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British Military Current Events


make up your mind....
you are either
Daft&barmy OR
Perfect OR

Ahhh.... I think I got it:

Perfect and undone are your middle name(s)


Luckily, I can now blame my confusion on this. The older I get, the better I was!:

Middle-age is truly depressing, study finds
By Michael Kahn Tue Jan 29, 7:25 AM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Middle age is truly miserable, according to a study using data from 80 countries showing that depression is most common among men and women in their forties.

The British and U.S. researchers found that happiness for people ranging from Albania to Zimbabwe follows a U-shaped curve where life begins cheerful before turning tough during middle age and then returning to the joys of youth in the golden years.

Blimey... we used to go on the razzle in Leicester all the time.

Islamic extremist gang 'plotted to kidnap British Muslim soldier and behead him like a pig'
Last updated at 16:42pm on 29th January 2008

An Islamic extremist admitted plotting to kidnap and behead a British Muslim soldier in Birmingham, a court heard today.

Parviz Khan, 37, planned to cut off his head "like a pig" in a garage and post film of the atrocity on the internet.

The former charity worker, a British citizen, wanted to "cause panic and fear within the armed forces and the wider public".

He was going to snatch the soldier in the city's pub and club area of Broad Street with the help of drug dealers, Leicester crown court was told. 

Training Time Cut for troops headed to the front:

Honour for the Spitfire’s unsung flying heroines

Michael Evans, Defence Editor
The survivors of a group of women who flew Spitfires in non-combat roles during the Second World War are expected to be honoured with a special badge.

The women of the Air Transport Auxiliary may not have taken part in the Battle of Britain but, without their flying skills and courage in delivering the aircraft to the RAF bases for their male counterparts to clear the skies of German bombers, the battle would never have got off the ground.

RRF keeping the army in the public eye, for better or worse! Ah well, they say any advertising is good advertising..

Eco-plans for army bases? Whoa nelly...
Is "Brit troops brawling in Cyprus" really a story?  Or for that matter "Brits brawling in Cyprus a story"?  ........ How about tourists generally there?
It is partly a story because Ayia Napa was out of bound for years after tour guide Louise Jensen was murdered by Green Jackets. Its also a story because the UK press enjoy finding anything scandalous out about anyone in uniform, be they police or forces. I am unconvinced that the British public share the same curiosity.
The gossip was juicier when it involved things like a gay soviet infiltrated Sigs Corps spy ring on Mt Troodos. I miss the Cold War in so many, taudry, ways.
Wind farms create radar blind spots... I guess that accounts for that secret base we have at Pincher Creek  ;D

Captain's privates caught on film. CLM? Depends on which regiment he's from...


Thank God for the Sun.
He allegedly added: “I believe I was with a girl.

“She got out my penis and started performing a sex act. She then told me to finish myself off.”

WPC Gillian Leech told the court: “McLauchlan was drunk and kept breaking wind in front of me.

“I asked him to stop several times
. He told me he was hungry.

“He did not seem bothered until I got out my handcuffs and I said I was going to arrest him. He started to run.”

Maybe Randy Andy was drunk too...

Prince Andrew: The pampered playboy Britain can't afford
Prince Andrew came under intense criticism in Washington yesterday for his attack on George Bush's Iraq policies.

The prince, whose ten-day trade mission to the U.S. starts today, said America had failed to heed British advice about the war.
His extraordinary departure from protocol brought accusations of "shooting from the hip". Nile Gardiner, of the Heritage Foundation think-tank, said: "His remarks will only undermine the image of the Royal Family in America. "They were totally inappropriate and a significant diplomatic blunder. They will cause offence here." A senior Pentagon officer involved in Iraq said: "Prince Andrew should know better. "What did he hope to achieve with these remarks? At best they were thoughtless, at worst insulting." In Britain, Labour MPs called his intervention in sensitive Iraq policy careless and unprecedented. 

THE Army has run out of machine guns, The Sun can reveal.

The crisis is unlikely to be solved before JUNE, a leaked report reveals.

British troops “desperately” need 400 of the jumbo 0.5in calibre heavy machine guns – the weapon most acutely missed.

The Army has also run out of the 7.62mm GPMG and Minimis.

Inept? I don't think so Charlie Brown... more evidence that the 'Long War' pursued by the IRA continues.

Dissidents 'inept but dangerous' 

Security is being stepped up across Northern Ireland after the police issued a warning of an "increased terrorist threat".

Detectives said the public are likely to notice increased activity, including vehicle checkpoints.

Sir Hugh Orde said: "We have a general warning of a threat which increased to the point where we had to go public."

Last week, police said they feared dissident republicans were preparing a series of firebomb attacks, but fresh intelligence of attacks led to this latest warning.

The British MoD = "The Borrowers"?
Gawd, Does that mean that Canada has finaly shaken off that monicker?
daftandbarmy said:
THE Army has run out of machine guns, The Sun can reveal.

The crisis is unlikely to be solved before JUNE, a leaked report reveals.

British troops “desperately” need 400 of the jumbo 0.5in calibre heavy machine guns – the weapon most acutely missed.

The Army has also run out of the 7.62mm GPMG and Minimis.


Um.... what the f**k happened to the war stock of these weapons?
Sapper.... They are at war & are using same said war stock

I think it was 2 yrs ago, the Brits were having a lot of problems with 50 cal ammo.  Misfires & hard extractions IIRC.  It turns out that the MoD had bought their ammo from Pakistan.  Solution was that they bought / borrowed ammo from the Canadian troops in Kandahar.
geo said:
Sapper.... They are at war & are using same said war stock

I think it was 2 yrs ago, the Brits were having a lot of problems with 50 cal ammo.  Misfires & hard extractions IIRC.  It turns out that the MoD had bought their ammo from Pakistan.  Solution was that they bought / borrowed ammo from the Canadian troops in Kandahar.

Ok cool, thx for clearing that up geo.
Funny that... we didn't even have .50 cal until the Argies shot the sh*t out of our battalions with them in the Falklands. 2 & 3 PARA brought a load of them back after the war (semi-legally of course) and took them on strength. The army took years to adopt them after that following excessive prodding, led by 5 AB Bde & 3 Cdo Bde. Now they can't get enough of them.