeah, I guess. Cadets isn't like the military... If I quit and the CO gets pissed about it, it's not going to affect me. You know what Aviator... I'll have a chat with the Recruiting Centre and my father, I'm done as of March.
You will need to fire up a memo to your CO, (reserve unit), to get permission to parade with your cadet unit; no is often the answer.
DSB said:
You will need to fire up a memo to your CO, (reserve unit), to get permission to parade with your cadet unit; no is often the answer.

Meh, I wouldn't mind either way. Cadets is a huge pile of ridiculous frustration, but I also don't want to leave them without any Senior Members.

But I wouldn't care if the Res Unit CO denied my permission to parade with the cadet unit.
Yes, I agree, cadets can be very fustrating for many senior cadet NCMs, but sometimes it worth it to stick it out and do both for the betterment of your cadet corps which it seems it why you want to stay. I personally am applying for the reserves and a volunteer at my cadet corps was an ex battery commander of the reserve unit I'm with and he talked to the CO and said that he had no problem with me doing both. But my soon to be reserve unit is also my affiliated unit.
you can be both but no matter what you have t follow orders from your CO because they are reservists to and the do out rank you.
c/RFN Pryce said:
you can be both but no matter what you have t follow orders from your CO because they are reservists to and the do out rank you.

Except as of... I think it was 2008... Cadets can no longer be a member of Cadets and a Reservist in the CF. They must be one or the other.
... as a member of the Reg Force, isn't volunteering your time with Cadets worth PER points? Am I right? My brother works some brutal shifts and still makes it out on Thursday nights to help out the cadets (mind you, he never was a cadet).
lethalLemon said:
Except as of... I think it was 2008... Cadets can no longer be a member of Cadets and a Reservist in the CF. They must be one or the other.

That regulation came in January 2010. It isn't a cadet regulation, it's a CF one.
Boysen said:
That regulation came in January 2010. It isn't a cadet regulation, it's a CF one.

It doesn't matter if it's a CF policy or a Cadet policy... it's still not allowed.
Prototype said:
... as a member of the Reg Force, isn't volunteering your time with Cadets worth PER points? Am I right? My brother works some brutal shifts and still makes it out on Thursday nights to help out the cadets (mind you, he never was a cadet).

You get an extra .5 if memory serves me correctly.
