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British Military Current Events

Oldgateboatdriver said:
If your dad served in the RAF Regiment in North West Europe in 1942 ... that makes him a P.O.W.  [:D

Yeah, could have worded that better  [:-[ ..1942 - 1944 in UK. 1944 - 1945 NWE. and 1946 - 1947 in Palestine.
"Rock Apes" aside, here's an update on another part of the RAF:  ;D

Air Recognition

UK plans to create a Top Gun-style unit for RAF's pilots

United Kingdom's Royal Air Force is planning to create an elite unit of fighter pilots to boost its aerial combat skills to counter any potential threat, the British news paper Sunday Times said yesterday, Jan. 31. This new squadron is part of the expansion of the Royal Air Force (RAF)'s fleet of Typhoon jets, from five to seven squadrons, announced last November.


Calls by 150 ex-soldiers to probe Troubles attacks on them could 'bring PSNI to a standstill'

Up to 150 ex-soldiers are to ask the PSNI to investigate IRA gun and bomb attacks on them during the Troubles, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal.

One of the former soldiers has warned that the planned mass action by Army veterans who served in the province "could bring the PSNI to a standstill".


BAE gets £201m for fresh design work on new nuclear submarines

Replacement for ageing Trident submarines moves closer as BAE gets funding for advance work on new vessels

About time.

By the time the Astutes have replaced all the T-boats, the Vanguard will start to really show their age.
Goodbye Land Rover Defenders.


The last Land Rover Defender has rolled off the production line amid cheers, ending 67 years of the 4x4 being made.

Jaguar Land Rover has discontinued the famous off-road vehicle, which has been exported across the world.

More than two million have been made since the original Land Rover Series began production in Solihull in 1948.

Plans to bring in stricter measures for new car emissions by 2020 meant there were "certain conditions the Defender just won't meet", the company said.


ISIS executioner 'is beheaded by SAS sniper's special bullet as he demonstrated how to decapitate prisoners'
A SAS sniper has shot an ISIS commander from 4,000ft away, it is claimed
The ISIS commander was teaching 20 other jihadis how to decapitate
But a witness said the ISIS boss's own head 'exploded' when he was hit

ByCorey Charlton for MailOnline

Published: 09:07 GMT, 15 February 2016 | Updated: 10:12 GMT, 15 February 2016

A SAS sniper has beheaded an ISIS executioner with a single shot while the militant was teaching jihadis how to decapitate prisoners, it has been reported.

Some 20 Islamic fighters were taking part in the executioner's outdoor lesson when he was killed by the elite British soldier - hiding 4,000ft away and using specially-designed 'wounding' bullets.

A witness said the entire group of student jihadis then fled, deserting their cause after the ill fated training session at a small village in northern Syria.

A witness told The Daily Express the SAS sniper was using a Dan.338 rifle with a suppressor to prevent any noise and flash giving away his position.

Aiming a foot to the side of his target in order to adjust for wind, it was expected the cruel commander - known as the local executioner - would require two shots to kill.

Instead, the first bullet - designed to tumble as it travels, in order to maim - struck him in the back of the head.

The source said: 'One minute he was standing there and the next his head had exploded.

'The commander remained standing upright for a couple of seconds before collapsing and that’s when panic set in.

'He was an extremely sadistic and ruthless individual, feared by the locals and the jihadis alike.'

British Prime Minister David Cameron has refused to engage in a ground war with ISIS troops in Iraq and Syria, but small SAS teams are carrying out commando raids against the jihadis.

Earlier this month it emerged three British Special Forces soldiers were wounded in a firefight with 30 ISIS militants in Iraq.

The SAS and SBS were said to have been on a secret mission deep inside enemy territory when the terrorists opened fire on them with machine guns mounted on American-built Humvees.

The men's bravery has not been acknowledged because defence chiefs refuse to confirm the ground war being fought by elite British troops in war ravaged Iraq and Syria, it is claimed.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3447581/ISIS-executioner-beheaded-SAS-sniper-s-special-bullet-demonstrated-decapitate-prisoners.html#ixzz40Eo8ItLI
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Can we blame them for not switching to Vista?  ;D

Popular Mechanics

Britain's Doomsday Nuke Subs Still Run Windows XP

​The fate of the country's nukes are in the hands of an obsolete operating system​.

By Kyle Mizokami
Jan 21, 2016

Britain's fleet of missile submarines, HMS Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant, and Vengeance, are four of the deadliest ships ever built. Armed with nuclear weapons, the four "boomers" patrol the oceans, providing a powerful deterrent against a surprise nuclear attack on the United Kingdom.

The four Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarines provide the UK's entire nuclear deterrent. Each nuclear-powered submarine has up to eight Trident II missiles and a total of 40 nuclear warheads. That's enough firepower to devastate entire countries. It's an awesome responsibility, and the submarines are built to the task. Nuclear reactors provide enough power to remain submerged almost indefinitely, while Spearfish torpedoes provide defense against enemy submarines.

The four submarines have just one critical flaw: They all run Windows XP.

Goodbye HMS Ark Royal...

Thai Military and Asia Blogspot/West Sussex County Times

HMS Ark Royal to be sold for scrap

According to West Sussex County Times

23:39 Sunday 28 February 2016
Former Navy flagship HMS Ark Royal in Portsmouth will be sold on as scrap metal for £3 million as part of a move that the Ministry of Defence has described as “difficult but necessary”.

An announcement in Parliament on Monday is expected to reveal the details of the deal after the vessel was decommissioned in 2010 five years ahead of its expected sell-by date.

The decision comes following a bidding process which included proposals to turn the 22,000-ton ship into a helipad in the Thames, a museum, a hotel, a casino or a diving wreck off the South coast.

Goodbye HMS Ocean: ( apologies for the previous article above on Ex-HMS Ark Royal, which it turns out was scrapped back in 2013- I'll never use that Thai military blog as a source again!)

Defense News

Royal Navy's Helicopter Assault Carrier Ocean To Be Decommissioned
By Andrew Chuter 9:17 a.m. EST November 27, 2015

LONDON — Britain’s Royal Navy is to decommission its only helicopter assault carrier and hand the task over to one of the new aircraft carriers being built by BAE Systems.

Plans to scrap HMS Ocean in 2018 were part of the strategic defence and security review (SDSR) unveiled Nov 23. The decision to axe the Royal Navy’s flagship only became known when it was briefly mentioned by defence minister Earl Howe in the House of Lords.

The ship, currently the largest in the Royal Navy, only completed a £65 million (US$97.8 million) refit last year.

Ex-soldier who claimed to have survived the Battle of Goose Green only to lose his leg after stubbing his toe is accused of being a 'Walter Mitty' fantasist who didn't serve in the Falklands

•Eric Baker says he lost friends while fighting at Goose Green in May 1982
•Claims to be a colour sergeant who retired from battle after the Falklands
•But vigilante group say he is a liar and there are no records of him serving
•67-year-old who lost a leg after stubbing his toe on bedpost denies claim

Gurkhas win UK citizenship rights

Many Gurkhas think UK citizenship is the least they deserve

Gurkhas who have served in the British Army are to be allowed to apply to settle in the UK and gain British citizenship. 
The announcement made by Tony Blair follows a government review and a campaign by the Nepalese soldiers.

The prime minister said the Gurkhas had made an "enormous contribution" and it was important that their commitment and sacrifice were recognised.

daftandbarmy said:
Gurkhas win UK citizenship rights

Many Gurkhas think UK citizenship is the least they deserve

Gurkhas who have served in the British Army are to be allowed to apply to settle in the UK and gain British citizenship. 
The announcement made by Tony Blair follows a government review and a campaign by the Nepalese soldiers.

The prime minister said the Gurkhas had made an "enormous contribution" and it was important that their commitment and sacrifice were recognised.


That's from 2004. Note the reference to Tony Blair.