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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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I'm thinking of choosing Army Communication & Information System Specialist as my 3rd option . I was wondering if you guys get any infantry action once deployed ? Because it caught my attention after BMQ you attend SQ .
As an ACISS DP1.0 (Very Basic Trade Trained) your first posting according to the MES Heads is a HQ and Sigs Sqn. So if you want infantry action.....Join the Infantry.
Its not that I want infantry action its the fact on the site it says fight as infantry if required. That why I asked and I'm Applied for Infantry , combat engineer and ACISS . I'm interested in all fields. I have some experience to set up servers and what not just wanted to ask you guys that are already enrolled 
If you're lucky and switched on you could end up as an Infantry Coy Sig. Keep in mind your job is to provide communications, so if that entails rucking up you do it, but most of our work is back from the pointy end types.
We all fight the enemy when required. Don't believe everything the trade site tells you. Most of the info does get sugar coated to sex it up. HQ and Sigs used to have a D & S Pl (Defence and Security) that was manned by infanteers. Presently they don't, ACISS are employed at most units and tasks vary.
Still waiting for the Eryx missile the recruiting video promised I'd get to fire.  ::)
Well the dancing girls will never show up to the CP, They found more exciting things to do with the Techs and Linemen.  >:D
If you are just getting in now I don't think you will have enough time go through the training system and work up and deployment before we pull out of the sandbox. There is always next time I guess but we don't really know when/where that will be so don't hold your breath.
The dancing girls only ever made it as far as KAF before, now its to Camp Cupcake.
Tango18A said:
They found more exciting things to do with the Techs and Linemen.  >:D

Dungeons and Dragons tournaments and headbutting wall contests respectively?  >:D
Hey, I've seen those things before...in a CP. And the last time I looked the rest of the Branch concentrated on drinking the coffee, not making it.  >:D
I don't care if we get it, I just hope they take yours away. But then I like that kind of spiteful humor ;D
Bart905 said:
I'm thinking of choosing Army Communication & Information System Specialist as my 3rd option . I was wondering if you guys get any infantry action once deployed ? Because it caught my attention after BMQ you attend SQ .

Everyone in the Army and some Air Force and Navy types in certain trades(Medics, etc) take BMQ-Land(formally known as SQ)

As for Signallers in Infantry units,  I have a lot of experience with that, as all my time has been with the Infantry, 0 time in a Sigs unit.  Think up any questions you have and I'll do my best to sort you out.  But like others said,  your main job is still to provide comms, but you can still get out an go out with the Infantry.  Also with the way the trade(ACISS) is set up now,  Sigs will no longer be posted straight to a Combat Arms unit like they did with the old Sig Op, LCIS and Line trades.  All newly trained pers will do time in HQ&Sigs before going to another unit *edit* according to "The Plan" still possibility of going straight to a Combat Arms unit.
-Skeletor- said:
For Sigs will no longer be posted straight to a Combat Arms unit like they did with the old Sig Op, LCIS and Line trades.  All newly trained pers will do time in HQ&Sigs before going to another unit.

Sure, according to the MES managers. Tell that to the FIVE DP1's I have at a first line Sigs Tp. HQ and Sigs doesn't want to give up experience, so I get 5 guys who don't even know how to set up cam net, much less troubleshoot an LDN.

Sure, for the most part they're eager to learn, but first line isn't the place for it.
Beadwindow 7 said:
Sure, for the most part they're eager to learn, but first line isn't the place for it.

And second line is ?

I am going to earn a right justified bubble for "leading change" and suggest that a new Pte should stay at CFSCE until they are qualified to actually perform trade tasks.
PiperDown said:
And second line is ?

It shouldn't be either, but there's more sigs resources and personnel available for OJT.

I am going to earn a right justified bubble for "leading change" and suggest that a new Pte should stay at CFSCE until they are qualified to actually perform trade tasks.

Makes too much sense. Plus it seems the school has spent so much effort pushing off responsibility I don't think they'll ever take it back.
Don't worry.  The 8 billion hours of DL will solve all our problems.  It's supposed to be available end March (along with the results of the pay review).
Swingline1984 said:
Don't worry.  The 8 billion hours of DL will solve all our problems.  It's supposed to be available end March (along with the results of the pay review).

That was meant as :sarcasm: by the way.