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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

I'm sure you eill sort it all out, I mean you have 10 new subscribers and there money to work with  ;)

seriously though We're all sure you will fix it.....

OR we will find a new leader a stronger, faster, better looking leader with less facial hair  ;D
It was down here all yesterday and most of Saturday. Was it down for anyone else?
Yeah, sorry about that... It was a case of the cure being worse than the disease, but that particular cure (PHP accelerator) has been removed until I find out what's going on.
Just by curiosity Mke.... what are you running for a server on this thing?
Dedicated 2.8GHz linux box with 2Gb of RAM. Should be plenty of horsepower, but there are other issues at play. I just need to nail those down and I think we'll be set for the time being.
Mike, Mike, always working away at all hours...what can I say but thank you very much.  Now go have a beer and spend some time with your family.  We love you!
Mike, make sure you don't ignore the Mrs... else she might be the problem with your server....... :)
Site speed is fluctuating this morning.  Is it another Maint Day for you Mike?

Or are we a very popular site on a Saturday Cartoon Morning?
I've been on since 4 this morning, and the speeds been changing on and off.
I've noticed some issues as well, and just reset all the networking gear in case that was contributing. I suspect our ISP is having issues though.
The site has been quite slow for me the last couple of days, and was inaccesible for about the last 1/2 hour.  As well, PMs often freeze when sending.  Just wondering if anyone else has been having any of these problems, or it's just my connection? 
Yupper!  It was unavailable there for a good twenty + minutes. 

Took us down to under 150 online.
I hear ya ! It was down for 20 min and I reviewed 2 handbooks and sent 3 emails... who knew I could be so .. productive! haha  ^-^

I thought I had broken it - becuase it froze as I was trying to post something.    :-\
It was another runaway database problem. The site gets so slow when this happens it takes a *very* long time to log in and restart things. I was hoping we'd seen the last of these incidents, but apparently not. Back to the drawing board...