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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Welll, let me tell you it's quite a gongshow.

I'm from Ontario originally, came to NL for work and applied out here, got the call the other day, having my file transferred home to Toronto, waiting on to be scheduled for enrollment. So I have to pack up, drive back to Ontario, and see if I'll be flying or driving out from Toronto.

Treemoss said:
Welll, let me tell you it's quite a gongshow.

I'm from Ontario originally, came to NL for work and applied out here, got the call the other day, having my file transferred home to Toronto, waiting on to be scheduled for enrollment. So I have to pack up, drive back to Ontario, and see if I'll be flying or driving out from Toronto.

Crazy. I'm flying out of halifax on the 14th and so far your the first person who has even acknowledged me..haha
I'll be driving through there next week, honestly can't wait to be done with it. And not sure what I said.. but I do what I can I guess lol.
Treemoss said:
I'll be driving through there next week, honestly can't wait to be done with it. And not sure what I said.. but I do what I can I guess lol.
Haha me to the process is brutal
Do you know if there's an online resource of stuff to do prior to BMQ? I know we get one in the mail and all but due to my time constraint  I'm trying to jump ahead of what I can right now x.x
Treemoss said:
Do you know if there's an online resource of stuff to do prior to BMQ? I know we get one in the mail and all but due to my time constraint  I'm trying to jump ahead of what I can right now x.x
Did you get an email??.I got an email with my offer letter and basic info. The rest I get at the swearing in
Nope. I haven't receive anything yet. My file is being transferred to Toronto right now, and when I called the RC there to let them know they said I would get a call back before they closed.. never got one. Definitely be calling tomorrow though heh.
Ya there is paper work yu need to fill out for your security clearance. Info pertaining to the type of things you need to bring with you. Your offer letter and when your swearing in ceremony will be
My stuff is still coming in through the mail right now. I don't get sworn in until the 10th. I'm coming from Sault Ste. Marie, ON.

Hopefully it doesn't take too long. Having my file rushed to another RC i think caused a slight hiccup :S.

Oh nice, driving or flying from the Sault?
I will be flying out of the Sault. Hopefully I get all the information next week to get the security clearance and whatnot.

How long have you been waiting?
Well... technically 2 days. I'm not as impatient as I seem heh, it's just that by the time I'm done finishing work, packing/moving/driving home.. that sort of thing.. I have a few days to work with :).
Here's a link you can follow to get some more info on basic. http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/training-establishments/recruit-school-basic-training.page

If anyone wants to add me on FB just dm me. It'd be cool to get to know some people before we all arrive.
TimeOnTarget said:
Here's a link you can follow to get some more info on basic. http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/training-establishments/recruit-school-basic-training.page

If anyone wants to add me on FB just dm me. It'd be cool to get to know some people before we all arrive.
What's your fb handle
Treemoss said:
Well... technically 2 days. I'm not as impatient as I seem heh, it's just that by the time I'm done finishing work, packing/moving/driving home.. that sort of thing.. I have a few days to work with :).

That's fair, I'm in the same boat, except the travelling by car portion.
Less then 7 hours since joining that FB group... I am glad that we have admins here.
Treemoss said:
Less then 7 hours since joining that FB group... I am glad that we have admins here.

Are you talking about people repeating questions? XD
Yea pretty much lol. Repeating questions.. asking questions that shoyld be commonsense, or could be found on the official website -.-. And it's flooding my page.