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CadetPat field uniform

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Perhaps some one on this board will be a senior SCdt at a CSTC and can get us that number, wouldn't that be fun? LOL
Dane said:
It comes from D Cdts... I assume that a "big" organization but the badges get sent straight to the CSTCs from D Cdts, apparently they shouldn't be in the supply system of the individual CSTCs. They come in the same "baggie" as an RCACC "cookie cutter" (the brass you refered to in the original post) but I obviously didn't keep that. It probably had a # on it that could be used to find it. I would assume they made a large quantity at once, or else it would be a waste of money. RMNACSTC, VACSTC, BCSTC all use them, I think Valcartier does too. Not sure about the rest.

As a side not in my searches for pictures of the CSMs at Argo I noticed Cadets doing unsheethed sword drill. What's up with that?

... and I just looked and in 2004 argo wasn't using them. I think they came out in 2002 or 2003? Or that's when I first noticed them.

Okay here is the latest on this famous wire beret badge. The only badge that is issued directly from DCdts is the Air Cadet Wings, all badges are issued via Logistiks in Montreal. The same place the uniforms and every other cadet badge comes from. CSTC's get there badges from Logistiks.

The badge was not manufactured by Grant Emblems, which manufactures the badges for the cadet movement. But, have seen the badge on a sales flyer for a company in Thunder Bay ($7.50 each). Which makes badges for kit shop and not for DCdts. They also in the past made Army Cadet bush cap badges and Cadet combat shoulder titles. They were even making rank badges in Cadpat until the Director of Intellectual Property (DIP-5 NDHQ) stopped them.

Has anyone seen this badge outside of the Pacific Region being worn or is it a badge that someone at Regional had made up?

BeenThereSeenThat said:
...Has anyone seen this badge outside of the Pacific Region being worn or is it a badge that someone at Regional had made up?
Did you even bother to read what it was you quoted at all???
[quote author=Dane]
RMNACSTC, VACSTC, BCSTC all use them, I think Valcartier does too. Not sure about the rest.

[quote author=ryanmann356]
are these the cap badges worn by the CSMs in Vernon?
Yes, and also by some Civilian Instructors.
are these the cap badges worn by the CSMs in Vernon?

Yes, and also by some Civilian Instructors.

Umm....whisky tango foxtrot over.  Definately not allowed.

PViddy said:
Umm....whisky tango foxtrot over.   Definately not allowed.

Then tell that to the CO. I am just relaying what I have experienced.
Cadetpat sucks real CADPAT is much better and it's not that hard to get i already have a real CADPAT combat jacket and pants and i got it all in about 2 months all you have to do is go to your local surplus and ask the them if they can keep an eye out for it that is if you want th real stuff it's alot but still one of the best :)
Pte Joker said:
Cadetpat sucks real CADPAT is much better and realy it's not that hard to get i already have a real CADPAT combat jacket and pants and i got it all in about 2 months all you have to do is go to your local surplus and ask the them if they can keep an eye out for it :)
Are you speaking from experience, or just tooling?
my friend used it for Airsoft  and he said it sucked and plus real CADPAT is better only bad thing i find it's itchy :)
Pte Joker said:
my friend used it for Airsoft   and he said it sucked and plus real CADPAT is better only bad thing i find it's itchy :)

Kyle Burrows said:
Are you speaking from experience, or just tooling?

So in other words, no.
Pte Joker said:
my friend used it for Airsoft   and he said it sucked and plus real CADPAT is better only bad thing i find it's itchy :)

What do you find is itchy aoubt CADPAT?
.....and we should change the DEU uni's to lycra speed skating suits....ahhh, errr, umm i mean what!?

I wouldn't doubt that CADPAT is better than CADETPAT, it's called years of R & D.  And if you think it is itchy, their is somthing wrong, i like to compare it to silk pajamas over the old OD's.  IMHO.


Pte Joker said:
my friend used it for Airsoft   and he said it sucked and plus real CADPAT is better only bad thing i find it's itchy :)

Airsoft? Enough said, and secondly, itchy? Maybe if its new, so try washing it (??). It aint itchy at all. Maybe its just your sensitve skin.

Bloody hell Joker, your 3rd post mate. Take a few seconds to think before you put it to paper. BTW, I had a squizz at your msn profile, and mentioning quotes of 'joining the army, going to exotic lands to kill people', and 'shooting random things' is one of the most outright irresponsible, foolish and childish things I have seen for a while (especially coming from a member of the RCACC), believe me, there is nothing glorious about death or dying, and the wanton irresponsible use of firearms is no way to promote yourself in a positive format. If I was your parents, or your teacher, I'd be making note of this behaviour, and if you continue, you'll be well on your way to having some serious issues when you are older.

Time to wake up!

Piper said:
I think Flecktarn is the best one ever.

And the CF should all be issued Dragunov's.


So ya, I woz running round d' otha day wif my homiez from da marine core and we waz shootin r dragunovs at dem civvi types loel.
this looks so cheesy why can't we wear well made cadpat replicates instead of buying this stuff. My old dsm had two real tac vests and he was allowed to wear them. I also was told that you can have actual cadpat but just don't wear it down on a base or in garrison. Is this true, if it is where can i get a tac vest other than on ebay?
Erm, why do cadets need tacvests? I mean honestly, save your money. If you want one that badly, wait a couple years until you're 16, join the reserves and get issued one. On that note, you can't legally buy tacvests.

Welcome to Army.ca! I ask that you please do some searching on the subject of Cadets with CADPAT as well as field gear. You should find that alot of those threads get taken down because they turn into flame wars and wastes of bandwidth.

Please read what Big Foot wrote, it's good advice and he raised a very valid point, one that can be searched to find numerous topics on. Cadets have zero need for field kit so why do they want it. I can find no other answer but the "Look Cool Factor"

All, the above is not meant to touch off yet another debate over Cadets needing to be kitted out and armed to the teeth so please do not attempt to start one.
ARMYboi69 said:
If you want to buy it, then buy it.

If you don't want to, then it's not required.

Is this something that the CF members AND cadets can agree on?

Umm, buying/receiving a CF issued tacvest (among other items) from Ebay or other sources is ILLEGAL unless you are in the RegF or PRes and you have been ISSUED said items.  Armyvern has pointed this out SEVERAL times.  There are also several criminal code offences that you could be charged with if caught.  And even if your local constabulary doesn't come hunt you down and charge you, there are still the issues of the lack of integrity and honesty you would be displaying by purchasing or "acquiring" these items. 

If you really are jonesing to be the coolest little cadet on the block and have all sort of kit that is low on practical applications for cadets but high in look cool factor, than by all means go and buy the aftermarket stuff as Piper suggested.  You get to look just like a wannabe and avoid running afoul of the law.
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