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BMQ / BMOQ - Personal Electronics during course [MERGED]

Good way to get your teeth kicked in, Master Chief.
in my honest opinion when your working no cell pones i see to much of that when your working your working focus on the job
wilf75 said:
in my honest opinion when your working no cell pones i see to much of that when your working your working focus on the job

Umm..... What?  :-\ This is that point in time when comma's come in handy....  :facepalm:
Brandonfw said:
Umm..... What?  :-\ This is that point in time when comma's come in handy....  :facepalm:

...and capital letters, semi colons, periods, spelling and basic attention to grammar.

P.S. Brandonfw, you might want to make sure your grammar is correct when bringing attention to another's grammatical faults (comma's) ;)
One time....overseas.....our platoon commander had a duty cell phone and liked to brag how important he was....so we went all over KAF and put up pictures of a very expensive bicycle on sale for very cheap and put his duty cell number....

Last time I was overseas we all had duty phones...........................and did that any way >:D
SJBeaton said:
...and capital letters, semi colons, periods, spelling and basic attention to grammar.

P.S. Brandonfw, you might want to make sure your grammar is correct when bringing attention to another's grammatical faults (comma's) ;)

Simple mistake, and purely readable... ;)
You'll be told to use your phone for 30 mins a night. Half the people use it way more. Like of your in the laundry room doing laundry for people people sit there and use their phones the whole time. There's a fine line between talking to your mommy or your girlfriend and participating in cleaning and maintaining boots. If you don't help out people will learn to treat you like garbage pretty quick. But if you get all your shit done for the night use your phone just don't be a dummy and get caught cause everyone will suffer. You'll find when your done all your endless sewing of your name and start getting into the swing of things you will have more time to use your phone. We had one guy who didn't do shit and talked to he gf and played PC games the whole time. In return we didn't help him back and he always failed inspections badly. He was recoursed and then vr'd. The instructors always said " we know you people don't follow the cellphone rules, but if you get caught or start falling behind you will pay."
joelyoung1991 said:
We had one guy who didn't do shit and talked to he gf and played PC games the whole time. In return we didn't help him back and he always failed inspections badly. He was recoursed and then vr'd.

Well done.
Just a friendly reminder to you boys and (especially) girls going away to BMQ.

If you're bringing your cell phone or laptop I highly suggest you

1- put both a lock/password on your phone and laptop and
2- remove any explicit pictures/videos of you from your devices.

If you have that on your stuff all it takes is some jerk to be snooping on your laptop or phone, see the pictures and send it to themselves/download it and spread it around the CF.  If you catch them you might get them in a bit of shit, or charged, but you'll have that material hanging over your head (and passed around) your whole career.

Having a lock on your phone doesn't stop you from passing out with the phone still on (open) by accident and someone sneaking it to snoop.
Or leave that shit at home. They teach all this stuff about loyalty and respect and all this but there are still dickheads that will do this stuff. Better to just be proactive.
Data and Device Security should not be a luxury today, my phone is password protected and my laptop is Password and Biometric Protected, same for my Hard drive. If they steal it, its totally worthless to them
marinemech said:
Data and Device Security should not be a luxury today, my phone is password protected and my laptop is Password and Biometric Protected, same for my Hard drive. If they steal it, its totally worthless to them

Twenty points for drive-level protection!  ;D

Of course, doesn't protect you against much if somebody has physical access to a live session...

Still, good idea.
As soon as i leave a computer and i am still using it, I lock the Terminal, Only 2 people can unlock it then, Me and the Service Admin.
marinemech said:
............ If they steal it, its totally worthless to them

Unless of course they have "Recovery Programs" and the technical knowledge to retrieve that info.    >:D
You can also alter your settings on your phone and laptop to lock down automatically if not used for a pre-set period of time.

My phone is 2 minutes, my notebook is 20.
If you have anything illegal on your device, and get coughs, you will suffer the consequences.  Leave your junk at home.  Get through your course without the junk.  I know of a guy that lent his buddy his laptop.  He went to prison for what they found on it.  Literally.  Why did he even bring it..who knows.  Lots of abuse once he got caught.  Don't bring your porn.  Don't share your devices.  Don't ask for it. 
Lets call a Spade a Spade here,

The Canadian Cellular coverage is a damn joke. I have deployed to Several Continents, and several Third World Countries. In turn I have learned several things;

1. Canadians wireless coverage is a Joke, you can not compare Canadian coverage to anywhere else in the world. Dont say "Suffield has horrible coverage, Libya must too," Chances are some farmer in Libya has better coverage then NDHQ recieves.
2. We pay way too effin much for the Sh!t service, as well as the even worst customer service.
3. Countries such as Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Congo, etc all have better coverage, and better QoS then Canadians do. I am in the middle one of Canadas largest cities, and I can barely get 3 bars of 3G coverage (i should be full LTE), on Canadas most popular provider. In Afghanistan on my BB, with Roshan (forget how it is spelt) I had a consistently full 3G coverage. In African countries, it was the same way, using a local SIM Card, I had tonnes of service, even in the boot F@$# boonies.
4. Every single time I deployed was for comms, comms would go down, we would either resort to satcomm (Iridium or Storm/BT2), or pull out the local cellular provider (which was by far a SH@#$ tonne cheaper). By no means did we discuss anything of a strategic or tactical nature, besides saying "we know, we are working on it" Yes, we wouldnt be able to provide secure, but with Iridium having a bird out, we could only provide secure 20hrs a day. (that is a "googleable" fact")
5. There are VERY few spots in the world we would deploy that does not have some sort of communications, if you are deployed to somewhere without it, Chances are JSR is right there, already set up or getting ready to be set up. OR something has been arranged and you are piggy backing off of someone else.

Just because you didnt have a fancy iTOY when you went through 20 years ago doesnt mean the guys coming through now shouldnt. If they want to have their cellphones, let em, I have been in the Mega with mine for CF purposes, there is horrible service and it drains the battery like none other.

Now saying that-

I do agree that it should definetly not cause a disturbance, or get in the way of training, or if required any correctional training, or team building experiences.

By the time a member succesfully passes basic, SQ etc and maybe even all glory PLQ at some point, they wont want to talk to the nagging wife as much.

Just because they wouldnt let you light a fire and produce smoke signals to talk to your loved ones while you were on course, doesnt mean the guys later need or deserve the same treatment, the mentality of "I had it this way, youll have it that way too" is toxic. A Military, like its country needs to grow, develop and change for the future.