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British Military Current Events

I expect the MLRS issue is correct. The upgrading of the Brit's MLRS fleet of 44 launchers has been in the works and budgeted for several years. They gave some to Ukraine so would be replacing those and planning on increasing their fleet between 50-100% - a total of 71 fits that well.

I think the "museum and gate-guards" story is crap. They have A1 variants (called B1 in the UK) and are acquiring A2 variants out of the factory AFAIK.

Is the F-35 necessary with the new MLRS ammo - :ROFLMAO: - do you want a pilot or a gunner's opinion?

Further to my last post on F-35 variants, I just noticed that the new speculation on more F-35s is the A variant so clearly a replacement for Typhoon and not add-ons for the naval arm.

He saved countless pairs of knees and bollocks... those short shields were crap in a fight ;)

Army officer behind 1970s redesign of riot shield while stationed in Belfast remembered​

Army riot shield. Men of the 1st Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers with the latest item of riot equipment to be brought into use in Northern Ireland. 15/07/70

Army riot shield. Men of the 1st Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers with the latest item of riot equipment to be brought into use in Northern Ireland. 15/07/70

A tribute has been paid to an Army officer whose redesign of the riot shield was prompted by his time in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.
An obituary appeared in The Times to Major Malcolm Gilham who in August 1969 was stationed in Palace Barracks, Holywood, five miles north of Belfast.

He died at the age of 89 in October with a death notice describing him as a much-loved husband to Julia and father of four, with nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren

Within weeks of his arriving in Belfast a loyalist parade in Londonderry triggered three days of violence.

The Times said some historians mark the date as the beginning of the Troubles.

For Major Gilham and the men of A Company Second Battalion The Queen’s Regiment, it was a sharp lesson in learning how to patrol the streets.

It soon became clear to Malcolm that the riot shields provided by the army could be better designed.

He was described as a dogged figure with a reputation for always putting his men first.

One of his first moves was to devise a way in which the shields could be improved upon to protect them from missiles including, as he described it, “darts, pennies, marbles, cast iron, concrete and stones”: first, he suggested making them longer, at 5ft 3in almost up to the height of a man, and second, that they be of see-through Perspex.

In the early months of 1970 Malcolm’s leadership skills were put to the test, but when he left after his 18-month tour came to an end, he was touched by a banner received from his battalion.

On it they had written “In deep appreciation of the leadership and calm in the troubled streets of Belfast by Major ‘Cool Cat’ Gilham”.

What Malcolm had learnt from Northern Ireland was used in his next posting to Sennelager, Germany, to help soldiers to prepare for forthcoming tours in the province.

He was said to be “instrumental in devising the Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Teams”, complete with fabricated street scenes and houses and potential booby-traps.

At the end of the tour Malcolm was promoted to lieutenant colonel and posted to Belize.

Much as Malcolm enjoyed the camaraderie of his soldiers, and being out in the field, in 1976, in his early forties, he retired from the army.

Sport had always been important to him, and he took a position as the sports officer for the borough of Brighton with responsibility for Withdean Stadium. Under his charge was the track athlete Steve Ovett, who was training at the stadium after his return from the Montreal Olympics.


You find this link to the Para's interesting

The Bruneval Bomber! Famous for qualifying a few bell ringers as well...

The Bruneval Bomber! Famous for qualifying a few bell ringers as well...

Well, when you push the dudes out of a tiny hole in the floor, it's no wonder Brit paratroops had few teeth to speak of...
SAS house bust, in reverse...

Who Dares Sins? Armed police arrest two SAS soldiers as they smash 'drugs ring run from isolated farm' near Special Forces' Hereford HQ after lengthy surveillance operation​

Armed police have smashed a suspected drug ring involving soldiers from the elite SAS regiment, the Mail can reveal.
Two serving SAS men and the wife of one of the soldiers were arrested in a dramatic operation in the Herefordshire countryside.
Military and civilian police joined forces to surround and search a farm. Quantities of a suspicious substance were found and removed for analysis.

Three people were arrested and taken away for questioning. They were subsequently bailed on suspicion of Class A drug offences but the Ministry of Defence and West Mercia Police declined to provide details.

It remained unclear last night whether a military or civilian constabulary would lead the investigation.

Brit and Italy and Japan's plan to build a next gen fighter are progressing. The headline "Britain to build ..." is a tad misleading.

It will be interesting to have choices and a second line of production.

Nice to see Mitsubishi back into building fighter aircraft. :giggle:

Brit and Italy and Japan's plan to build a next gen fighter are progressing. The headline "Britain to build ..." is a tad misleading.

It will be interesting to have choices and a second line of production.

Nice to see Mitsubishi back into building fighter aircraft. :giggle:

Yeah they did pretty well didn't they? Until the USA got its shit together.
'elf and safety, innit?

Revealed: Royal Marines forced to 'sleep in deadly asbestos-riddled buildings on exercise'​

EXCLUSIVE: Royal Marine Commandos may have been exposed to deadly asbestos during two military exercises in an eastern European ghost town, it has been claimed.​

More than 100 current Royal Marine Commandos and dozens of ex-marines are seeking damages from the Ministry of Defence after they claim they were exposed to asbestos during two major military exercises.

Edward Hill, a second-year law student at the Open University and one of the former marines, first filed the case in September 2019 after he came to believe his unit was exposed to the most hazardous type of asbestos known as loose-fill during a military exercise called Exercise Baltic Protector 2019 (BP19).

Thank you for posting my article here... you might also be interested in this one given you are Canadian Army...

From asbestos to exhaust, U of T alumnus mitigates environmental health threats for Canada's soldiers

The Canadian Army carried out an asbestos survey post-exercise and then banned all Canadian forces from using the training area.

Ref the other post regarding Bordon here... I was also at Bordon and yes there was asbestos but in Skrunda in Lativia, it was dust that covered everything in the heat of summer. We could see it floating in the air.

... and I know it's a bit of a joke at the moment but asbestos has been banned in the whole of Europe for over 2 decades and it kills 12,00,0,000 people a year in the UK. hundreds of which are former armed service.

This isn't just an issue for the UK.... Canadians, Americans.... and loads of other Nato forces have trained in Skrunda and the chain of command knew all along that it was dangerous.

If you are diagnosed with Mesothelioma you stand a 60% chance of dying within 12 months. The youngest person to die of it in the UK last year was 27 years old and she'd had one exposure in her life that lasted for 1 week. She walked into the hospital and died within 4 months.

So if you are concerned about being exposed to asbestos to asbestos in Bordon or anywhere else I hope you remembered to get it annotated on your MOD FORM 960. Because if you didn't your family will get nothing if you die from it. It might stop being funny then.... But you won't be able to tell anybody how serious it actually is because you'll be too ill and then you'll die.

Good luck!

So it appears he well earned the 'mong' adjective ;)

British Army sergeant, 36, is locked up after drunkenly holding an 8in 'jungle' knife to the neck of a lower ranked colleague because he wanted to show him who was 'top dog'​

A British Army sergeant has been locked up after he held an eight inch 'jungle' knife to the neck of a lower ranked colleague because he wanted to show him who was 'top dog'.

Burly Sgt Matthew Crews was 'heavily intoxicated' when he chased and threatened the frightened junior with the weapon while on a foreign posting during July last year.

The 36-year-old, who is a multi launch rocket system (MLRS) specialist, had become enraged when he returned from a social event and Gunner Oliver Palmer called him a 'mong'.

So it appears he well earned the 'mong' adjective ;)

British Army sergeant, 36, is locked up after drunkenly holding an 8in 'jungle' knife to the neck of a lower ranked colleague because he wanted to show him who was 'top dog'​

A British Army sergeant has been locked up after he held an eight inch 'jungle' knife to the neck of a lower ranked colleague because he wanted to show him who was 'top dog'.

Burly Sgt Matthew Crews was 'heavily intoxicated' when he chased and threatened the frightened junior with the weapon while on a foreign posting during July last year.

The 36-year-old, who is a multi launch rocket system (MLRS) specialist, had become enraged when he returned from a social event and Gunner Oliver Palmer called him a 'mong'.

It looks like the Sergeant needs to visit the base tailor. Or the gym! :sneaky:
Lots of PT through salad dodging ;)

Having said that I discovered that Engineers and Gunners can look fat, but then turn out to be an Army level rugby prop or something ;)

A resemblance?


Actually, one wasn't a real gunner, just playing a part in a movie. However, both at the same age. But later . . .
