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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Mr. Gaeta, say hello to Mr. Airlock...

I hope when this blows over (with Adama being on the winning side of course!) that Felix has a nice long chat with the business end of a firing squad.

I used to like him, too... oh well, he'll get his.
I don't think Gaeta did the right thing, but it's not like the "Roslin/Adama Administration" was entirely correct either. Granting cylons full citizenship and allowing cylon technology integration so soon after they killed billions of the population? Have they even apologize for what they've done? Roslin/Adama didn't exactly sell the idea very well ("It's a military decision." "It's classified."). I accept the idea only because as the audience I know the rebel/final four cylons mean no harm, maybe except Tory.

I haven't been in the military long enough to understand whether mutiny is ever justified.
Lee's mutiny against Tigh, Adama's attempt on Cain, Helo's against (crazy) Starbuck, were those right? If Gaeta's mutiny didn't involve as much deaths, as he probably naively imagined, and sleazy Zarek, would the idea be easier to swallow?

It's easy to dismiss those whiny Quorum members and the rest of the fleet as stupid civilians, but the Roslin/Adama dictatorship, though well-meaning, has only led to confusion and chaos in the end.
lucia_engel said:
I haven't been in the military long enough to understand whether mutiny is ever justified.

You'll cover mutinies during SLC (or Command & Staff Course for the officers). While I've always thought it should be taught earlier in the career, apparently Jr NCOs/Officers aren't bitter enough to conduct a mutiny.

No really, if you think you're bitter now........  ;D
I have mixed feelings about the ending.  Gaeta I couldn't care less about, but I've always liked Zarek - he seemed like the guy who kept his senses while Roslin went around looking for magic temples.  Plus, the fact that they brought the actor back from the original series was neat.  I was surprised to see him get into this rebellion so strongly, given how last time there was a Zarek-Roslin transition of power he handled it honourably.
a dying leader, who will guide the tribes to salvation = Samuel Anders
Techy said:
I hope when this blows over (with Adama being on the winning side of course!) that Felix has a nice long chat with the business end of a firing squad.

I'm a happy man again.

Interesting observation, Mover. The preview for the next episode has me pretty excited. So is Anders the one the prophecies called for?  Where are they going to go? What does he remember, exactly?
I am gonna be sad to see this show go.
I'm glad the traiterous b$%^&ards ate a bullet.  Not what they all need right now, seeing as earth is a bust and they're literally lost in space. 
Sam as the leader???  Not sure on that one, he isn't much of a leader of people.  But as we all saw on Earth, it was a mixed society and if it weren't for the Ressurection ships, there would be no memory of it.  It has all Happened before and will happen again...
Interesting to see the cylons on board are dedicated and loyal to the ship and Adama.  Nice twist. 
Ellen as the fifth??? Someone called it, can't see it because we've only seen one of her...mind you, we've only seen one of each of the 4 too.
Signing off Confused..??!! ???
BYT Driver said:
...........  But as we all saw on Earth, it was a mixed society and if it weren't for the Ressurection ships, there would be no memory of it.  It has all Happened before and will happen again...
Interesting to see the cylons on board are dedicated and loyal to the ship and Adama.  Nice twist. 
Ellen as the fifth??? Someone called it, can't see it because we've only seen one of her...mind you, we've only seen one of each of the 4 too.
Signing off Confused..??!! ???

The question of memories needs to be looked at again,as the final five were not resurrected through a Resurrection Ship.  Their memories have to be from some other means......genetic programing or something else.
Cool intro.  Love the "retro" cylons and ships.  I think it refers to the first cylon war.
Poor Galactica, with the shoddy construction and all the damage she's suffered. I wonder what will happen when Chief puts that organic resin in there, if the ship will grow even more awesome...
Lil_T said:
Starbuck is actually a cylon child.  Discuss.

That was my theory too, Daniel was her father, who was an artist, and she has some of his cylon memories, hence her having a destiny. Still doesn't explain how she found her own corpse (funeral of disposing of evidence?).

Not that it matters, everyone is a Cylon anyways... :P
Yeah - I don't know how to explain the her finding her own corpse.  Unless there's another resurrection ship.
It's possible, but I don't think they will, I doubt they would introduce a new character in the last 5 episodes of the show. They have to start tying up all the loose ends.

I know that "John" will be back though, possibly as soon as the next episode.

They should all just go back to New Caprica, since they are not likely to find another habitable planet any time soon.
Wouldn't surprise me George.  But I would be more willing to place bets on it being a series of flashbacks rather than a new character addition this late in the game.