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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Trinity said:
A useful waste of bandwidth ;)

Personally i use http://btjunkie.org/ and if that doesn't work I go here http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/romeria/bittorrentsites.htm

I originally started using Tvtorrents.com but I was banned after I accumulated negative 6 gig credit debt (yeah, i'm a bad p2p person!).

And Trinity, can you invite some people there so we can download without having to upload first? :)
Sheerin said:
Personally i use http://btjunkie.org/ and if that doesn't work I go here http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/romeria/bittorrentsites.htm

I originally started using Tvtorrents.com but I was banned after I accumulated negative 6 gig credit debt (yeah, i'm a bad p2p person!).

And Trinity, can you invite some people there so we can download without having to upload first? :)


See.. I was there when there was NO min upload at first...

but i drove that account into the ground too  ;D

So I created a new account and then donated 2 dollars to the guy and you
get enough credits.  Just 1 dollar really is all you need.. and then keep your
UL/DL ratio up.. and you're fine
Thank you boys . Gotta feed that addiction of mine!  I was thinking of indulging in a SG1 marathon ( way from the start... yhea I'm talking season 1 here... ) But seriously. I can't wait for season 3 to come out, I'm going crazy here!
Checked out one of the links listed here and ended up watching half of the pilot.  Arggh, I think I am addicted
Welcome to your new support network.  Pocket protectors are available at cost.
sober_ruski said:
If he did, i'm about to bankrupt him. MAHUAHAHAHAHA



Thanks, you might have just stuck a crack pipe in my mouth, lit it and said "dont worry, the first one is free".  would have been less painful.

Severe addiction.  Can't eat, Can't sleep, must understand why the Pres is still alive, why Lee is fat and if I AM A FRACKING CYLON .

By your command...
Not good, hands shaking, mind reeling.  I forgot to turn the timer off on my satellite so it automatically changed channels to Space at 9 last night.  It was like a knife was thrust into my heart as I stared at the place where BSG should have been :crybaby:
the first one http://www.tv-links.co.uk/Battlestar%20Galactica_links.html#Battlestar%20Galactica_3 is free  >:D
rmacqueen said:
Not good, hands shaking, mind reeling.  I forgot to turn the timer off on my satellite so it automatically changed channels to Space at 9 last night.  It was like a knife was thrust into my heart as I stared at the place where BSG should have been :crybaby:


There was not supposed to be Battlestar Galactica that Saturday night! The half-season's ended for the holidays- the next episode won't start until January 21!

Happy Holidays!


this site has all the BSG...  streaming.. for free.. 

No wait download?!?!?

This is sweet.
sober_ruski  thanks for posting that link man no I can catch up to season 3 I have missed allot cause of work  ;D