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CadetPat field uniform

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CATO 46-01 Main Document

16. Combat uniforms purchased by cadets are
not to be taken to ACSTC, unless otherwise
directed in course joining instructions. They
may be worn at the cadet corps during exercises
or adventure training when authorized by the
Cadets Corps CO. An authorized headdress with
insignia and cadet rank slip-ons shall be worn
with CF combat clothing.
Burgoyne said:
i thought this was a CADETPAT topic not a freaking flag topic i wear the flag and reg force and reserve guys have seen me with it they don't seem to care i love Canada would not want to live any where else so I'm keeping it on and now lets get back to the CADETPAT now do any of you have a link or pics of the new one with black buttons

Wind your bloody neck in. Five posts and your bossing people around?

Read this: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/35071.0.html and abide by it.
hmmmm i was NOT trying to boss people around but look the last topic wetn down cause of it going off course so hmm i wonder whats going to happen to this one if you guys go off topic like that
So happy to have your advice and opinions  ::) Here's my advice once more - wind your neck in or face the consequences.

Haven't read this yet, have you? Please do so.

Your posts are adding nothing to this thread. There was a debate going over what was permissable re: flags, etc. on the Cadet uniform and there were some differing opinions, that is what the threads are for - sharing of opinions, information and debate thereof. The last CADETPAT thread was shut down for beating one particular subject to death, and beyond, the same will happen here if the actions repeat themselves - I don't see that happening yet so no need to worry.

It's not what you say, it's how you say it and tone is hard to convey via type.
Hello all,

Just thought I'd pass on that there is now an investigationg going on within the CF with respect to CADPAT clothing that is being sold on the internet and through surplus stores.  The issue at hand is that CADPAT is not authorized for non-military sale.  I'm not talking the stuff that you get from Wheelers (aka CP Gear), as that is a different design of clothing using the CADPAT material.  I'm talking the actual clothing that we get issued in the reg and res.

So, if you do indeed have such clothing in your posession, just make sure you CYA.

Just to give you all a heads up, in case you start to hear rumours of it running down the pipe.
This is the CADETPat thread, the pattern designed for the Cadets, not CADPAT which soldiers wear. The articles reporting illegal sale of CADPAT items have been available on this site for a few days now.
Thats very interesting seeing as some cadet corps allow their cadets to wear cadpat.
If this is true and a cadet desperately wanted a digital patterned camouflage, then wouldnt it be a better idea to buy the cadetpat?
Personally I dont understand the cadet fascination with cadpat.  Cadets cannot wear cadpat.  Digital camouflage works its been proven.  So if a cadet would covet cadpat so much and is unauthorized to wear it wouldn't the next best thing be cadetpat?
ryanmann356 said:
Thats very interesting seeing as some cadet corps allow their cadets to wear cadpat.
If this is true and a cadet desperately wanted a digital patterned camouflage, then wouldnt it be a better idea to buy the cadetpat?
Personally I dont understand the cadet fascination with cadpat.  Cadets cannot wear cadpat.  Digital camouflage works its been proven.  So if a cadet would covet cadpat so much and is unauthorized to wear it wouldn't the next best thing be cadetpat?

I have been told by senior cadets at my unit that cadets can wear CADPAT (fake or real stuff not sure) as long as they are properly identified as a cadet (IE: cadet rank slip ons). Currently there are cadets wearing the fake CADPAT on field exercises.

My 0.02 cents
I personally think that cadets should stick to the old OD's. For some very simple reasons:
1) We won't be mistaken as "child Soldiers"...especially with the protests going on this weekend,
2) It looks ridiculous to have 1/3 of cadets in OD's, 1/3 in civi's and god forbid 1/3 in fake cadpat,
3) Lastly the old OD's are a great way of bringing in a quasi military feel to cadets and brings more interest in comming down. I know wearing combats is always a great change after wearing dress for a while.

A quick question, the cadetpat looks like what exactly...similar to cadpat? Any info would be great.
C/ M.Bdr. Banks said:
I personally think that cadets should stick to the old OD's. For some very simple reasons:
1) We won't be mistaken as "child Soldiers"...especially with the protests going on this weekend,
2) It looks ridiculous to have 1/3 of cadets in OD's, 1/3 in civi's and god forbid 1/3 in fake cadpat,
3) Lastly the old OD's are a great way of bringing in a quasi military feel to cadets and brings more interest in comming down. I know wearing combats is always a great change after wearing dress for a while.

A quick question, the cadetpat looks like what exactly...similar to cadpat? Any info would be great.


Scroll down a bit on the page and you will see what it looks like.

On a second note, try searching next time.
Mr Banks, here is the image he was directing you to:


The second part of his message is that there is a lot of information on these forums, which you can find for yourself quite easily be using the search feature.  Please don't ask others to do the work for you, at least until you have tried to find something yourself.

Attitude will not endear you to the staff or the regular users at Army.ca.
Thanks, you are probably refering to a remark I made but curtly modified seeing the error of my ways. You are right of course I did not bother with the search function, won't happen again.
In response to Yoman's post:

We were told by just about all of our officers that cadets are simply not allowed to wear cadpat
I trust my officers in being right on this, and if they are mounting an investigation into civilian sale and use of CF Cadpat then I'm fairly sure its a no-no for cadets. 
Even the CSMs in Vernon wearing cadpat slip ons became a big issue if I remember correctly

I thought it prudent to put in that bit of info (ref the article and NIS investigations) for two reasons:

1.  PViddy mentioned something on the last page about being permitted to wear CADPAT.
2.  There was no mention about the illegality of purchasing said type of garment, which was officially brought to the public eye a few days ago.

As there were already several posts relating to CADPAT, I didn't think I would get jumped on so fiercely about this small bit of advice.
Burgoyne said:
hmmmm i was NOT trying to boss people around but look the last topic wetn down cause of it going off course so hmm i wonder whats going to happen to this one if you guys go off topic like that
Let the moderators do our jobs Mr. Burgoyne.  We are extremely capable of doing it, and from your position as a newer poster, we would appreciate if you don't try and tell us how to do our jobs.
PViddy said:
Also CADPAT clothing, can be considered as official CF clothing under CATO 55-04 (air) and therfore if purchased lawfully would be authorized for wear with "cadet" slip ons, and proper head dress (the question than beng can CADPAT be purchased lawfully ? probably not) NOTE* that the CF CADPAT tilly is not a form of authorized head dress under CATO 55-04.

In response to Strike's post.

C/ M.Bdr. Banks said:

No problem. And I'm sorry if I was a bit rude there.
The impass once again. While it is permissable for an AIR cadet to wear CADPAT(technically at least), it is not legally possibe to obtain it. Ah the joys of cadet life.....::)
Piper said:
Hmmmmm. Well, if it is illegal to sell real CADPAT, then cadets who purchase it are in possession of stolen property and are duty bound to return it. However, I just somehow don't see that happening. Somehow I think the NDA takes precedence over some teenaged senior cadets. But thats just my opinion.

And I digress, back to the regularily schedualed topic. Sorry about that.

The question is, if a cadet is wearing the fake CADPAT would you rather have him wearing a cadet rank slip on and head dress or having nothing identifying him because it is "civilian clothing"?
The real question is why would any cadet with smarts or more likely their own money pay double for the fake stuff when compared to what you pay for the old OD's?

With which you had better be wearing your slip ons I may add.

If you want to go by the rule of the CATO, smack them if they do. Especially since what is to prevent someone from going and buying some hunter gear from Canadian Tire and wearing the slip ons with that?

As both the fake CADPAT and the hunter gear is not a CF issue uniform, then no cadet should wear the slip ons, beret, wedge, tilley, or toque with them.

Got it?
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