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British Military Current Events

Awfully decent of them:

France offers to LEND Britain its amphibious landing craft amid outcry over government defence cuts
UK is considering axing HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark as part of defence cuts
France has offered to run joint deployments from its ships if the UK cuts theirs
Tory Andrew Bowie said begging from France would be national embarrassment

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5143183/France-offers-LEND-UK-amphibious-landing-craft.html#ixzz50IxnYWq6
daftandbarmy said:
Awfully decent of them:

France offers to LEND Britain its amphibious landing craft amid outcry over government defence cuts
UK is considering axing HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark as part of defence cuts
France has offered to run joint deployments from its ships if the UK cuts theirs
Tory Andrew Bowie said begging from France would be national embarrassment

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5143183/France-offers-LEND-UK-amphibious-landing-craft.html#ixzz50IxnYWq6

From the article:

'To see the Royal Navy, once the most powerful and feared navy in the word, begging and borrowing from our neighbours across the Channel would be a national embarrassment and would demean us in the eyes of our allies and partners.
'I hope the Government can put this to bed once and for all and guarantee the future of our amphibious capability, independent of other nations.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5143183/France-offers-LEND-UK-amphibious-landing-craft.html#ixzz50J0LSTVB
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I'm sure the Italians feel the same way every time someone talks about the Roman Empire  ;D

This explains why the Royal Marines are rapidly re-rolling their Commandos in to specialized Maritime Interdiction teams, etc.
Nearly 18,000 Army personnel are not FIT to be deployed to war zones fuelling fears about cuts to forces
The Army is meant to be 82,000-strong but has already fallen to just 78,407
And just 60,546 members of the Army are fully fit to be sent to the frontline
Tory MP Andrew Bowie said it is 'appalling' troop numbers have got so low

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5146931/Nearly-18-000-Army-personnel-not-FIT-got-o-war-zones.html#ixzz50S94xXw8
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
daftandbarmy said:
Nearly 18,000 Army personnel are not FIT to be deployed to war zones fuelling fears about cuts to forces
The Army is meant to be 82,000-strong but has already fallen to just 78,407
And just 60,546 members of the Army are fully fit to be sent to the frontline
Tory MP Andrew Bowie said it is 'appalling' troop numbers have got so low

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5146931/Nearly-18-000-Army-personnel-not-FIT-got-o-war-zones.html#ixzz50S94xXw8
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Made me think back. In 1963, on the eve of unification and integration Canada had a regular army of 49,760 and a Militia of 53,872 (the Navy 21,476 reg and 3,583 reserves with 1 aircraft carrier and 28 destroyer escorts, 17 frigates and 10 minesweepers; the RCAF 52,458 regular and 2,223 auxiliary in 19 regular (including 2 Bomarc nuclear missile sqns) and 11 auxiliary squadrons.) (source: The Statesman's Yearbook 1964-65)


The Brit army in contrast ramped up from 165,000 in 1963 (at the time the last national service soldiers were leaving service) to 189,000 in 1968 (all regular) Source: The British Army, Manpower, and Society Into the Twenty-first Century

And a fun time was had by all.....

Chris Pook said:
And a fun time was had by all.....


This was pretty typical on an average Friday night in Aldershot. Nice to see that certain traditions continue.

Sadly, it doesn't say who won :(

The Treasury are in the process of paying the Chancellor's outstanding bill to the RAF, The Telegraph can reveal.

Philip Hammond will be allowed to use RAF aircraft again after his department pays the six-figure bill for the use of aircraft attached to No32 (The Royal) Squadron.

It comes after the MoD said the Treasury had to pay the sum if Mr Hammond wanted to continue to use A109 helicopters and BAe 146 jets on official business.

The Times reported earlier this week that officials who take VIP bookings for the aircraft were told not to accept any more requests from Mr Hammond until bill was paid.

Mr Hammond is reported to have used RAF aircraft to fly to more than 20 destinations this year on official business, including Manchester, Leeds, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Aberdeen, Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt.
Cdn Blackshirt said:

The fall of Great Britain is terrifying to watch.

The MoD like to use the British Press to panic the military into some kind of drastic action from time to time. Listening to accounts from various colleagues who've had to serve in Whitehall is like being led through a spy novel about the most vicious kind of internecine covert warfare.
You have to admit, the Lion has been de-clawed and de-fanged.  Churchill, Wellington and Nelson must be spinning in their graves.
A man tried to drive through the entrance to RAF Mildenhall.The man was taken into custody with minor injuries.


jollyjacktar said:
You have to admit, the Lion has been de-clawed and de-fanged.  Churchill, Wellington and Nelson must be spinning in their graves.

Pouring vinegar onto the wound....
US vs. UK Soldiers...

It would seem that latter use AK variants and are hopeless alcoholics, but are less formally crazy:

Surrender! 'Lunacy' as British Army spends £2million to ditch elitest 'Be the Best' motto - but Defence Secretary dramatically steps in to put PC plans on hold


Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson dramatically intervened last night after The Mail on Sunday revealed that the British Army was 'wasting' millions of pounds of taxpayers' money to scrap its famous 'Be the Best' motto – because top brass say it is elitist.

An official document leaked to this newspaper also revealed that from January, the Army was to drop its historic crest, depicting a set of crossed swords, a crown and a lion, after expensive image consultants deemed the cherished emblem 'non-inclusive'. . . .

. . . Last month The MoS revealed that nearly 200,000 personnel will not get the one per cent pay rise in April 2018 that they were promised in the autumn Budget. We reported how defence chiefs must save £9.8 billion to afford essential military equipment. The decision to spend huge sums on a rebranding exercise will also cause anger among hard-up junior troops who are forced to spend Christmas in damp, rat-infested military accommodation.

The MoD last night confirmed it had hired top advertising executives to reassess the Army's public image. Industry experts had said the year-long project, which included extensive market research, is likely to have cost about £1.5 million. The cost of replacing these signs – as well as the reprinting costs for logos and letterheads – could run into millions of pounds.

The project is the brainchild of General Sir Nick Carter. His team also wrote the document The Army Brand, which was circulated among senior officers last month. It attempts to justify the removal of the Be the Best slogan from all Army documentation and imagery, saying: 'Be the Best was a recruitment strapline from 1993 and has appeared on Army branded material ever since. But it was never a researched or defined brand.

'Market research in May 17 found that Be the Best did not resonate with many of our key audiences and was considered dated, elitist and non-inclusive. The ECAB [Executive Committee of the Army Board] therefore agreed that its use should be phased out as soon as affordably possible. The retirement of Be the Best will commence immediately with all planned refreshes of Be the Best branded material cancelled in favour of brand compliant products.'

. . . Responding to the plans an officer told The MoS: 'The Army's own research has consistently shown support for the crossed swords over the Union Flag as the Army's main logo. Also, Be the Best was an aspiration and instilled pride. It was certainly better than 'This is Belonging' – the tagline used in recent Army recruiting TV adverts. . . .

Is this a duffleblog type article or is the british army actually transitioning from "be the best" to "this is belonging", like a girl scout slumber party?
Jarnhamar said:
Is this a duffleblog type article or is the british army actually transitioning from "be the best" to "this is belonging", like a girl scout slumber party?

Well, it's the Daily Mail. So not quite Duffleblog. I tend to think this is genuine and reflective of some serious internal differences.

Jarnhamar said:
Is this a duffleblog type article or is the british army actually transitioning from "be the best" to "this is belonging", like a girl scout slumber party?

Here's an example a mate of mine sent me from the UK. He was quite proud of it.


My response was, of course, "More 'look up, rifle in the shoulder, scanning over open sights', less singing" :)
