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Brad/Chelsea Manning: Charged w/AFG file leak, Cdn angles, disposition (merged)

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I was there.  My LAV CASEVACed Bulletmagnet after he was hit by the same shrap that got Mellish and Cushley.  It was a Taliban Spig 9, not friendly fire.

Jack Harris is a tool.
This absolutely boils my blood. What do these people need? Not to mention on CBC.ca there are also a large number of "conspiracy theorist".

Enough. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quaks like a duck, eats like a duck, swims like a duck, craps like a duck, then its a bloody duck!!!

It seems some of the comments and the political grandstanding is uncalled for. In the memories of our fallen comrades, I see this shamefull conduct and remarks. This really disturbs me.
milnews.ca said:
Hmmm, there might be a t-shirt graphic in there somewhere...  ;D

I know an EXCELLENT custom t-shirt company out of Oakville.  Fast and friendly, a pleasure to work with.  Entripy has helped me in the past with shirts for courses I've been on.  Just send them the graphic, tell them what colour shirt and your in T-shirts within a week.

I was also present on 03SEP06, and for 5 minutes or so I was the most forward deployed Charles company element.  RPG and SPG-9 fire are to blame for the loss of our friends, not friendly fire.

Jack Harris is a tool.

ETA:  Milnews, thanks for the contact coords ... I'm on leave, I will be in touch.

Re-ETA:  Nevermind.  After a brief phone call with a comrade, I won't be contacting anybody.... but I'm still pissed!
Angry does not begin to cover what I am feeling right now, nor does rage.... Sadly I am not able to do anything beyond what I have done.

Any member of the NDP thats reads this you can all take a long hard suck on my weewee!
I wonder if Mr harris would be willing to consent to being part of my ongoing study I want to publish in the New England Journal to do with CRIS - Cranio-Rectal Insertion Syndrome.  To be honest, there isn't likely enough KY in the world to get his out.

Are we, as members of the CF, allowed to contact this MP? I know it wouldn't be prudent to contact the MND on military matters, but this yahoo isn't anywhere close to being in the Chain of Command.
BulletMagnet said:
Angry does not begin to cover what I am feeling right now, nor does rage.... Sadly I am not able to do anything beyond what I have done.

Any member of the NDP thats reads this you can all take a long hard suck on my weewee!

LOL my sentiments exactely...there is a reason I hate the NDP so much
Post at Unambiguously Ambidextrous, read the Christie Blatchford piece linked to--devastating:

Leaked AfPak docs: Journalistic ethics? Shmethics! Plus: “Shame on [Canadian] us”–and the NDP

Good graphic! I'm not too worried about what the NDP has to say. They're leader reminds me of a yappie little dog - and should be dealt with with a big boot, or (more humanely) "Ah-h shaddap!!!"

This is in reply to E.R. Campbells post.
E.R. Campbell

Despite all the red T-shirts and bumper stickers, the "support" for the troops is very, very shallow - wide, perhaps, but not deep. Our four friends, comrades-in-arms, members of our regimental families, etc are lost and forgotten n the firestorm of righteous indignation that has been ignited by an act of journalistic vandalism. The same applies to the nearly 150 others - they have become inconvenient truths in an ideological debate.

Dear Sir,
In regard's to your comment about (red friday) red t-shirts's and bumper sticker's.
You are so very  wrong if you think the general public does'nt give a damn. Sir
you are very mistaken. I'am sure you have heard about The Highway of Hero's,
and here way out in B.C. we sure do give a damn. I know you have lost comrade's, member's
of your Regimental Family, and Spouse's,children,friend's have been devastated when hear-
ing bad new's. In closing. Damn straight we give a damn. And we will never forget the
sacrifice's and losses our men and women in uniform have made, be it the Boer war,
1st world war,2nd world war,korea,vietnam,peacekeeping,nato,bosnia,rwanda,cyprus,
and many other's.
So in closing yes "We give a Damn".
Best Regard's,
Scoty B. (AKA the Brat)

Wonderbread said:
Jack Harris is a tool.

I'm sorry to correct you here, but where I come from, tools are usefull, and Jack Harris appears not to be. Just sayin'.
PuckChaser said:
Are we, as members of the CF, allowed to contact this MP? I know it wouldn't be prudent to contact the MND on military matters, but this yahoo isn't anywhere close to being in the Chain of Command.

You certainly have a right to send a letter to your own MP, regardless of party, as Joe Citizen.  While you're at it, CC Hammer, oops,  Mr. Harris.  Just remember, as I found after writing a similar letter after another outrage, if you're MP is NDP and certainly in this fellow's case, they have firm and fixed beliefs in their policies, but a limp grasp on reality.  Be prepared to smack your head against the wall. 

milnews.ca said:
Hmmm, there might be a t-shirt graphic in there somewhere...  ;D

Yep; I can picture it now.

A great big pile of steaming brown stuff named "Wiki-Leaks" ... with a shovel handle holding a "face-blade" piling more on.

What a load of el toro poo-poo. Although - I'm not sure why I'm really surprised at the fact that the Oppostion is, once again, trying to score political points on the memories of our Fallen and the backs of our troops. FFS.
ArmyVern said:
I'm not sure why I'm really surprised at the fact that the Oppostion is, once again, trying to score political points on the memories of our Fallen and the backs of our troops.
Not to mention CBC showing the "glasses it wears" when it comes to who to believe:  Wikileaks, people who say the first version MUST be true (in this case, former Canadian and American officers, on "As it Happens"
http://www.cbc.ca/radioshows/AS_IT_HAPPENS/20100727.shtml ) or those who were there.

But that's not really "news", is it?
milnews.ca said:
Not to mention CBC showing the "glasses it wears" when it comes to who to believe:  Wikileaks, people who say the first version MUST be true (in this case, former Canadian and American officers, on "As it Happens"
http://www.cbc.ca/radioshows/AS_IT_HAPPENS/20100727.shtml ) or those who were there.

But that's not really "news", is it?

The second As It Happens segment includes an interview with US Army Brigadier General Janis Karpinski. I thought the name was familiar, and please note I did not listen to the segment.

While not authoritative, this source gives some of her background.


Interesting choice of sources, considering the number of retired American officers available.
Old Sweat said:
The second As It Happens segment includes an interview with US Army Brigadier General Janis Karpinski. I thought the name was familiar, and please note I did not listen to the segment.
The bit I heard on the radio (about 2-3 minutes) had the former General saying, in effect, the very first reports of events tend to be truer and more correct than later ones - sort of an a "counter-Hillier" thing.
milnews.ca said:
The bit I heard on the radio (about 2-3 minutes) had the former General saying, in effect, the very first reports of events tend to be truer and more correct than later ones - sort of an a "counter-Hillier" thing.


So?  When all the dust has settled, those brief snippets of reports trump eye-witness reports of people who were actually there. 

If we were to make up a brief report that Jack Harris is not, nor has he ever been, a member of the NDP and a member of  Parliament; even though people have seen him in these positions, would Wikileaks accept that as trump over the eye-witness accounts of Jack Layton?
Now, let's check the sources As It Happens used. One is a retired logistics officer while the other was in the military police. Nothing against either branch, but they are hardly authoritative sources on combat operations. Mind you, this sort of things is in the best traditions of the program. During the build up before operations began in Gulf 1, As It Happens aired a segment on how the US military was incompetent and faced crushing defeat by the Iraquis.