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August Orientation at Saint Jean (for ROTP)


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I am looking for imformation on this specific course. I do not beleive its the full BMOQ or any other qualifying course. If anybody has information on the timeframe or what exactly occurs here; please post.

I was told to report to Saint Jean on 7th August and I will be starting university in Semptember, so I know its no longer than a month.


" 6. OCdt Recruit training will take place at CFLRS St. Jean, Quebec from 12 ‑ 24 August.  To prepare for this physically demanding training, you are urged to begin a cardio and muscular endurance fitness program as early as possible.  You will return to RMCC from CLFRS under the control of the RMCC First Year Orientation Program (FYOP) Staff on the morning of 25 August. "

I'm sure if you browse the site you can find more information that will help you.
I did this 2 week orientation but it was at RMC.  Don't worry much about it.  It gives you a little taste of what basic is going to be like.  In my experience this 2 weeks was actually worse than BMOQ because we were more closely watched in the evening and had no time off.  It is only 2 weeks so I wasnt expecting much.  Its basically, Reveille, PT, Powerpoint, more powerpoint, food, clean stuff, powerpoint, drill, more powerpoint and so on.  There are a few minor inspections but nothing to worry about.  You will learn basic drill (you should get your capbadge for doing drill test) but when you get to BMOQ they make you do it all over again...lol military life.  You'll learn rules and regs for the military, rank etc. and then you will go over it again when you go back to BMOQ next summer unless they recognized that it is a complete waste of the first two weeks of basic.  It will give you guys a huge advantage over those who are getting there fresh from the civvi world for BMQ/BMOQ, provided you guys don't forget all the stuff you learned  (like keeping your arms straight while marching, etc), in which case you will mark time forever and ever.  At least we did, haha.  Have fun and don't worry too much about it just take it for what it is..an introduction.
jathukor said:
I am looking for imformation on this specific course. I do not beleive its the full BMOQ or any other qualifying course. If anybody has information on the timeframe or what exactly occurs here; please post.

I was told to report to Saint Jean on 7th August and I will be starting university in Semptember, so I know its no longer than a month.


In years past, this INDOC or Orientation course has been run at RMC or CMR.  This past year it was run at CFLRS St. Jean - colloquially known as the MEGA.  If it's anything like last year, you will arrive at the Mega and begin your course within a day or two.  It will cover basic military knowledge, regulations, rank structure, military ethos, and a whole bunch of other topics taken directly from the material (ie. powerpoint presentations) used on BMQ/BMOQ. 
It is a very basic introduction to the military so you will know what you've just signed up for.  You'll do PT, inspections, get issued kit and start wearing a uniform, and spend literally hours ironing/polishing/kit marking. 

You'll probably get yelled at a lot.  You'll learn drill.  You won't sleep much.  It's a mini introduction to BMOQ, which you will do in the summer following your first year of school. The Indoc/Orientation course is approximately two weeks.

Be prepared to have very little time for cell phone/internet usage, and likely to have your electronics locked up (at your staff's discretion).

It's not too bad, especially if you're brand new to the CF and everything is learning material for you, but it was definitely a wake up call for those with weaker mental fortitude or physical fitness.

Good luck.
I'm seriously excited for all this to begin and all the challenges ahead it's going to be great :)