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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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If its possible I would got boxed in, Id prefer enrolling as a different trade so I want to know before hand what my options are.  If I'm not posted to your unit you'll be kicking less ass. :) This will be the last post on this topic from me until an ACISS thread is started. Thanks.
tsokman said:
What are the chances of transferring after completing POET to another POET based trade if one doesn't get LCIS Tech...

What are the chances you realize how irritating your constant Woe is me if I don't get LCIS/ what's going on with techs/ blah blah blah ???

You've been told.

The trade is changing. Not everyone has all the details, and as of now, a lot of the specifics are hazy. Deal with it.

If tech is the route you want to go, fine. Follow the established process, and once a new process is finalized, follow that one. However, be aware, that yes, you may not get that specific sub-occupation, specialty, whatever they're calling it.

Most of us already IN the signals world don't have all the answers, so how can we answer yours? Talk to your bloody recruiters.

And sorry you have to learn this the hard way, but things change, and we don't all get what we want.

As far as postings, hopes and dreams are nice, but you'll get posted where you get posted, and that's a long ways off.

I realize the whole "this is my future, and I want to know" argument is there, but once again, if it's that important to you, talk to your bloody recruiters.

If you don't get the answers you want, or can't accept the uncertainty with your chosen career path, then once again....talk to your bloody recruiters... this time about other trade options.

And unlike the others, I can't wait for you to get to my unit  >:D
Let's give him a new name..."Red Herring" seems to be appropriate.
On a more related note, the new School RSM is posted in from Ottawa. Did a little Outlook intelligence gathering, he's currently the ACISS SME.... sounds like someone at least has the right idea, send the people that know what the double u tee f is going on to start the new "trade" off right. Or at least right in Ottawa's eyes.
tsokman said:
If its possible I would got boxed in, Id prefer enrolling as a different trade so I want to know before hand what my options are.  If I'm not posted to your unit you'll be kicking less ***. :) This will be the last post on this topic from me until an ACISS thread is started. Thanks.

You should go Int.  You'd make a fantastic PsyOps weapon.
tsokman, if you want to know in the future how your life is going to be every second of every day, don't join the CF.
haha I do eventually see Int as a possible future trade.  Ive wanted to be a professional soldier since I was a little kid so I wont get dissuaded by anything...Just that if I didnt get LCIS Tech I'd be dissapointed.

I can't wait to get to your unit either are you part of the welcoming committee...
tsokman, one thing you should remember about the Military, especially as you will be a Pte Recuit sometime in the future.. start learning to follow direction and keep your mouth shut.  You don't have to post/say every little thought that pops up in your head and get all worked up over small details. And you've been told a number of times not to sweat the small things and to post less and read more.

And yea, Beadwindow is part of the welcome commitee, he will smother you with hugs and kissers and cuddle you in the field.  :D
-Skeletor- said:
And yea, Beadwindow is part of the welcome commitee, he will smother you with hugs and kissers and cuddle you in the field.  :D

Yeah, that's me...I'll hand you your welcome wagon basket with jams and cookies, hold your hand as you clear in. It's because I'm all sunshine, rainbows, and puppies....
I was chatting with the CFSCE RSM in the smoke pit yesterday, and heard an interesting tidbit...

Apparently there are plans in the works to OT approximately 1200 combat arms into the Sigs branch, as there is a glut of combat arms in the recruiting system. I guess it might count as "rumor mill", but I would consider the source fairly reliable ;D

Anyone else hear anything about this? Opinions?
SVOT Program just opened up via CANFORGEN, allowing Infanteers with certain experiences levels transfer to about 10 or so Red trades without competition or OUTCAPs. LCIS and SigOp were on the list. Perhaps thats what the RSM was referring to.
Jimmy67 said:
I was chatting with the CFSCE RSM in the smoke pit yesterday, and heard an interesting tidbit...

Apparently there are plans in the works to OT approximately 1200 combat arms into the Sigs branch, as there is a glut of combat arms in the recruiting system. I guess it might count as "rumor mill", but I would consider the source fairly reliable ;D

Anyone else hear anything about this? Opinions?

CANFORGEN 060/10 CMP 026/10 051349Z MAR 10


One of the lines in the CANFORGEN ;

I didn't know we had an "Army Signals Attraction Team", but I also hadn't heard any target numbers how many we were hoping to get out of the SVOTP
I've seen and read that canforgen.  I, too, did not realise we had such a group as the ASAT running around.  The Sig Op / Rad Op trade needs all the it can get, however, having been following this thread in particular and listening closely to the jungle drums around work the the C & E branch I do not believe for a minute that this amalgamation is going to solve any of our manning issues.
Jimmy67 said:
I was chatting with the CFSCE RSM in the smoke pit yesterday, and heard an interesting tidbit...

Apparently there are plans in the works to OT approximately 1200 combat arms into the Sigs branch, as there is a glut of combat arms in the recruiting system. I guess it might count as "rumor mill", but I would consider the source fairly reliable ;D

Anyone else hear anything about this? Opinions?
While having 1,200 new troops in the trade would be nice, again, it won't solve the problem.  Who's going to train them? comes to mind.  I wish I had the answer but I don't. Not right now anyway.  I can see attrition outstriping recruitment and training when folks get stuck in a trade / employment that they hadn't bargained for, and pull pin at the end of their first BE and leave with a very bitter feeling thinking they were misled or outright lied to by recruiters. (I don't believe that our recruiters would do this by the way, they do the best they can with the info and resources that they have).

Some ones Paisley Sky dream world is going to take a huge hit when it runs smack dab into reality when this thingshacks out in the next 1 - 3 years.

But that's just my Opinion, I could (very well may) be wrong.
So despite the impending doom of the trade amalgamation, no one seems to know what's happening... at least in my chain of command...

I'm fed up with being a sig-op (reserve) and am looking into changing my trade to line. It will however be at least a year and a half before I have time to do a apprentice course...

So any thoughts on my best bet now? I'm open to wild speculation... do I request the OT, change to line, and wait? Do I wait till the trade amalgamation and hope I can move over to the line training stream (Can't see them agreeing to that, I'm already QL5)? If I do change to line, and they decide to turf the reserve line trade, will they honour my former sig op quals? Doing a QL3 course in the new combine trade is NOT an option, unless it will lead  to specializing in line, and even then, not overly interested in that route.

Remaining as sig-op permanently is not an option, I'm no longer interested in being a sig op, though in the short term, I'm willing to to sit tight. Just looking for thoughts.
I believe technical skills have an "expiry" date of 5 years, so if you were to revert to SigOp in that time period, you wouldn't have to do the courses over again.
a Sig Op said:
I'm fed up with being a sig-op (reserve) and am looking into changing my trade to line.

You neither get stupid-drunk enough, nor are you dirty enough, to qualify to be a lineman. In addition to that, your spelling is too good.
I think "a sig op" just proved one of my points.
a Sig Op said:
So despite the impending doom of the trade amalgamation, no one seems to know what's happening... at least in my chain of command...

I'm fed up with being a sig-op (reserve) and am looking into changing my trade to line.

Remaining as sig-op permanently is not an option, I'm no longer interested in being a sig op, though in the short term, I'm willing to to sit tight. Just looking for thoughts.

Until the powers that be look for the underling reasons / causes for this type of outlook, in a few years the infection will spread to the other two trades getting sucked into this vortex.

I'm too far gone to worry about it anymore.  I will be staying in the nice little world or Tac Rad that I'm in.  The one nice thing about knowing that any career I may have had has reached its peak.
Flat out lies from our recruiter did it for me... I was told if I spent a few years as a sig-op, I could transfer to LCIS tech... this may have been true at some point, but unfortunately, I joined very shortly after the LCIS trade was removed from the reserves... I don't even mind some aspects of the trade, but spending too much time in a CP complex has done me in...

And Beadwindow 7 you're quite right, nor do my knuckles reach the ground when standing upright, and if it weren't for the fact I like my unit, and I like the people I work with, I'd be exploring much wider trade options (MESO is an option, but but I'm allergic to sea men), but I get along quite well with the guys in the line shack, plus climbing, pole construction, confined space entry, etc, are handy skills in my line civillian employment.
a Sig Op said:
I don't even mind some aspects of the trade, but spending too much time in a CP complex has done me in...

You're in a reserve unit.... thats what they do. In the fulltime world, there's a heck of a lot more stuff to do. Still could be an LCIS tech, this ACCIS thing might be your ticket to that world in the CommRes.
I just wrote a rather lengthy letter in response to what I felt was an insult, however, I've deleted it after realising you probably didn't mean it as an insult.

I've worked with the reg force, I'm well aware of the extent of our trade. It's all still operator level work. It doesn't interest me. Particularly, spending the last two years in a rather sprawing CP complex has made me feel like little more then a kitchen attendent.

I'm done with being a signals operator. I also have no further interest in being an LCIS tech. So if anyone has any thoughts on how to best go about switching to line, given the impending trade change, would be happy to hear.