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Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

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In the same situation (different med condition) I jumped through every hoop the CF wanted me to to get through my medical so don't bother with the "you would do the same" BS.  May be it was because I was from a different generation, a generation that wasn't quite so "Me" orientated. 

BD Tyre

My point is, if they want you to do something, do it, don't question the necessity of it and don't let someone from outside the CF influence you about it.
I have waited for 11 years to be able to remuster to my current MOC so you having to wait 2 moths extra to join up isnt gonna kill you.  The military wants the test done, you want to get in...........sounds rather simple to me.  As has been mentioned, thos experts you have seen are not in the military so the dont have a clue as to what your employement in the CF will be.

Stop siging "mememe"...you wanted helpfull advice, here it is: shut up and do what you were told to do, period !

That bit of advice will help you troughout your military career.
Now I had a chance to sleep on it, and your post still drives me...

Heres my trade specs if you don't believe me.

MED TECH - 737
GENERAL DUTIES: The functions of these Med Techs are to support the C.F. Health Care system by providing care for ill and injured patients, in static units as
well as during deployments in the field, at sea, and air ops.

1. Locate and retrieve casualties in hazardous situations.
2. Assist lifting patients (90 kg).
3. Carry one end of stretcher with a patient (90 kg) up to distances of 50 m, up and down
stairs, around corners, and load/unload on ambulances and aircraft.
4.Carry boxes of supply weighing 30 kg for one hour.
5. Use/cope with hazardous material such as pesticides, diesel, gasoline and AVGAS
fumes, and biological waste.
6. Cope with the stress related to caring for patient with little/no medical supervision and
under survival situations.
7. Walk 5 km per day on uneven ground.
8. Work wearing NBCW equipment for 12 hours.
9. Stand for 4-6 hrs continuously and/or walk for periods up to 12 hrs per day.
10. Climb, stoop, bend, crawl or work in confined spaces.
11. Drive service vehicles under low/no light conditions.
12. Handle heavy ship-borne fire fighting equipment while wearing CHEMOX masks.
13. Work 12 hour shifts with occasional periods of 16 hours work.

Not to mention, IF they let you in, the CF has to take care of you medically, potentially until you retire at 60 yrs old.  Do you think they take thier job seriously.

Take the test and sum up.
Well now that everyone's decided to berate and attempt to belittle me, I believe I have already stated I would do the test.   Please stop attempting to make an issue of a non-issue.   The medical staff at Borden have wasted both my time and their time.   Had they ordered this test nine months ago, when this issue first came up, I would not be complaining.   However, for me to do the tests I was required to do and then suddenly to be told, by the same people that those tests were not good enough...why didn't they tell me to do an exercise test in the first place?   I had even asked the medical staff at Borden if I needed any tests in addition to the methacholine and the PFT and I was told -not by the CFRC Vancouver, but by Borden themselves- that it was between me and my doctor.   To keep me waiting for nearly five months only to tell me that what they asked of me is not good enough is quite ridiculous.

Armymedic - you are the only person I have come across to refer to the med staff at Borden as a "panel" or specialists.   Everyone else has indicated it is one, or at best two, persons reviewing a file.

And I've never doubted employment in the CF will be hard.   But don't judge me until you know me.   I'm not saying I could do your job, but I do things that, if you really do believe I am an asthmatic, I shouldn't be able to do.   And I do them without an inhaler.

And for those who keep insisting I do what I'm told to without a single question, well I have a little story about that, but I'll leave it for PM if anyone even cares to hear it.

I asked for helpful advice.   I did not ask to be lectured, and I especially did not ask for anyone to attempt to belittle me or attempt to diminish my abilities in any way.   If you feel like insulting me any more, please PM me and we will deal with this on a one-on-one basis.   If I may do so, I request a moderator lock this thread as I can see it spiralling out of control.
Seems to me you got at least five posts full of useful advice, and kept on pissing and moaning about it.

If you think this is an unbearable hoop to jump through, I can't wait untill you come through my office for something. 

There are a number of health requirments unique to the CF, from "unusual" blood chemistry tests to "archaic" panographic dental x-rays.  That's because, as Armymedic pointed out, we have unique job requirments, like anti-malaria therapies and a higher then normal likelihood we'll need forensic information on you.

You'd best be able to do his job, at least physically.  The 031 Task Statement is rougher then ours.

Asthmatics have no place in the CF.  None. 

If you want in, prove to the RMO's you don't have it.  Proof beyond a clinical doubt, not one doctors diagnosis.
I have a minor chest disorder. The right side of my ribcage sticks out about 1cm more than my left side. My breathing, muscular strength and flexability are not affected, so it is a purely congenial defect. Will my chances of getting pilot, Infantry or any other trade be affected?
Your best bet is to talk to a Recruiter and be examined by one of their Med Staff. Good Luck.
Inch hit the nail on the head, get to a specialist and have them run a "Pulmonary Function Test" and the Methacholine Challenge test.  It won't hurt to get tested for exercise induced asthma as well, just so they can see on paper, what your situation really is.  It is what I did and my second application seems to be going much better than the last.  Good luck.

Not quite.  My buddy did all that, and appealed his application, and got yet another rejection letter.  Even though he passed the test with flying colors.

I just told him screw it, wait 6 months and submit another application, and DON'T mention his asthma.  He has nothing to lose.
I just told him screw it, wait 6 months and submit another application, and DON'T mention his asthma.  He has nothing to lose.

Good advice and when they pull his previous med file he can claim what? Stupidity? Amnesia?
Was rejected at first because I had a ritalin prescription from the years earlier in my childhood.

So I retook the ADD test without taking any ritalin.  Passed it, got the doctor to right up a report about me on the tests.  I had this sent up to the medical officer who rejected me and within a few months I got a letter from him authorizing me to continue the process!

Sometimes a medical issue can side track you, but it is really worth it to do what you can to get passed it.  I'm glad I did, I love the army!
Well i have a bit of asthma, i've had it for many years but never has been severe. My asthma usually only happens when i'm doing alot of activity like extensive running, will i still beable to apply for the infantry reserves?
    The rules on that seem to be really....inconsistant.  When I applied, the fact that I have asthma never even slowed my application proccess.  I simply told them I had "very mild" asthma, the doctor checked a box, and 2 months later I was wearing a uniform.  On the other hand I have a friend who has an even milder case of asthma, and his application was first delayed for a year, and then denied entirely.  I don't know exactly what the rules on it are, but unfortiunately the interpretation of them seems to differ depending on who's handling your application.  I made it into the infantry and haven't had any problems since.  Some people haven't been so lucky.
The hold up is in Borden, your med file is probably at RMO for review.  Be patient.
Wait times for Borden vary considerably.  My first medical took two months.  When I went to appeal it in the summer, I was told it had been submitted at the end of May, I should expect an answer at the end of July.  It was nearly the end of October before I got a response.  Although if your medical was submitted around the same time as mine and you still haven't heard back, you may want to call your recruiter.  A friend of mine was all set to enroll in the reserves as an officer and then they went and lost ALL his paperwork, pretty much forcing him to start from nothing.
from what i have been told they have 2 doctors looking over all the files for CF applicants (for a lack of better word, haha) which is why there usually is a wait for medical acception/rejection. and believe me you want them to accept you the first time. my medical papers had an error, somehow my mild shellfish allergy was misunderstood as a general seafood allergy so i was rejected, then i had to get documents from the doc's office and write a memo and play the waiting game all over again, haha. not fun. but it works out in the end so "hurry up and wait".... and wait.... wand wait, haha, good luck with it soldier in waiting
ShaBoing said:
from what i have been told they have 2 doctors looking over all the files for CF applicants (for a lack of better word, haha) which is why there usually is a wait for medical acception/rejection. and believe me you want them to accept you the first time. my medical papers had an error, somehow my mild shellfish allergy was misunderstood as a general seafood allergy so i was rejected, then i had to get documents from the doc's office and write a memo and play the waiting game all over again, haha. not fun. but it works out in the end so "hurry up and wait".... and wait.... wand wait, haha, good luck with it soldier in waiting

You hit it right on the nose.  2 Phys Assistants, processing upwards of 10000 med files.  As for the next question (and obvious solution) "Why don't hire more people to process these files?"  Hey I just work here.
2 PAs.. so its not even an MD who is signing off on this? Wow.

Out of curiosity. what kind of medical training is required to be a PA? (Just curious).
I'm not even sure what a PA actually does, are they Nurses? Are they Interns?  They are working for a Maj though so there is a MO somewhere around them.
Update on everything, also so those of you STILL waiting know that it can be done for sure...

I was sworn in on January 6th 2005. The original swear-in date was suppose to be Dec 9 2004 but they reschedueled because not enough new people.

Good luck to you all!
Arrgh!  Well, what Joe said is true, I finally got past them re: asthma, but now they want me to get an allergy test, they said something about walnuts... I've never been allergic to walnuts, maybe they screwed up?  Either way, I booked the allergy test so hopefully soon enough I can get this show on the road!! Good luck to anyone else waiting, and NEVER quit!!.  :warstory:
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