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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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PuckChaser said:
I'm not quite sure, but I'll ask my source next time I see them. If they're only planning the training for ACIS and LST, then its a good bet IST and CST won't be available.

You won't get DP1 linemen in one summer. There will be a DP1.1 course they they would have to attend the following summer, or OJT at the unit (note these are just my speculations).

Thanks, I'm interested.
IBM said:
Yeah, thanks for the names Puck. Just to clarify Res would have only ACISS and LST under the new naming convention, existing fully qualified Line will automatically become LST's and SigOp's have a choice of ACISS core or one of the other specializations. Existing Line can also sort of "remuster within the same trade" if you will be taking conversion training to other specializations, but this is left up to individual member choice.

Anyway, that's the word I got from my CoC, no idea if any of that is set in stone or still subject to future changes.

To clarify your clarification.  SigOps will not have a choice of ACISS core or one of the other specializations as you imply.  SigOps will not be transferred into CST or LST.  SigOps will be transferred into the ACISS core, or IST. 

To add more clarification.... Current lineman will be transfered to LST, and some may go to IST.
Current LCIS techs will go to CST or IST

PiperDown said:
To clarify your clarification.  SigOps will not have a choice of ACISS core or one of the other specializations as you imply.  SigOps will not be transferred into CST or LST.  SigOps will be transferred into the ACISS core, or IST. 

To add more clarification.... Current lineman will be transfered to LST, and some may go to IST.
Current LCIS techs will go to CST or IST

I stand corrected. Thanks Piper.
no probs.

Not looking forward to Jan 1 2011.  It will take some time for the dust to settle on this one.


The draft TPs from the TP Writing Boards for the IST, CST and LST sub occupation DP3A courses all have a Reserve MOSID on the cover page which indicates to me that all of these sub occs are available to the PRes. Still haven't been able to confirm 100% from my inside friend, but looks promising.
Oh wow.  Where to start. Yikes would be a good word. 

So want to take bets on when Spec pay will go poof! after the treasury board takes another look at the trades.  Eliminate the core electronics training and you are taking that risk.  Try to convince them that the trade is technical enough to keep it.  Hopefully we can....

And to feed underborne trades with pers from another underborne trade.  How exactly does that work? The concept didn't work with the old SIS Tech trade. 

Who gets to decide who goes into what sub occ? If a recruit joins and goes ACCIS with the ultimate goal of going CST and gets told when he/she applies that that trade is full or ACCIS is too underborne then what options do they have?

Just a side note.  The very first briefing that I heard on this was in Ottawa over a year ago.  The MWO giving the briefing started off with "First of all, this is going to happen so you better get on board with it ." He looked pissed off right from the start. Nobody had said anything yet, we were waiting for him to start.  Came out beligerent right away.  He was a SIG OP. No barbs intended just pointing it out for info.  Who has the most to gain from this evolution?  History will be the judge I guess. Maybe those who didn't have spec pay to begin with.  Who knows. 
That MWO was right. The people that dreamed this up don't take input from the troops that this change will affect. All they see is a "new capability" that they can tout to Combat Arms commanders, even though its gonna be the same damn operators, with the same damn skills just pigeonholed into specific jobs instead of being good at everything. We won't see if this is gonna work until a decade from now, and by then any of us that had a problem with it will be RSMs or retired, and someone will have shiny new bars because of it.
And all of those pushing this needless change will be looking for an M in the Leading Change bubble. On that premis we should all receive the same points for changing our socks and undergarments once a day.
LOL.  I was actually told once when I was a MCpl that "nobody will get an M in ethics unless they are are the news the night before you give it to them!" 
So I told them great, get my M ready.  I'm going to rob a liquor store and call the cops on myself while i'm in the parking lot afterwards.  That should get me on the news.  :)
Always the optimist, I had high hopes for the spec.  Mainly because I was hearing realistic expectation from some old seasoned types.  However it seems it's not to be.  No poet for Siggy means no spec for Siggy.  And so, I have a new name, the same pay and the same job.  It is a struggle for me to believe that the next time I find myself employed at location A where there are no new pers,  I wiil not be expected to do some jobs because of my "new name" but expected to other jobs.  I have strong suspicions that what I will see at location A is the same people, with the same skills doing the same jobs.  With a shiny new name and a possible survey annually on how I like my new career. 

At least they didn't call us Cist.  I don't think I could face a Monday knowing I shared a name with an undesireable growth.  But despite all our cranky jabbering, this is still the best job I've ever had.  I love it, but damn the spec would've been nice.

Merry Christmas!!

Anymore info on the ACISS amalgamation...Im at BMQ right now and am going LCIS TECH....Thanks for your help....
wiking said:
Anymore info on the ACISS amalgamation...Im at BMQ right now and am going LCIS TECH....Thanks for your help....

Sorry if it bursts your bubble, but way things are looking, you'll never actually be an LCIS Tech. As far as new information, this thread is pretty much all of the combined knowledge any of us have up to this point.
/best of luck in your training, and hopefully in short time you, as well as all of us, will get more answers
If my crystal ball reads correctly, which i'm sure it will, in the short term we will hear alot of "we don't know" or "it hasn't happened yet"s. The only statement we could hope for in the long term is " We were WRONG, and it will go back to the way it was" But knowing how the Branch works, that statement will never be uttered, and the failure will fall on the shoulders of the soldiers. Just my  :2c:
Well, I should be off to SQ right after BMQ here, so Im assuming I would be starting my trades training at the beginning of summer. Apparently, ACISS begins implementation in January????
Don't count on either. I've seen guys at the school still waiting for their SQ, and they were QL3 qualified SigOps.
PuckChaser said:
Don't count on either. I've seen guys at the school still waiting for their SQ, and they were QL3 qualified SigOps.

And if it's still anything like in May, not to mention the metric ton's worth of PATs waiting training
Beadwindow 7 said:
And if it's still anything like in May, not to mention the metric ton's worth of PATs waiting training

After block leave they're getting scattered like leaves, won't be anyone around. From what I've heard they'll get pulled back for courses.