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Beer For The Boys!


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I'm not sure where to put this but here we go... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/blogs/witnessworld

Breaking the Afghan drought
Paul Koring, today at 11:06 AM EST

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - It's hot, dusty and dry – especially dry. Very dry. As in "no beer". The big sprawling air base where about half of Canada's 2,300 soldiers are based in southern Afghanistan is an alcohol-free zone (except in the British and French officers' messes which are off-limits to Canadians). And its an alcohol free-mission. Almost.

Last Saturday was one of those warmly-welcomed exceptions. Pallets of donated cold beer (Molsons, Coors and Moosehead) plus German sausage and blaring music made for Oktoberfest-lite in Afghanistan.

Bavarians might not have recognized it, nor might most Canadians. But for the hundreds of Canadian soldiers pouring back a few wet ones (actually there was a strict limit of two) it was a deeply meaningful experience celebrating the nation's multi-ethnic heritage. As for the soldiers out in the field, they will – they were promised – get their two beers when they rotate into the main base for a few days relief.

(I've split this off here. It seems like a good post to have it's own thread, and hey...it's beer! - pc)
I don't like beer.

But seem to me only good that soldiers can have some,
even if its only 2, to relax and have some fun.

2 beers/month should be mandatory, don't you think ?
2 beers per man per day was instituted in Yugoslavia during roto 0 of Palladium. the charges soon followed. Beer in theater is not necessary. Anyone who can't wait the until their leave to have a beer needs to perhaps seek help for addiction. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but this is absurd. It's not "just a beer", it's an intoxicant that affects both motor functions and impares judgement. When KAF gets bumped do you want the person next to you to fully respond or would it be better that they are "relaxed"? I suppose back home many members have a beer to unwind after work, but in my opinion, this is a disastrous policy to institute.

I understand that this was a one time deal, but my above response was to the "2 per man per day perhaps" concept.
I think the people over there deserve it. If they wish not to drink a couple of beers, they shan't. Ain't no need to squabble.
seaforth93 said:
2 beers per man per day was instituted in Yugoslavia during roto 0 of Palladium. the charges soon followed. Beer in theater is not necessary. Anyone who can't wait the until their leave to have a beer needs to perhaps seek help for addiction. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but this is absurd. It's not "just a beer", it's an intoxicant that affects both motor functions and impares judgement. When KAF gets bumped do you want the person next to you to fully respond or would it be better that they are "relaxed"? I suppose back home many members have a beer to unwind after work, but in my opinion, this is a disastrous policy to institute.

I understand that this was a one time deal, but my above response was to the "2 per man per day perhaps" concept.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I think you are way off the mark on this one, however, because it is your opinion I will respect it. Two beers a night will not hurt anyone at anytime. You refer to the charges on Op Palladium.......how many of those people who got charged only had 2 beer in the system?
Just too bad it's domestic beer lol. There must have been alot of disappointed Stella and Heineken fans. ;D
seaforth93 said:
2 beers per man per day was instituted in Yugoslavia during roto 0 of Palladium. the charges soon followed. Beer in theater is not necessary. Anyone who can't wait the until their leave to have a beer needs to perhaps seek help for addiction. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but this is absurd. It's not "just a beer", it's an intoxicant that affects both motor functions and impares judgement. When KAF gets bumped do you want the person next to you to fully respond or would it be better that they are "relaxed"? I suppose back home many members have a beer to unwind after work, but in my opinion, this is a disastrous policy to institute.

I understand that this was a one time deal, but my above response was to the "2 per man per day perhaps" concept.

The charges were for going over the two beer limit. I'm also a big boy. Two beers is not a problem, but thanks for trying to be my conscience and forcing your moralistic outlook on the rest of society. I'd rather have a normal person beside me, that likes a beer once in awhile, than some caped crusader that thinks it's his job to save me and the rest of the world from what they perceive as evil.
recceguy said:
The charges were for going over the two beer limit. I'm also a big boy. Two beers is not a problem, but thanks for trying to be my conscience and forcing your moralistic outlook on the rest of society. I'd rather have a normal person beside me, that likes a beer once in awhile, than some caped crusader that thinks it's his job to save me and the rest of the world from what they perceive as evil.

Hey man,

Were you on CanchargeBat in Visoko?? He thinks Roto 0 Unprofor was bad! haha
probum non poenitet said:

Nope, just a woman that decided to follow her father advised...

Personal anecdote:

When I begin drinking beer at the old ages of 18/19,
I told my father that I didn't like the taste.
He told me that it was a good thing, and not to
try to change that.

As he was an alcoholic (rumours said by my mother that
he was dry since when I was 3 years old, and him, drunk,
tried to get me to drink some, and me crying my soul out), I thought
it was an advised by somebody that new what he was speaking about...
So I never drink a full beer since then. Around once a year, I accept a gulp
from a friend to see if they have one that I would like, but it never happens ...
No whiskey? :(

Hehehe, good to see them a get a couple well deserved pops.. Cheers! :cheers:
I am SOOOOOOOooo glad these rules weren't around in Cyprus in the 80's....now there was a fun place.
But that was a different can 'o worms.
recceguy said:
The charges were for going over the two beer limit. I'm also a big boy. Two beers is not a problem, but thanks for trying to be my conscience and forcing your moralistic outlook on the rest of society. I'd rather have a normal person beside me, that likes a beer once in awhile, than some caped crusader that thinks it's his job to save me and the rest of the world from what they perceive as evil.

Agreed...I am not a big beer fan myself( I prefer rye/rum etc) but I would never bemoan the fact the guys get 2 beer, after what they have been through over there, you would even think of stomping on a little bit of something for them to look forward to just make me shake my head. Glad you are not serving with me....
seaforth93 said:
..... Beer in theater is not necessary. Anyone who can't wait the until their leave to have a beer needs to perhaps seek help for addiction. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but this is absurd. It's not "just a beer", it's an intoxicant that affects both motor functions and impares judgement. When KAF gets bumped do you want the person next to you to fully respond or would it be better that they are "relaxed"? I suppose back home many members have a beer to unwind after work, but in my opinion, this is a disastrous policy to institute.

I understand that this was a one time deal, but my above response was to the "2 per man per day perhaps" concept.

Let's see now......Your Troop has just spent the last twelve hours doing a 'Body Exchange', taking Body Bags from one side over to the other to exchange for more Body Bags so that each side can give them the 'Proper Burial'.  This has also involved the 'bagging' of said bodies.  Now you are back in Camp and all the Kool Aid Bde will allow you is perhaps a can of Coke before you hit the Fart Sack.  Right!!!!!  Some good that will do.  No time to debrief, de-stress, talk it over with others in the Troop and definitely not a pleasant nights sleep.

On the other hand, a few beers in the Mess with the Troop to de-stress can be a good thing.  Perhaps that was why the Mess was created so many centuries ago.  -  First line in the "De-stressing" program.
Good to see everyone in KAF got some beer. Not so much for us guys out forward.
Mike,  Someone promissed they'd save you some......
(I believe him ;))
seaforth93 said:
Anyone who can't wait the until their leave to have a beer needs to perhaps seek help for addiction. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but this is absurd.

If you believe desiring a cold one while enduring what they are going through = addiction problem, I think you have bigger problems then that. Thinking they don't deserve one is absurd.


p.s. And I'm gonna raise one to the troops right now..............here's to you guys  :salute:
