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Attack Helicopters

air533 said:
I'll be more specific, I meant in relation to Canada's military.
I guess despite 1760 hits, it's not that important a question:
It's not like Canada will ever have attack helicoptors anyway. Kinda calls into question the importance of this whole thread.
It's been fun guys!

air533 said:
Look, I'm not trying to be contentious here.   I know about search engines.
The topic of the thread is attack helicopters.
So why when I mention the KA-52 am I told to take the hint and go check a search engine?

Hi Air533

Look, I don't think that ayone is trying to be mean or "elitist" or anything like that...We get an awful lot of people who come here and arbitrarliy throw out questions during the course of a thread without really wanting to know the answer...Or for other, less-savoury reasons (trolling, whatever) The "staff" here don't have the time to go and look up all of the answers to every question asked. They expect you to do that, gain the knowledge you want to gain, and THEN come back and enter into a discussion about the particular piece of kit you're interested in. (in your case the KA-52 Soviet attack helo)

Once you do that you will find plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of pilots here who will be impressed as heck that you went out, did your research, and are now after their opinion of said piece of kit.

No one is trying to be rude...We just don't have the time to look up the answer to every little question that gets asked.   ;)  

C'mon guys... some of you guys are in the military and I'm not, I just a civilian who thinks military issues are important and I'm looking for more info than I could get from Google.
(Specifically how an aircraft like the KA-52 might or might not fit into Canada's Forces operationally.)
If the military wants more support from the 32 million civilians in Canada military types gotta help us out a bit at least. :-\

You have no idea how much we value open-minded peoploe coming to the forum and wanting to know more about the CF and what it can and can't do for Canada...I guess all I can say is that to get a little you have to give a little (again going back to research) Do some background work on what you want to know and then come and start a topic on what you're working on...As long as it isn't silly or wasting staff's time we will be happy to help you out.

If you have any problem PM me and I will try to "guide" you here at the site as best I can.


Slim said:
Too bad the MI-24 Hind E was developed by the other team...Mind you I don't know the reliability and maint. record for the aircraft...But it can carry lots of crunchies and packs a wack of firepower.


The Hind is actually a "compound aircraft", which relys on the stub wings to generate much of the lift in forward flight. The attack profile is closer to a WWII fighter-bomber making a high speed pass while spewing rockets and cannon fire, and maybe dropping a bomb in passing as well. This is much different from the ideal of western helicopter drivers doing "pop ups" from rotor defilade and sniping hard targets with TOW or HELLFIRE missiles.

Like most rotary wing machines, the Hind is 10,000 parts flying in close formation, and the Muhajadeen were able to deal with them in the 1980s by firing 12.5 and 14.4mm HMGs, as well as captured SAM-7 "Strela" Manpads; not to mention the "Stinger" SAM. Tracking one of these speeding by at 200+ mph is difficult. but not impossible.

Reliability is on the Soviet model, build lots and don't worry too much about it.

Much of this info was cribbed from an old "Air and Space" magazine article.
I'm too lazy tonight to look at 6 pages of posts on attack helicopters, but with this much attention to them - did I miss something? Are we now looking into purchasing a few?
I'm too lazy tonight to look at 6 pages of posts on attack helicopters, but with this much attention to them - did I miss something? Are we now looking into purchasing a few?

Whiskey601.  I think there has been thoughts and Ideas on this eversince attack helicopters existed.  The Air Force (The hard Air Force and not half breeds like myself who wear blue but have spent more time with the Army) was often suspect of them and had other priorities.  It is becoming self-evident that the greatest force multiplier that an Army can have is Attack/Armed Recce helicopters.  To be relevent on any battlefield, high to low intensity, your have to have them.  But, and we all know the reasons, we can't afford them right now.  There are things to fix and priorities for new equipment.

The AH or ARH is not all seeing and all dancing and to be truly effective it has to be a part of the combined arms team.  But without this capability you are at a severe disadvantage already.  Fighter aircraft do not replace this capability either.  I did a paper for CFSS on this issue and found that attack helos had  five to six times the surviveability rate to fighters, approx three time better surviveability to A-10s, when providing direct support to land forces.  Now that was back in '92 and I would have to guess that the fighter survivability has improved with precision guided munitions.  (Wish I had kept the paper as it had some good references.)

Do we have to go that direction in the future? To stay relevent, you bet.  Can we go there now?  Not on your life.  One thing at a time.  When I become supreme commander and Prime Minister for life maybe I can speed up the process ;) ::)
Thanks for the info on the ACH-47, Duey.

I remember reading about the AC-130 serving in Vietnam, and still serving today. Thought the concept of an attack transport aircraft did work, Chinook inclusive.

Though not practical (somewhat eliminating the transport desgination), I found that the idea of an armed transport aircraft, with maximum ammunition load (ie: ACH-47 with standing room for the gunners and nothing but ammo in the back), somewhat......intimidating. :o
The Black Hawk is the ultimate helo. It can be armed with a variety of weapons, it can carry 11 fully equpped soldiers and its a medium lift helo. It is made just south of us aswell.There are alot of different kinds of black hawk but im talking about the S-70A Heres a link to see it. http://www.army-technology.com/projects/black_hawk/
Infantree said:
The Black Hawk is the ultimate helo. It can be armed with a variety of weapons, it can carry 11 fully equpped soldiers and its a medium lift helo. It is made just south of us aswell.There are alot of different kinds of black hawk but im talking about the S-70A Heres a link to see it. http://www.army-technology.com/projects/black_hawk/


here we go again.........
Infantree said:
The Black Hawk is the ultimate helo. It can be armed with a variety of weapons, it can carry 11 fully equpped soldiers and its a medium lift helo. It is made just south of us aswell.There are alot of different kinds of black hawk but im talking about the S-70A Heres a link to see it. http://www.army-technology.com/projects/black_hawk/

Many helicopters can be fitted with weapons and many can carry large numbers of troops.  Many can carry more than the Black Hawk.  The problem is that many cannot be fitted with all kinds of weapons and carry troops at the same time.  Most times you don't want one helicopter doing both at the same time either. 

Anyway, let's sort out something else.  If you are getting all of this info out of Jane's, or some documentary, or even worse - some game.......DON"T POST HERE!  You are out of your League....way outside of your Lanes.
The best attack helos are the ones designed to do it. Yes there are varaints of the black hawk armed with hellfire and other goodies, but an apchae is still the better choice for that role.
Infantree said:
The Black Hawk is the ultimate helo. It can be armed with a variety of weapons, it can carry 11 fully equpped soldiers and its a medium lift helo. It is made just south of us aswell.There are alot of different kinds of black hawk but im talking about the S-70A Heres a link to see it. http://www.army-technology.com/projects/black_hawk/

Hey.. Don't knock the kid.  He's absolutely correct.

Just because his spelling is off, his grammar is poor and he has no personal experience
what so ever in any of the threads he's posting in, doesn't make him wrong....  :-[

Kid..  I hope you note the sarcasm.  A friendly note, stay in your lane. 
I have a feeling the next warning will be from a mod and it won't be friendly.
Kid.... Has it occurred to you that your telling people who actually know about military aircraft, which is the best?

I mean sure they only have Years of experience, and you have what couple of years reading books and playing video games. But hey I mean you must know something we don't.... other then of course how to spell Infantry, but just minor right cause I mean my trade needs to be misspelled by a 14 year old know it all, and I mean I wouldn't get upset about that would I?

Please STOP posting!
HitorMiss said:
Kid.... Has it occurred to you that your telling people who actually know about military aircraft, which is the best?

I mean sure they only have Years of experience, and you have what couple of years reading books and playing video games. But hey I mean you must know something we don't.... other then of course how to spell Infantry, but just minor right cause I mean my trade needs to be misspelled by a 14 year old know it all, and I mean I wouldn't get upset about that would I?

Please STOP posting!

I laughed very very hard when I read the above! I guess we still know how to get the msg across and have a good giggle at the 14 year old SOCOM general (of COURSE the BlackHawk is the ULTIMATE aircraft) in the process... :rofl:  ( Mike finally added the right little rolly-polly to represent this breed of military fighting man...er...boy) :salute: