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Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

  • Thread starter Thread starter rickeytan
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Hi there. I've been in the application process for quite some time. I've been expecting the call any day, but after 14 weeks of waiting for my medical files,  today I got this very disappointing letter in the mail:

Dear ME,

I have reviewed the medical records accompanying your application to join the CF. The documents indicate you suffer from asthma which can be exercise induced and that you require medication. Accordingly, medical limitations have been assigned. Unfortunately, you do not meet the common enrolment standards required by both regular and reserve forces.....

...blah blah blah....

I trust this information will be of service to you. If you, or your physician, have further questions I can be reached at the number below. Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Forces.

Now I have asthma... well, apparently once you've had it you always have it....  but I haven't had an attack in over 10 years. I haven't had to use an inhaler in 10 years. I had an allergic reaction to food once and was told to try the inhaler for a while... but nothing serious.
When I first applied.... way back, I wasn't in the best of shape, so when asked if I had shortness of breath when exercising, I answered YES, but also mentioned I did not need to use an inhaler.
I passed the physical test with no problems back then, and now, 7 months later, I am in much better physical shape... so when I exercise.. even to to point of throwing up, I dint even have a wheeze. I feel my shortness of breathe was just being unfit, not asthma.

What are my options? try convince the doctor that I have mild asthma that doesn't need treatment? I tried getting a referral to a specialist, but the damn clinics here are so cynical, they thing I'm trying to 'get around it.'

I also know for a fact a great number of full time and reserve members who do indeed have asthma. a friend of mine who 'forgot to mention it' just got back from boot camp with out a hitch.

The only lesson I'm learning is not matter how hard one tries or determined they are... if they're honest, they're in trouble!!!  I wont give up this easily, but I feel my options are few and far between. I tried contacting the number on the letter, but its just a voice mail box saying 'please send in the required forms to your recruiter...'  grrm.

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated, as I feel I have a lot to offer the CAF, and its been my life long dream to be in the service, to have it shattered by something that doesn't even effect me seems so defeating. :'(

note: I'm also thinking of taking a POPAT (the police physical aptitude test) and sending in the results proving that I can do 'high standards of physical fitness'
I have not suffered asthma in almost 10 years. I dont treat it, and dont own any 'huffers'. I completed the physical, and can run, jump, and fly to the moon if i have to, with out medication. never the less, I went into a clinic for a form I needed once i mentioned i had suffered from it as a kid (apparently, asthma NEVER goes away... hmmm..)  so, this doctor with no medical history asked if i got 'short of breath' after extreme exercise.... being less in shape then as I currently am now, I answered honestly. YES.  BUT it was from being unfit, and NOT asthma.
never the less, after waiting 14 nail bitting weeks, I got a letter today saying I do not meet enrolment standards.

I am going to 'try' fight it, but it seems unlikely anything will change, as I am but 1 small insignificant fish and a very large pond....

Now mind you, I have a friend who just came back, and he too hasnt had asthma in 10 years, so he didnt write it down....
and he said there was this guy taking meds for 'panic attacks' at bmq. COME ON.

anyways. I'm a little bitter, VERY disapointed, but wont give up.... yet.
Did you try the search feature? The following are some of the threads on the Forums that have discussed asthma:


Clarifying Asthma   --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/19197
Have any infantry got medical rejection from borden for asthma and made it in...    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/17925
Mild Asthma a problem?   --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/12917
Recruit with Asthma   --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/6265
asthma   --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/6115
Recruit with Asthma    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/6113
Asthma in the army    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/13549
Asthma? Need advice!    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/19274.0.html
Do they allow asthmatics in the CF?    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/1995
ashtma    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/17046
The wait    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/1567
Medical Question    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/16933
Any Reserve Infantey Soldier's have asthma?    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/16935
What to do while waiting for an appeal?    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/13610
Asthma    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/13341
How did you handle it.    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/13162
Wanting to join..    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/13206
another medical topic    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/18298
Told to come back in 2 Years.    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/18981
ETA of files return from Borden?    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/13738
health requirements    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/12827
can anyone give me some info?    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/24

Edit: This list of links has been added to the Recruiting FAQ.
Just a quick question, how do they "Prove" you have been off your prescription for the last 12 months?  Do I need to get a record from the pharmacy or something?  I would like to know before they tell me so I don't have to wait any longer.  Thanks.
I had a letter saying I didn't need medication, prognosis good, no attacks in 10 years, can run 5km with no problems... but still got the rejection letter  :crybaby:... I'd go with BDTyres strategy....
my family doctor in BC recommended going for a methacholine test, but the doctor i went to here in Edmonton says they don't tend to do them that much anymore cuz of the high cost (they need specially trained staff, a crash board in-case you go into anaphylactic shock, etc)  but he has reccomended the pulmonary test... i just hope it doesn't take months to get a date...

GOOD LUCK all you asthma people, or those who believe you have asthma....  :salute:
One doctor told me : you have asthma, well you never get rid of it.... dont try to cheat your way into the army!
another said: You can out grow it... you should go for a methacholine challenge test..
and the one giving me the recommendation  said : Oh, well you were probably mis-diagnosed as a  child, go for the pulmonary fitness test....

This makes me think the knowledge on asthma may not be as well known as we might think....  ???
I got my PFT and my methacholine challenge within two weeks here in Vancouver.

Apparently, misdiagnosis during childhood is common, especially if the child has allergies.  I was diagnosed as having a slight milk allergy which never materialized.

Best thing to do is take the tests.  The technicians and your doctor won't BS you.  The tech that did my methacholine test said that there would be no reason for me to use my inhalers or do an exercise-induced asthma test; my doctor agreed.  (Although my doctor tends to be of the thought that I'm my own best judge of my abilities, and this has led to problems with him filling out the required forms for the CF).
A friend of mine is a corporal of hoarse in the British household calvary and he has Asama really bad. He has to carry his inhaler around everywhere he goes so there must be a way to join.
Considering the Brits' rules on asthma, your friend was very lucky to get in.
man....i just got rejected from the reserves because of asthma also, i got a letter like a week ago saying the same thing that i had medical limitations, now they're telling me to call the RC for a final decision on my file, I really don't want to give this up since it's a dream of mine, my familys saying just give up and go for anotehr career, but i can't. Please give me some advice what should i do next?
BDTyre said:
Considering the Brits' rules on asthma, your friend was very lucky to get in.

Or else he simply lied about it.

Been known to happen.

Wouldn't recommend it here, of course.  Did I mention it's been known to happen?
I know a guy who was in the TA for a few years; the Sergeant he was talking to when he applied encouraged him to "forget" that he had asthma.
thats really what it comes down to, BD Tyre, all the guys that cheat to enter are the ones that really do have asthma then they put a bad influence on the people applying who had had it in the past but do not no longer. If you truly are CF material you shouldnt be lying. And now watch everyone highlight CF material and quote on me. LOL

Well, I've had one PFT. That was about six months ago, now I'm going back in on Monday to do another one and schedule a metacholine test, I'm also heading down to CFRC Toronto tomorrow to re-open my file and book my other tests,. (P.T., Interview), does anyone know if I will need to do another CFAT?   And how long are the letters of reference good for?   Cheers..
Hello folks,

Good news to you, if any of you have been watching/reading this thread, as I said before there is hope!

I was told today I am "merit listed" and I now just have to wait for my offer of employment call and the date of my enrollment/swear-in. Ta-da! It did take ALOT of time and effort, but the end result (for me) was worth it all.


Keep the faith! - Bon Jovi (Yes, he rocked back in the day, don't say you didn't listen to him in the 90's!)
OMG Joe thats the best news ive heard in a while, Good luck man, btw you still havent awnsered my PM ;)
Just a note for anyone who has been rejected for exercise induced asthma.

You will likely need to see a respirologist.  My medical came back and I was told that the PFT and methacholine test do not rule out EIA, and I now need to see a respirologist for a current diagnosis and an EIA test.  Borden also requires details on any limitations to my physical activity and a detail about what -if any- sort of follow up is needed.

So you may want to talk to your doctor and do this before.  It certainly would have saved me time if I had known seven months ago that I needed to do this.
BD_Tyre I was rejected for reactive airway disease, now you may think isnt all asthma that way, but lo and behold today i got a copy of the letter that was to be filled out by my physician before my application migrated to borden. In that letter the MED OFFICER doing my test asked if possible a PFT be done before i handed that letter in (back then i did not know what the hell a PFT was). Also he said my asthma in now way has any affect on exercise. Now before I continue the other thing i have to state is that Borden Med Staff ONLY know you from that letter, they are not your doctor, so you cant hope they'll asume everything. Now the methacoline test is the perfect test to test the asthma that i had which was reactive airway disease (reacting to dust and polin sorta stuff) which proved negative. So bearing this in mind I pray to god thats all I need. But my point is that they aint your doctor so dont freak out on them if they misinterprate  :rage: they have to go through endless files day in day out, im suprised that they even have the ability to do that. So do everything they say, be honest and hopefully the wind will be in your sail.
I got a rejection letter today. Ashtma triggered by physical fitness. I think those @$$es missed the part where it said MILD asthma. IS there anything else I can do or say to get in?
I'd appreciate any advice.
Have you looked here:

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