tsokman said:
What are the chances of transferring after completing POET to another POET based trade if one doesn't get LCIS Tech...
What are the chances you realize how irritating your constant Woe is me if I don't get LCIS/ what's going on with techs/ blah blah blah ???
You've been told.
The trade is changing. Not everyone has all the details, and as of now, a lot of the specifics are hazy. Deal with it.
If tech is the route you want to go, fine. Follow the established process, and once a new process is finalized, follow that one. However, be aware, that yes, you may not get that specific sub-occupation, specialty, whatever they're calling it.
Most of us already IN the signals world don't have all the answers, so how can we answer yours? Talk to your bloody recruiters.
And sorry you have to learn this the hard way, but things change, and we don't all get what we want.
As far as postings, hopes and dreams are nice, but you'll get posted where you get posted, and that's a long ways off.
I realize the whole "this is my future, and I want to know" argument is there, but once again, if it's that important to you, talk to your bloody recruiters.
If you don't get the answers you want, or can't accept the uncertainty with your chosen career path, then once again....talk to your bloody recruiters... this time about other trade options.
And unlike the others, I can't wait for you to get to my unit >