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Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

  • Thread starter Thread starter rickeytan
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Please start with the Asthma section of the Recruiting FAQ:

Alright...I don't know if anyone remembers a few months ago when I got rejected for asthma reasons....anyway, I went down and talked to the medic at canada place here in edmonton and she advised me to get a letter from my doctor stating that I didn't have asthma anymore nor did I need prescription meds. I asked her specifically "Is this all I need to pass my medical.?" She said yes.

So I went to my doctor and she made me do a "spirometer" which basically checks for a wheeze in your throat. I was sick that day so they said if anything was going to show up, it would've been that day. I passed and my doc wrote the letter saying that I am healthy.

I resubmitted my application.

On friday I got another rejection letter. They basically ignored the letter from my doctor and went by last years incorrect information.
Right now I'm trying to get ahold of the medic here in edmonton to find out what's going on and what I can do. Because this is ridiculous.

Anyone had a similar experience? Any comments or suggestions ? Because I'm at a loss here.  ???

thanks for reading this.

I had a similar situation, and ended up having to do an exercise stress test, which basically involved running on a treadmill for about fifteen minutes or so.  The results of that, with a short accompanying note from the respirologist put matters at rest.
Yeah i have completed a Methacoline and a PFT (Pulmonary Functions Test). They gave this huge bunch of papers with all these wierld calculations and results of the tests on them and a letter from my respirologist and the hospital stating i do not have asthma. But im not sure anymore because there is also this exercise stress test thingi, has this become standard for them? because alot of people have got cleared without having to do that stuff.

I have an appointment with my allergist Nov 19th, I hope things go well for me. On the rejection letter it says my case could be reconsidered. For those of you who got a note from a doctor, what did you have to tell them? I'm afraid they wont write me one just because they dont want to be responsible for anything that happens to me while im deployed.

Budgie, did they know that was your second time? if yes, what did the second rejection letter say?

I am currently 18 years old and after doing a search and reading numerous posts reguarding asthma and the medical testing i am quite nervous now.

I read about a guy who had "exercised enduced asthma" as a kid and hadn't taken an inhaler in over 10 years and does not suffer from asthma anymore. Yet, he was still rejected from the CF.

Here is my story...

When i was younger, around 10 or 11. I was at a week camp up north. Anyways one night I was out at the fountain getting a drink of water and we werent supposed to be out past a certain time, so anyways i was running back to my room with a mouth full of water and swallowing it at the same time. I guess it went down the wrong pipe because as it did it really hurt my throat, so i kind of grabbed my neck for a second and coughed (causing the water to come back up). I guess i could of choked to death, heh. :-\

Anyways my leader (the guy in charge) saw this and came to help me thinking i was having some sort of asthma attack (i didn't know this until later on). After seeing that i was okay, i went to bed.

So a few days later they are calling out medical stuff for people and all of a sudden to my surprise i hear "alex p.b" and they hand me an inhaler. I was really surprised because i had never had one before and they never did any tests i just suddenly had one prescribed to me with my name on it and everything. I never used it. Apparently they gave it to me for "exercised induced athsma". But i NEVER used it.

SO getting back to me being nervous...that was like 8 years ago, and i haven't taken an inhaler or needed any type of puffer. I am very nervous because after reading those stories my hope to be in the CF is soon to be crushed because some stupid guy thought i had asthma and some stupid doctor gave me an inhaler out of no where.

Will this be on my medical history? Only reason i am asking is because it happend no where from home and it was prescribed to me out of no where.
I have NO other problems. I have never had any type of disorder or disease or anything that would cause any type of problem with being in the CF.

I read another post that one could go to their doctor and preform an asthma test and take the results to their medical. Would anyone reccommend this? I am sure i don't suffer any type of asthma and if i'm turned away because of this i am going to be outraged.

Am i just getting worked up for nothing or what? As of now i'm waiting for 9:30 to call my doctor's office to try to schedule some sort of "asthma test" before my medical on the 14th (if this is even necessary).

Any help with my situation would be appreciated so much.



When I did my medical I wrote on the form that I had a "history" of asthma because I was once prescribed an inhaler, (the doctor thought with my cold at the time that I "might" have asthma). The medic told me that I would have to prove that I did not have asthma by getting a doctor's note. I went to my doctor, she wrote a little letter saying that I have never had asthma and that was it. No test necessary. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply.

I just quickly drove down to the CFRC and spoke with a recruiter.

Was hoping to speak with the medic there but he was busy with medicals.

I got the 1-800 number and his extension to phone later today or tomrorow perhaps. I was happy to hear from the the recruiter that i am more then welcome to go to the doctor, have any test down i needed (wasn't allowed to go into detail with him though) and bring a note with me to the medical. He said it WOULD expediate the process and i'm more then welcome to do so.

So hopefully i can get some type of appointment with a doctor to preform the testing before my medical on the 14th.

Anything anyone wants to add will be great.


Well alex p.b, what the med officer at the CFRC running the med test will do is ask you a whole string of questions. One i think will be regarding asthma, if you had it or if you use a puffer. Now this mysterious person who prescribed you the inhaler is not you general physician right? because if he isn't then technically you never had asthma or anything like it. So when the med officer asks you, you will have to answer yes i have used a puffer almost 8 years ago. And tell him your story, if he provides you with a letter to be filled out by your doctor then it shouldn't be a problem because he/she never diagnosed you with asthma. Anyhow the asthma tests you need done aren't regular kinda walk-in done tests. Your doctor will have to first refer you to a respirologist,then arrange an appointment. Then the respirologist will send you to have tests done and in the end write the report with the results. The two tests done are the PFT (pulmonary functions test) and the Methacoline Test. The methacoline triggers and asthma attack, if you do not have asthma nothing should happen (which is what you want). Its all calculated with lung capacity and heart rate and stuff. BUT since you have mentioned Exercise Inducive, theres a third test called an EIT (Exercise Inducive Test) in which i believe you are physically exerted and then they do PFT's and stuff. I would suggest going in and having your med test done, then see what you are left with.

Im sure you won't get stuck in this, but if you do its gonna be a long wait. But its funny i feel like i could wait another year after waitng two already.

-I hope this has somewhat helped you and not further scared you.
-Good Luck
-if you have any other questions just PM.
-Usman Syed
alexpb said:
I am currently 18 years old and after doing a search and reading numerous posts reguarding asthma and the medical testing i am quite nervous now.

I read about a guy who had "exercised enduced asthma" as a kid and hadn't taken an inhaler in over 10 years and does not suffer from asthma anymore. Yet, he was still rejected from the CF.

Here is my story...

[Body of earlier post trimmed by Moderator, see above for full text.]

Any help with my situation would be appreciated so much.



I think I would be a little more concered as to where this mystery inhaler came from. In my opinion (Im no expert although) getting a pre emptive asthma exam is a little extreme. If you feel the need to cover your a##, by all means do so. But Im pretty sure the camp dude was just covering his when he tossed you the puffer. all the best

I had my medical done this morning. The subject of my asthma came up. Now my interview is delayed while I go to my doctor and get a 9 page "assessment" done to show I am capable to doing the PT. He told me its to save me the $$$. If I go into the PT without a note from my doctor, they can turn me away immediately and I would have to pay to have it redone. Whereas, if I have this note, I can go in and have it done. I guess in the end we all win.

So right now I am waiting to hear something back, I am currently trying to get into the reserves and cutting it tight to make it into the winter training. It's got me a little stressed out, I am trying to book my P.T testing but everyone is on holidays and I need to have it before the first week of January  ??? !!!!! I just hope everyone works out as planed!

Any advice from anyone?
Where are you located? Here in Brampton the P.T tests are taking place all around the holiday times.. Had mine last week or so, Couple of buddies of mine have it Dec 27th, I myself am waiting for my med on Jan 17th before the program starts in the first week of feb.
A few days ago I did my army medical exam. I told them that I had asthma and it was set off by my allergies. I don't completely know the whole story with so I told them that it was agravated by allergies becasue I really had no clue about what set it off and it made sense because around the time I had my asthma I was around a cat, and cats make me a bit stuffed up. It was only for about a month that it effected me and that was about 5 years ago, since then I have not been issued medication or been taken to the doctor for it. But after the exam I was talking to my dad and I found out that my asthma was not induced by allergies and was actually "post viral pediatric asthma" and also it was never diagnosed. I was given sheets to fill out by my doctor and told to bring them back.

The day after the exam I phoned them and told them that I was never diagnosed with asthma and that I was just assumed to have had it because my sister had it.They told me to go to the doctor anyway and get the doctor to sign the forms. So will this effect my chances of being accepted as a Signal Operator, or how long could this possibly delay my entrance into the forces? This probably sounds pretty minor but any reassurance couldn't hurt. Thanks.

Right well I went to the doctor with my little sheet and he just wrote that I had past asthma and I have grown out of it and I don't need any treatment and there is low chance of it recurring. Will this be enough to show the people in Borden that my past asthma experience wont be a problem or like other people here will they want me to go get more testing done. I know I'll be told that I have to just wait and see, but from other people's experience will this be good enough?
MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html



Clarifying Asthma  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/19197
Have any infantry got medical rejection from borden for asthma and made it in...  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/17925
Mild Asthma a problem?  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/12917
Recruit with Asthma  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/6265
Recruit with Asthma  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/6113
Asthma in the army  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/13549
Asthma? Need advice!  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/19274.0.html
Do they allow asthmatics in the CF?  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/1995
Asthma  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/17046
The wait  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/1567
Medical Question  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/16933
Any Reserve Infantey Soldier's have asthma?  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/16935
What to do while waiting for an appeal?  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/13610
Asthma  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/13341
How did you handle it.  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/13162
Wanting to join..  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/13206
another medical topic  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/18298
Told to come back in 2 Years.  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/18981
ETA of files return from Borden?  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/13738
health requirements  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/12827
can anyone give me some info?  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/24

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.
To make it easier:

From what I can tell, you can get in if you have had no symptoms or taken medication for the past 6 months.  Worst that can happen is your file is slightly delayed as you may be required to get a note from the doctor, and possibly breathing type test (forget the name of it).  So yes you can get in if you *had* asthma, but probably not if you still suffer from it.
i highly doubt that you're going to get in easily...
it really depends on your symptoms and how bad your asthma is, but i really wouldn't count on getting in.
I just went for a respiratory test for my so-called asthma. I have an inhaler that I use when my colds get bad enough and even then it hasnt been used for almost a year or more now. Couldnt begin to tell you where it is  ::)  Im still waiting for the test results from one test done a month ago and I have another test to do on April 5th.

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