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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Treemoss said:
Yea pretty much lol. Repeating questions.. asking questions that shoyld be commonsense, or could be found on the official website -.-. And it's flooding my page.
Ya sorry about that. Did you know you can turn off notifications? I'm thinking I may leave the group though. Lol.. I haven't had too much luck there..
tinafahie said:
Ya sorry about that. Did you know you can turn off notifications? I'm thinking I may leave the group though. Lol.. I haven't had too much luck there..

I do, just did that now heh. I really only joined to check it out/try and find others with the Feb start dates..
Hey guys, nice to see some other people starting on the 16Th, be nice to know a few people before getting there although I'm sure there are lots of us. I just got my call this past Friday, I fly out of Moncton, NB on the 14Th. Going for AVS tech. Anybody here flying out of Brunswick?
Wow this thread blew up. Can anyone message me the FB group and anyone swearing in on the 11th and leaving in toronto?
Anyone that's flying doing a stopover in Toronto on the 21st? I'll be flying out from there if anyone wants to meet up or otherwise.
Leaving the 14th out of Halifax!  Still seems surreal.. lol
Every time I think about it, my stomach churns and I realize how much I have to do to prepare.  My husband is a submariner, and he'll be home with our son (who I have never been away from).  It'd be nice to speak with others who will be there with me (and Tina, lol)
Just wondering if anyone else has been called for the 2nd if March bmq! Accepted my offer today :)
Still in a dilemma really about what to do. I have until tomorrow at 1pm to let her know at the recruiting office, but I have the choice to bring my own car and risk the great weather we've been getting in the maritimes lately or to fly.. I know we don't get much time until after indoc period is done, what do you guys think ? Moncton is only like 11 hours from montreal for a drive.

Also looking forward to meeting you all, a little bit on the nervous side about the course but looking forward to new friends.
Honestly I thought about driving too but I'm throwing caution to the wind and taking the flight. We can't leave any way. Once bmq is over and you are posted I've been told that they will fly you home. Why not wait and try that option then you can relax a bit. Just a thought..:)
I fly out from T.O. too! I'll probably be there just before the flight though since my so use is picking up his brother as he drops me off lol but I'll keep you posted. Would be nice to travel with another!
I thought about it too, having my husband and son drive me over from Halifax.  But then I remembered a few years back I drove from here to Borden in March and hit a wicked snowstorm in Montreal on the way, white out conditions.  I wouldn't want the boys to have to deal with that, so I'm just flying.  Like others have said, you can't use your car for a while anyway, what would be the point.  May as well just leave it somewhere safe.  :)
Ditto, I probably won't fetch my vehicle until I know for certain where I am going to be posted afterwards.