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Basic Para 2005

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ThatsLife said:
I was standing in line at a video store a few months ago with my girlfriend; looking around, I see a man standing behind wearing a T-shirt, but his left sleeve was rolled up to his shoulder--exposing his tattoo. I wanted to get a closer look at it, so I subtly went to go get a bag of M&M's and took a look at his tattoo. To my surprise it was the USMC Logo. On the top of the logo there was "USMC" and on the bottom "Sniper"..so obviously he was a USMC Sniper. Point being, his intentions were to get attention. I mean, who wears a t-shirt with one of the sleeves rolled up to the shoulder?   ::)

I was just going to say, I find it questionable that any real USMC sniper would do something like that. Like paracowboy and GO talked about, very very very few of the real professional soldiers I know would do something so childish and self serving.

Id put more money on the guess that he was in the USMC as a truck driver or something, but wants to look like some kind of commando in front of everybody .... seriously, rolling up one sleeve so people can see it is just stupid. I hate it when people do that.
I think ThatsLife put that post up to illustrate the difference between Quiet Professionalism and being a braggart, as a definite example of what I was trying to get across. We all see how stupid the fool in his post looks. We all see how unprofessional he appears. Thank you, ThatsLife.
"A Pole" as in Polish. The guy does Vietnam Reenacting and plays airsoft.
Pole shmole - the GHEY is strong in that one...
hey, does anyone now about those dutch wings? people who is not part of session 54 should stop criticising us.
Padvaiskas said:
hey, does anyone now about those dutch wings? people who is not part of session 54 should stop criticising us.

You're right, they should be focussed on helping you with your writing, because that will affect your employment and earning potential in years to come. We wouldn't want you to be an under-achiever when a little pre-emptive strike on your grammar  (and spelling, capitalization, punctuation) might help.
2332Piper said:
Hey, does anyone know about those Dutch wings? People who is are not part of Session 54 should stop criticising us.

My profs tell me grammer and spelling is important, so I thought I'd pass along the advice for you. Although, I guess us wogs (or was it legs?) should be careful when correcting you paratroopers eh?

But are'nt you in a band too?

So you are a wog/leg/bandie?

Also, the term "Paratrooper" is always spelled with a capital "P", no more blasphemy.  ;)

2332Piper said:
Hey, does anyone know about those Dutch wings? People who is are not part of Session 54 should stop criticising us.
thanks for translating. I didn't know what he was saying.

Pad-whatever, if you don't want to be corrected, don't screw up. It's that simple.

This thread is rapidly wearing on my nerves. If it continues to do so, I will extend an invitation to some REAL Airborne Paratroopers who will explain in greater detail just what those mistakes were/are as I apparently was unable to get my points across clearly enough.

Stop it.

Perhaps one day, some of you will continue on with a Military career and learn exactly what it means to be a paratrooper. The actual jumping is the smallest part of it. That is not the job. It is the commute we take to get to work. The job starts on the ground once you have donned 100 lbs of kit, and humped 25 klicks at mach 9 through impassable terrain without leaving sign or making noise in order to put in an attack at dawn, which is always far enough away to make the journey in any amount of reasonable time. Then, you fight through an objective, grab your kit and run your arse away. Then you go home and clean up your kit, put it away, and prepare to do it again.

That's in Canada. What we do overseas is even worse.

This thread is getting annoying. Kudos to the originator for a good idea, but it has degenerated badly. It was starting to show improvement until you popped off your yap.

edited to take some bite out of it. And I am trying hard to refrain from explaining exactly what I think of airsofters. Let it be noted, however, that I stopped playing Dress-Up with toy guns before I entered adolescence.
Session 54  ???

Kinda like John Travolta's Section 8 in "Basic" - but for airsoft????

I want to join the military but there are only reserves here in Regina Saskatchewan. I would be one of a hand full of jumpers to be in the infantry regiment there. But when I when I’m done high school I want nothing more than to be in PPLCI, any Battle group. The Regina rifle reservist there wants me to join them but I plan to get out of Regina and go to Alberta or Manitoba for the pats. The way I look at it is I have one more year of cadets where I could become a Sgt majorand make an easy $3400 at this rocky cadet camp. Or I could get into the reserves for the summer training and try to get a transfer out to PPCLI. I hear it is hard and a pain in the ass to get a transfer. But I would rather just join and get my BMQ in the regular forceif i am not going to be in the reserves for long.

Any opinions?
Arnie_Jumper: Stay in school as long as you can and get an education, either a degree or a trade.  If you still want to join the PPCLI after that go down to the recruiter and start the process.  You may find a stint in the reserves to be helpful to evaluate for yourself whether or not that's what you want to do.  Your cadet experience will be an asset, but make sure you give yourself many options.  A good education will do that, whether you decide to go in as an officer or as a non-commissioned member.  You may want to consider one of the military university entry plans.

Best of luck regardless of what you decide.
For the contrarian opinion a 3 year BE right after High School can give you a bit of life experience that if you go back to school (University) you will have a better head on your shoulders.

I frigged away my first trip to U -- going back after I got out the first time had given me a lot of growing up...
KevinB said:
For the contrarian opinion a 3 year BE right after High School can give you a bit of life experience that if you go back to school (University) you will have a better head on your shoulders.

I frigged away my first trip to U -- going back after I got out the first time had given me a lot of growing up...

Ditto for all of the above - I'm doing my schoolwork now - on the weekends  >:(
KevinB said:
For the contrarian opinion a 3 year BE right after High School can give you a bit of life experience that if you go back to school (University) you will have a better head on your shoulders.

IMO a 3 year BE should be a prerequisite to higher education in the arts, commerce or political sciences.  There'd be a lot less stupid people graduating to make public policy.

Also, I say bring back the high school cadet corps.  Going to college? Join the Army Reserve, get a subsidy and some life experience while you learn.

And now back to your regulalry scheduled thread....
redleafjumper said:
Arnie_Jumper: Stay in school as long as you can and get an education, either a degree or a trade.  If you still want to join the PPCLI after that go down to the recruiter and start the process.  You may find a stint in the reserves to be helpful to evaluate for yourself whether or not that's what you want to do.  Your cadet experience will be an asset, but make sure you give yourself many options.  A good education will do that, whether you decide to go in as an officer or as a non-commissioned member.  You may want to consider one of the military university entry plans.

Best of luck regardless of what you decide.

I know getting a higher education can only be better but i am not truely interested in anyhting else but the military as a career.
thanks for your opinion.
Neither was I when I was 18 - priorities do change, you know.
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