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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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ringo598 said:
The worst part is when I got told I'm not allowed to use "interrogative" over the net :(

Why? because it sounds cool to talk like an American from Generation Kill on the nets?

Thing I used to love about being a Sig Op was how widespread the trade was, covering such a huge training spectrum. Overseas, i could be troubleshooting the IP scheme on a tactical satellite link one morning, and that evening be out on a 10k dismounted patrol. With the new trade, I'll probably do the same ****, I just won't be "qualified" by the MES to do half of it.

Another aspect is gaining true expertise on a technical system. And I just don't mean programming it really fast, but operating it to it's max potential, and being the expert on it.

As well as being the hub of information. When working in a command post, everything flows and ebbs through you. If you pay the proper attention, you have a grasp of everything that's going on over your waves, loosely connected to everything. To the guys on the ground, you're that voice through the box that either makes their lives suck, or helps them out.

Things that suck. CFSCE and modernization packages.
Beadwindow 7 said:
As well as being the hub of information. When working in a command post, everything flows and ebbs through you. If you pay the proper attention, you have a grasp of everything that's going on over your waves, loosely connected to everything. To the guys on the ground, you're that voice through the box that either makes their lives suck, or helps them out.

Hit the nail on the head here. You're the go-to guy for the commander to link to his troops. Not as far down as we used to be now that there are more Inf Platoon Sigs, but still awesome to basically know everything thats going on outside.
Beadwindow 7 said:
Why? because it sounds cool to talk like an American from Generation Kill on the nets?

Thing I used to love about being a Sig Op was how widespread the trade was, covering such a huge training spectrum. Overseas, i could be troubleshooting the IP scheme on a tactical satellite link one morning, and that evening be out on a 10k dismounted patrol. With the new trade, I'll probably do the same ****, I just won't be "qualified" by the MES to do half of it.

Another aspect is gaining true expertise on a technical system. And I just don't mean programming it really fast, but operating it to it's max potential, and being the expert on it.

As well as being the hub of information. When working in a command post, everything flows and ebbs through you. If you pay the proper attention, you have a grasp of everything that's going on over your waves, loosely connected to everything. To the guys on the ground, you're that voice through the box that either makes their lives suck, or helps them out.

Things that suck. CFSCE and modernization packages.

Oh wow that's sounds really cool. Btw what do you mean by "I just won't be "qualified" by the MES to do half of it." ?
Sarcasm/irony at their finest.  :facepalm: Being historically able to do a job competently, but being told by management that you aren't able to do do it.
Deelo said:
Sarcasm/irony at their finest.  :facepalm: Being historically able to do a job competently, but being told by management that you aren't able to do do it.

"You can't do that"
"Umm, I've been doing it for 4 years"
"Then you should have sent a request up to become an IST during the MES"
"I'm reserve, IS doesn't exist"
Is the 10 week soldier qualification held at the same place where the BMQ took place?
The SQ info is old.  SQ hasn't been 10 weeks in years; was 7 weeks when I did in in 06.  Also, SQ is now called BMQ-Land and it is around a month in length?  And no, it is not in the same location as BMQ, it is in Wainwright, Ab, Meaford, On, Gagetown, Nb, and in ??, Qc. Maybe some other locations as well, I know in the past LFWA Det Shilo, Mb has run it, not sure if they still do.

As for where you will do it, depends on when you finish BMQ and where the next avail course is being run.  You could go to any of the above locations, except Qc if you aren't a francophone.
Hows life as an ACISS? Whats your typical day like? How do you like your posting? How often are you out of the country for training? What do you like the most about the trade? What do you like the least?

Dude,  Sigs/ACISS are employed in a variety of positions and units, as well ACISS is broken into different sub-occupations.  Each of our days will vary and may be vastly different then the next person.  As for how often you leave the country, depends on the unit you are in and your position.  Typical day varies, from stitting around bored, to being very busy getting ready to go on excercise or deployment.  I haven't left the country much for training, it's all been mostly in Canada either at the base I'm posted at or going to Wainwright and Suffield.  I've installed radios in vehicles, sorted out comms issues in other people's vehicle, live fire and movement, worked in a TOC, worked out of a Bison doing RRB and gone out on patrol with the OMLT humping a radio.  As well as verifying serial numbers on computers, and done some basic IS trouble shooting in the unit lines.  Been with the Infantry since I finished my QL3 Sig Op course, and I've done quite a few different aspects of the trade in my time as a Signaller.
Baywop said:
We were told everyone QL5 and up will have to do a modernization DL package not the DP2 DL which is tied to the residency piece.
Almost a year later and still no word on this DL package which is supposed to be a prerequisite for future career courses. Why do I get the feeling I'm going to get stuck with 8 days' worth of DL on the day before my next course (which, of course will have its own DL package)?
I received an e-mail from my SSM a few weeks back on this subj.  For me any (6B qual), my DL will be avail in March.
The DP2 Modernization is on DND Learn,  there was no official email about it, our QL5 guys in the unit only found out about it from buddy who happened to see it there and forwarded that info to us.  Not much to it, just some Tac Rad/TCCS stuff, IS, and a little Line and I think Tech stuff.  Also the test is a soup sandwich with them trying to cram english/french into it and the A B C D blocks weren't properly aligned with the answers.  Take your time with the test and make sure you are picking the right letter for the answer you want.  Some other guys and myself emailed them about that and they are aware of the problem,  not sure if it's been resolved or not yet.
211RadOp said:
I received an e-mail from my SSM a few weeks back on this subj.  For me any (6B qual), my DL will be avail in March.

This is March, isn't it???
Hmm.. Wasn't something else regarding the trade(s) supposed to be announced in march?

I know a few guys who were promoted or moved up an IPC who are yet to be paid for it.

Judging from the somewhat credible info (IE the source) from this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/104911.0.html, the cynic in me wants to say the renouncement is delayed because they're scrambling on how to spin the answer TB gave to us into something other than utter failure of their proposal.
PuckChaser said:
Judging from the somewhat credible info (IE the source) from this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/104911.0.html, the cynic in me wants to say the renouncement is delayed because they're scrambling on how to spin the answer TB gave to us into something other than utter failure of their proposal.

"they" asked for spec pay for the entire trade, I am not surprised ( and that's what I assume was mentioned in your linked thread) that the ACISS core is staying at the standard rate.

Still, no official word either way down. Core or sub-ocs.
PiperDown said:
"they" asked for spec pay for the entire trade, I am not surprised ( and that's what I assume was mentioned in your linked thread) that the ACISS core is staying at the standard rate.

Still, no official word either way down. Core or sub-ocs.

Yep, you caught the part I was referring to, but added the core part yourself. The quote was a direct quote (I had the email forwarded to me, its a plausible source of info) that said the new ACISS occupation (not core, not IST, not LST) which reads as all of us aren't getting it, or to be more pessimistic that CSTs will be pay frozen with vested rights at their current rates.