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BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

Thorium said:
It's reserve and yes during the weekends.

Don't worry when you attend stand up for your unit you will be given the information you need.
LunchMeat said:
As far as notable changes, PRes BMQL is now only 12 training days, and the only advanced weapons systems used are C9 and C6. Grenades, LAW/Carl G, have been removed.

However RegF, not sure if there has been much change if any at all.

I don't even think they cover C6 on the new training plan for the Reserves. Everything else is expected to be learned at unit level apparently.
Currently getting my paperwork done for Combat Engineer at 32 Combat Engineer Regiment in Toronto, and trying to get on the October BMQ. Just wanted to connect with other people here set for the same training course. Cheers.
I have my fingers crossed for October BMQ as well. My application is complete and has been sent to QOR as of mid August.
Congrats. So then you are good to go, no? Why the crossed fingers? I still have to do my interview, so hopefully the file will be wrapped up in time. Do you know any details about the BMQ? Schedule, location, etc.
By my application being complete, I assume they mean I am merit listed. I am still waiting for "the call".

I think the BMQ starts on Oct 2 and at least some of it is at Fort York Armoury.
I see. You can always double-check with your recruiter to make sure. It helps to check in once in a while to remind them of your existence.

Fort York Armoury is good, very close to home. I'm thinking some of it will be in Meaford. But I don't have info at this point.

Good luck.
Gunshark said:
I see. You can always double-check with your recruiter to make sure. It helps to check in once in a while to remind them of your existence.

Fort York Armoury is good, very close to home. I'm thinking some of it will be in Meaford. But I don't have info at this point.

Good luck.

Good luck to you too!
I just completed my reserves BMQ & BMQ (L) Full-time over two months just last week at Fort York Armoury.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.
faivious said:
I just completed my reserves BMQ & BMQ (L) Full-time over two months just last week at Fort York Armoury.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Congrats. How was it? Do you know if part-time is similar? Did you go to Borden and Meaford at all? Did you have to sleep away from home? I know they do room inspections at St Jean. Did you have to do that at your Reserve BMQ? Was there a graduation? When did you first receive your uniform, badge, etc? Just curious about general stuff. Thanks.
No worries, feel free to ask any questions, I will try to answer them all to the best of my abilities.

From what I've heard, part-time BMQ will force and cram a lot more information down your throats every chance the instructors get because it is more time constraint compared to the full-time BMQ. Asides from that, it should be basically the same.

For our BMQ, we went to Borden for our field-ex, 2 days.
After our field-ex, we hopped over to Meaford for our firing test and gas hut and we slept there for two nights before heading back to Fort York Armoury.

We slept at Fort York Armoury, downstairs sleeping on cots. We got leaves every weekend when we were there luckily. We report to duty at Sunday night, and we left the armoury for home on Friday night.

There will be daily inspections every day during BMQ except for the first two nights I believe.

There was a graduation ceremony, but it was done with only the staff members and the students, no visitors unfortunately..
Might be different for yours, I'm not sure about that one.

You will most likely be kitted out a week prior to your BMQ start date.
They kitted us out two days before the start of our BMQ.
There was another member on here that asked me about part-time BMQ at Fort York Armoury on the same BMQ date as yours.
Here's some of the things I've told him so far.

List of things you will need outside of the mandatory kit list:

- Notebooks/Notepads
- Non alcoholic/scented baby wipes (People will drag their nuttsacks through a road infested with aids for it, thats the value in having them)
- boot bands (Blousing your pants)
- parade gloss (Optional)
- lighter (to burn off threads)
- lots of pens (you'll lose alot through your training)
- lint roller
- hand sanitizer
- foot powder
- bore snake (cleans the inside of your rifle barrel like a charm)
- lots of change for vending machines
- Gerber tool
- swiffer / duster
- something to keep all your notes in (you'll get mountains and mountains of paper by the end)

Here are some important things to note:

1. Memorize the rank structure by heart before going, during my BMQ we had people addressing staff by the wrong rank from day 1 to the end. You'll save yourself alot of grief if you memorize it prior to going!
We had someone address the Warrant as a Master Corporal, please do not be this guy!

2. Don't take anything the staff say to you personally, it's something they do purposely to indoctrinate you into the military, and to see if you are mentally capable of handling stress.

3. Listen very very attentively when staff is instructing; Especially when they are teaching you drill movements, and weapon drills.
From what I've noticed, the best way to get on the good-side of staff is to stay invisible, and be the average Joe.
Do your drills properly, speak confidently and with a purpose, go about things with a purpose (you'll hear this phrase a lot!).
Don't bother trying to hit Top Candidate, trust me just don't, BMQ means absolutely nothing, once you reach your DP1(Trade Qualification) and PLQ (Primary Leadership Qualification), that's when it starts to be meaningful! But it doesn't mean slack-off through BMQ, just do what is expected.

4. You'll be spending most of your time being absolutely destroyed by powerpoint lectures, just do your best to stay awake in them.
You'll also have A LOT of written tests, and I mean A LOT. Don't stress too much over them, they always do a review of the test the night before, and pretty much the review they give is what's on the test.

5. Last thing to remember is that they really want you to pass through. So as long as you do as you're told, stay mentally fit, it won't be difficult to pass on through.

We did a crap-load of pushups, probably every single day throughout the day.
Because you are doing pushups on the instructors command (Rate/Holding a position/Reps), it's a lot different than just doing it on your own cadence.
If you want to start preparing for it I'd suggest doing this.
Whenever you're home and have time, pump out your max pushups(Until your arms feel like noodles!) at a slow rate, every 2 or so  hours, this will somewhat simulate how it may go over there.

If you can run 5km in less than 30 minutes you'll get though with flying colours.
They start everything on the lowest foundation.
They started us off with a 2.5km run at a slow rate, and increased it as time passed.
So don't worry too much about it.

Thank you so much, this is great info, I'll take it into account! Did you guys go outside around the Fort York Armoury at all? I drive on Lakeshore there regularly in the mornings and evenings, and I think I only saw Army uniforms on Lakeshore once or twice.
The only time we were really outside the armoury was for:

a) Morning PT
- Runs
- Ruck March

b) Laundry Runs (I don't think you guys will have these at all because you're only spending the weekends there)

BMQ-Land was held at Fort York Armoury for a week, and then at Borden for the live-firing of the C9 LMG, and field-exercise for a week.
cshah said:
Got the call! Swear-in :salute: Sep 29 at FYA and BMQ starts on Oct 2.

Good stuff, congrats! I'm guessing if my file goes through in time, I'll be at the same swear-in and BMQ with you. I'll post an update when I hear something. Cheers.