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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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A little like the Borgs, not as "collective" oriented but the idea that economy or money would even be an issue doesn't seem relevant.
Be patient. Sometimes it takes a couple of seasons to get answers!

[Episode 6 of Year III, has the Galactica and Fleet come across a Space Station, called B5, in a Temporal Distortion, on their trek to the planet Earth.

Great more allusions to Star Trek and Babylon 5. BLASPHEMY! BLASPHEMY! :o  ;D

Wolfe117 said:
Man, ever since BSG the new series began I can't watch any Star Trek without thinking it is a cartoon or something.  This show rocks.
Cylons are wayyy cooler than the Borg.
I agree, I can't go back and watch ST without thinking that it is too corny or dumb or something or other. BSG has replaced ST for me :)
I just hope it stays on the air long enough.
ST is all doo-feely-goody.

Also, why do you expect that every solar system suppose to have species advanced enough for space travel?
Something I've been thinking about...

If you take a look at the designs, interior and exterior of the ships and equipment in BSG, Alien(s), you see ships and equipment that appear to be designed for functionality, purpose, rugged. Most of it isn't pretty to say the least but it damn well gets the job done...

What do you all envision our actual future to look like? Will our "space ships" be all clean, tidy, super-tricked out with every gizmo you can desire like in ST? Or would you imagine they'd be nitty-gritty like in BSG and the Alien series of movies?

I think in reality, it would be a ALOOONNNGGG time before we'd see all neat and tidy and spandexy in space like ST, and for a long time it'll be functional looking grotto style corridors... But then again, apparently the space station is super-spec clean right?...

What's your take folks?
I always thought it was interesting that even the futuristic weapons are primitive compared to ST.  Nuclear missiles, way more realistic than photon torpedoes.  Yeah, BSG is way more down and dirty like you would expect a warship.
R031 Pte Joe said:
Will our "space ships" be all clean, tidy, super-tricked out with every gizmo you can desire like in ST? Or would you imagine they'd be nitty-gritty like in BSG and the Alien series of movies?

My 2 cents, I imagine the gritty look would be more likely on a ship of that size and with so many people on board. More so when I think of ventilation and confinement issues. But then "gritty" is always seems more believeable over "pretty". Dare I add the example of the movie The Matrix, where the first bubble-dream was too perfect and the people died because they couldn't believe it was real?

( OOPS. I'm curious to see the reaction to that, I just compared BSG to the Matrix, I am sooo in trouble now. .... )  :o
Rice0031 said:
I agree, I can't go back and watch ST without thinking that it is too corny or dumb or something or other. BSG has replaced ST for me :)
I just hope it stays on the air long enough.

Star Trek dumb?? now THAT is blasphemy  ;D I could never denigrate Star Trek because of it's extraordinary imagination. Give me photon torpedoes and spandex!!! 

I think what's so appealing about BSG is that it's closer to home. It's realist and gritty and close to something we can actually believe could happen. It's like it's not even Sci-fi sometimes.

CougarKing is right. They should not even be compared.

sober_ruski said:
Also, why do you expect that every solar system suppose to have species advanced enough for space travel?

I don't expect every solar system to have space traveling species. But like on New Caprica, a funny looking critter or a virus, or a poisonous plant capable of telepathically infect our minds would have been nice... ok maybe the last one would be a better fit for ST... but you know what I mean.
JAMJAM said:
I have to say that one thing that bothers me about BSG is that the universe seems to be void of other races. Unless the cylons have already taken care of wiping all of them, I think it's a major flaw. I LOVE BSG but I respectfully disagree with you there Wolfe, no way does it even come close to Star Trek's fictional universe.

But yhea! Cylons are definitly wayyy cool. I love Raiders the best!

I would say that the apparent lack of sentient alien life and civilizations just illustrates how vast and empty our universe is.  I mean on Star Trek you've got thousands of alien races with their own civilizations and the only difference between them is a bump on their forehead or a extra nostril.  At least this way it gives the impression of being on a long lonely journey in the unknown.  Unlike voyager which seemed to always have some race to trade with or planet to take shore leave on.

What I like about BSG is its less fictional universe.  It's more gritty and harsh than Star Trek.  I mean you can't just raise shields or beam someone up.  But that's just my preference.
R031 Pte Joe said:
If you take a look at the designs, interior and exterior of the ships and equipment in BSG, Alien(s), you see ships and equipment that appear to be designed for functionality, purpose, rugged. Most of it isn't pretty to say the least but it damn well gets the job done...

What do you all envision our actual future to look like? Will our "space ships" be all clean, tidy, super-tricked out with every gizmo you can desire like in ST? Or would you imagine they'd be nitty-gritty like in BSG and the Alien series of movies?

I think in reality, it would be a ALOOONNNGGG time before we'd see all neat and tidy and spandexy in space like ST, and for a long time it'll be functional looking grotto style corridors... But then again, apparently the space station is super-spec clean right?...

What's your take folks?

You may want to revisit the movie "2001 - A Space Oddessy"  by Arthur C. Clarke.  At least it was a little bit realistic in the way that 'gravity' could be created.
George Wallace said:
You may want to revisit the movie "2001 - A Space Oddessy"  by Arthur C. Clarke.  At least it was a little bit realistic in the way that 'gravity' could be created.

Thanks, seen it. That movie initially made me think... "So that's why the human race is such a mess!"... Then again, I was a lot younger. But I would be very curious to see how our 'hardware' would turn out in the future. Course, I suppose we are curious about that...
Unfortunately the time machine hasn't been invented yet so any guesses would just be speculation which can be even more fun ;D
A few links to suggest BSG has technical, military, and science advisement.

http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Ron_Blecker ; Military
http://www.hollywoodnorthreport.com/documents/kg2005a.php ; Science

The "gravity" in 2001-ASO was simulated by centrifugal (and reactive) force caused by the
rotation of crew compartments.  The best example I can think of is the Babylon stations in B5


I suspect BSG follows the current astonomical view of the universe that the fermi paradox
is real and that space is like a vast desert.

I suppose since the series SEEMS to follow the basic flow of the original BSG, some interaction
with other species is likely.  I just want to see more Cyclon girls.

Bert said:
A few links to suggest BSG has technical, military, and science advisement.

http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Ron_Blecker ; Military
http://www.hollywoodnorthreport.com/documents/kg2005a.php ; Science

The "gravity" in 2001-ASO was simulated by centrifugal (and reactive) force caused by the
rotation of crew compartments and various forces.  The best example I can think of is the
Babylon stations in B5 series.


I suspect BSG follows the current astonomical view of the universe that the fermi paradox
is real and that space is like a vast desert.

Likely since the series SEEMS to follow the basic flow of the original BSG, some interaction
with other species is likely. I just want to see more Cylon girls.

This is the only thing in your post that makes sense!  ;D
Bert said:
A few links to suggest BSG has technical, military, and science advisement.

The "gravity" in 2001-ASO was simulated by centrifugal (and reactive) force caused by the
rotation of crew compartments and various forces.  The best example I can think of is the
Babylon stations in B5 series.

I suspect BSG follows the current astonomical view of the universe that the fermi paradox
is real and that space is like a vast desert.

Likely since the series SEEMS to follow the basic flow of the original BSG, some interaction
with other species is likely. 

You either know too much or have too much time on your hands???    ;)

I just want to see more Cyclon girls.   

Can it be said that you're somesort of toaster lover?     ;)

+1. So Say We All.  Fraek, then so am I ...More Caprica!!!


[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt]*MAJOR SPOILER ALERT*[/size][/size][/size]

Plus d’informations sur les versions respectives hallucinatoires de Six et Baltar
seront révélées, bien qu’il ne soit pas un Cylon. Cela concernerait par ailleurs plus
un rapport amoureux. - Propos du scénariste Ronald D. Moore recueillis sur le site
Pegasus Galaxy.com.

The scenarist Moore said that season 3 will reveal more of the hallucinations between Six and Baltar,
EVEN if Baltar is not a Cylon. Its more because of their love (sex ?) affair.
Oh, there's been the gratuitous butt shot in the showers...Adama had his shirt off once....(Eww)
Kara's hubby's butt (can't remember the name)
Hey, at least you girls get nekked butt, we guys get the rumour of nekkedness...
sober_ruski said:
ST is all doo-feely-goody.

Also, why do you expect that every solar system suppose to have species advanced enough for space travel?
WTF?  You obviously were NOT paying attention to the story lines, and instead were focused on 1960's television special effects!  SEVERAL planets were by-passed because they lacked interstellar travel technology HOWEVER, some had "observers" planted on them to study their development.  Remember the ST "Nazi" episode?  That was one such planet.  When the Enterprise approached, they were fired upon by a nuclear missile.  Their reaction was "WTF?  They are NOWHERE NEAR space travel, let alone nuclear weapons technology!"

BSG (the modern) is awesome.  ST is a different type of show, and other than the fact that space travel is involved, I see no other similarities.
George Wallace said:
You may want to revisit the movie "2001 - A Space Oddessy"  by Arthur C. Clarke.  At least it was a little bit realistic in the way that 'gravity' could be created.
Stanley Kubrick: forget him not.

2001: A Space Oddessy has THE BEST space special effects TO DATE, BAR NOTHING.  The Discovery had no gravity, less the exercise circuit, which wasn't really gravity, but centrifugal force.  Also, NOTHING makes sound in space, as seen (or rather, heard) in that very movie.
2010 is a different type of flick.  No comparison.

NOTE: to get the full effect of 2001, read the novel.