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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Starbuck is the harbinger of death.....

I figure that was a reference to her role in bringing them to earth, by planning out the destruction of the reserection ship and making it possible for the cylons to die permanently Starbuck is the harbinger of death to the cylons, not as a plague but as a gift to make their existence more poignant, Changing the way they think about their role in the universe and thus making an alliance possible

Poetic logic, but you may be right, there may be more to this, I'm suspecting Baltar's Meddling with the Centurion will cause the Centurions to turn on the skin jobs to complete the creations turning on the creators cycle a la all this has happened before, all this will happen again, perhaps Starbuck will play some roll in that too.

I suspect once that happens that humans and cylons will integrate as the centurions will hunt both down because if the Skin jobs don't even know for sure that there are only 5 more or who the fifth is, the centurions will want to be sure, and don't care if humans exist anymore and may fear that the humans may also try to enslave them as their creators before them.

I also what to know why it seems the cylons don't ever seem to know how their technology works, at least not the skin jobs... so who does the creating for them now? Will this mysterious source of technological advancement reveal it'self....

What about the other Cylons that they left behind... will they follow?  Are the centurions there hunting the skin jobs like the originals did with the humans back at the 12 colony's and the current group of cylons and humans the new 13th colony?

I'm already vibrating in my chair in anticipation and there is probably 9 months to go.

          That's kind of a cool idea  but more than likely cause they stated that the 5th isn't even in the fleet.  That it will be a guess star appearance to help boost the rating of the show in the final remaining episodes  and the person playing the 5th will be some one that we never ever thought of . 
And the guest star appearance... Is.... Kevin Sorbo!!! What? It's not that far off, considering Xena's on the show, it's only fair that Hercules makes an appearance too!
Frak, I'm just happy that Space is rerunning this season on tuesdays at 10pm.  That way I don't need to go looking for episodes on the net.
Thank you Space for helping me keep my sanity... ;D
The fifth is either Cain or Kendra Shaw.

Or at least that's what I think.
Sheerin said:
The fifth is either Cain or Kendra Shaw.

Of course...  who said the fifth wasn't already killed, like Cat, Cally, Billy etc.

We need a list of all people who died in the 4 seasons.  Imagine if it was Tigh's wife ?
Trinity said:
Of course...  who said the fifth wasn't already killed, like Cat, Cally, Billy etc.

We need a list of all people who died in the 4 seasons.  Imagine if it was Tigh's wife ?

I was convinced for a while that Billy would be brought back as a Cylon, thinking it would be perfect to have a political type one, then they introduced Tori. 

i doubt it's Ellen, which is a shame because that character rocked.

Just a thought - I wouldn't put it past RDM to pull a David Chase and just as they're about to reveal the 5th, he ends the final show.  Just like the ending of the Sporanos. 

Now that would piss people off.
              Man oh man if they don't say who the 5Th cylon is I will be ticked right off that would suck big time . 

An official Sci-Fi trailer for the long hiatus between the last episode and the second half of this season. Be on the lookout for 10 minisodes that will show on the Sci Fi website, from what I hear; I am not sure if this applies for Space Channel viewers here in Canada.

I am guessing that the 5th is a baby that would be found under the covers that Adama looks under in the trailer.

Furthermore, there are rumours circulating on the internet that the 13th Colony was even more advanced than the other 12, before it was destroyed of course.
I'll just guess that the covers are covering Laura's body that Bill's crying over.  Tigh pulling a gun on Lee though...interesting.
take another look...I think it is Tigh pulling a gun on Bill Adama...look at the hair
Here's the new trailer for the upcoming BSG spinoff series called "Caprica":

CougarDaddy said:
Here's the new trailer for the upcoming BSG spinoff series called "Caprica":


Take a look at 0:35, looks a little like Tory, doesn't it?
But... I just watched the video not more than 2 minutes ago haha. It was pretty intense.