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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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OK...  you got me... I'm a Ceylon

but I don't make my guest appearance until season 3  ;D
Please, lets get back on track.  Who is Trinity? And who is he the father to?
My head spins..
GP :blotto:
A truly outstanding episode tonight! It's all becoming perfectly clear. 

The Galactica jump into the atmosphere was way too cool! Too bad about Pegasus though...:(
Make the voices stop, I'm at work and had to tape it.
Trinity said:
OK...  you got me... I'm a Ceylon
Wow, you're from Sri Lanka?

Got to agree, taking Galatica into the atmosphere was a cool move
I just purchased Season 2...Not much to do on ships...

I love the series though...Best one in years.

Hah, sorry about that rant, I was just messing around.
Though I was serious about the musings with regards to "Starbuck's child'. ...Which we all know the truth now anyways.

With regards to Billy being a Cylon, I feel that that possibility my be quite plausible. As, I think Trinity mentioned, he's out of our minds and off the "potential Cylon radar" for now, and would be a perfect candidate for one. We'll see.

Though with the current turn of events with what happened in the last episode it looks like they're putting BSG back into the old season 1-style format of "holy crap, Cylons! JUMP!". Hopefully the producers have a card or two up their sleeves.
Actually i wouldn't be surprised if we don't see a full Cylon attack (or even probe) for a good chunk of this season.  Basically humanity just dealt a major blow to the Cylons, both in terms of the loss of 4 capital ships as well as a psychological one in terms of the escape of the majority of the population.  Also remember that the Cylon models we've seen thus far aren't in total agreement about what to do with humanity.  Some want the bloodshed to cease others want it to end in another nuclear holocaust.  Either way its going to take them a while to figure out exactly whats going to go on.

As for the series there is going to be a number of issues to deal with specifically what to do with the so-called collaborators, what exactly are they going to do with the two battlestar groups (like for instance Lee is out of job at the moment, unless he becomes the new XO or perhaps he takes command of Galactica and Adama focuses on the fleet like an admiral), then there is the question of how the insurgents and the rest of the New Caprica population going to deal with being on ships again.  And above all else, who is the president? 
And what's going to a happen to Baltar?

Okay wow, I'm such a nerd!
Well yes...you are.

However i caught myself telling a friend how REALISTIC the series was...and then realized that I was talking about a science fiction show...I guess we all get a bit wrapped up in it.

In all honesty I see what they're doing as we'll look like when we finally get into space...Hopefully no Ceylons though.

I love the fact that the Viper Piolts go through proper launch drills. IT just adds to the realism!

Ok...back to the closet to put on my Chewbacca suite and read comic books to my stuffed toys! :blotto:

All righty then; I watched my tape today and now know what you're all talking about.
I think the un-named Cylon is going to be the un-named citizen who got released from "jail".  The camera spent and extra little time showing the woman in profile.
Waay cool!!  jumping Galactica into the atmosphere, launching attack Vipers, then jumping back to orbit.  Talk about a punchin the head when not expecting it.  Too bad about Pegasus, but gald to see Apollo doesn't take orders too well and pitched in to "save humanity"...and his dad. "Never could read your writing anyways."
Any ideas what happened to Baltar and Six???  I don't think they made the fleet and got stuck on the planet.
Sorry to see Ellen Tigh have to go, that calls for a debate on what you would do to save one person or many.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one"  Then again Spock came to Kirk's aide and noted, "the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many."  Sorry, I digreesed and slipped into Trek mode.
Can't wait for next saturday.
sober_ruski said:
Me thinks Ellen Tigh is going to wake up in a cylon resurection ship soon.


how long was Ellen Tigh married to the Col....

if it was before or during the first Cylon war.. then it's
not possible.  If they met up afterwards... then it is.

I bet it's Apollo's wife (Dee).  She seemed to be almost talking him into not rescuing his father and filling his head with visions of taking his father's place as admiral...I never did like her, and can't see what he saw in her!

Ok...I need a life!  :-[
After careful consideration, DH and I have now wagered that the dark haired assistant to Laura is another cylon. (think about it, she was entrusted to get Hera off the planet and failed miserably plus she's always in the opportune place to glean info plus she was zigging when everyone else was zagging trying to get "their people" to the evac points. 

Dh also raised an interesting point, the film stock has changed slightly and it appears a td grainier than last season and that type of film use tends to signify a POV from an observer or machine...what if, DH suggests, that we are watching the events through a POV of the cylon we can't ID yet, but is known the the characters?
RangerRay said:
I bet it's Apollo's wife (Dee)...  I never did like her, and can't see what he saw in her!

Let's see, 50,000 overall survivors, a very long time on one ship and slim picking all the way around...and Starbuck hates him!...I'd say that's what he sees in her. LOL
I don't know who the next cylon revelation will be but I'm sure Baltar is one.

Here is my evidence:  Remember way back in the mini-series, he's at his home with the hot cylon.  Then blammo, nuclear strike hits and well pretty much vaporises his home.  He's last seen couching being held by the cylon.  Next thing you know he's looking to hitch a ride off the planet.  I doubt that he survived the blast unless he was a cylon.  Also, the fact that he has/had that cylon in his head, passing on somewhat significant intel points to a possible comms device.

Yep Baltar.
Can't be Baltar -- he was in the intial series as the Human that sold Humanity to the Cylons -- He wont be a cylon.

Infidel-6 said:
Can't be Baltar -- he was in the intial series as the Human that sold Humanity to the Cylons -- He wont be a cylon.

So how did he survive the nuke?  Uh?  How?  Uh?  ;)

Frankly I think you can discount almost everything from the original series.  Boomer was a black human and is now a female oriental cylon.  The list of changes could go on.  I don't take anything for granted with this series.
How did he survive the nuke?

Six was there also... and she covered him up and
took the blast/shrapnel etc...  protecting him and
sacrificing herself.