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Army.ca Shirts

Would you be interested in buying an Army.ca shirt? ($20)

  • Yes: Black x 1

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • Yes: Olive Green x 1

    Votes: 20 55.6%
  • Yes: Black x 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes: Olive Green x 2

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Yes: More than 2 :D

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Yes: Other colour (please post)

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • No thanks

    Votes: 4 11.1%

  • Total voters

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
Hi all,

Well, with the last of the Army.ca T-Shirts almost gone, I'm looking at ordering a new batch. Just got a quote for a batch of 50 that puts the price at $20 each. (That includes a bit of profit to pour back into the site costs.) Unfortunately this is a bit higher than the last batch, but I'm going with a new supplier and I think the quality will be a bit better.

So now I'm canvassing the troops to see who might be interested (voting is not a commitment to buy, but please don't purposely skew the numbers... ;) )

The initial outlay of cash is pretty big, so I'll probably only place the order if there's substantial interest. For those of you who haven't seen them, here's what they look like in black:


Here's a close-up of the logo:


We have an opportunity to change the design, but I generally believe that simple works. I'll also be ordering multiple shirt colours such as olive green, so that they can be worn under combats.

Cheers and thanks for the support -- you guys are what keeps Army.ca going.
I'm sure it won't be a problem, and that's a good pooint: It would be handy to get an idea of sizes. Polls only allow one question in the new software unfortunately though, so a quick post or PM with size info would be handy. Again, it's just for rough planning purposes, but the more info I have the better it will go. :)

Id buy one of each color... If they would come in small...
Good to know. If you haven't voted, please do that, as that's what I'll be using for numbers. General size requirements will come from replies.

Thanks :)
I'd buy a shirt if there was more "to it" if you will :)

The Army.ca graphic is good, I think that adding some additional pictures/prints  on the shirts would be a good idea.

For example, for the army, have the shirts have pics of infanteers or a tank etc, air force; a F-18 and so forth, so that they would look similar to some of the cool "course T- shirts" that I've seen around, and wanted, but couldn't get. 
Hi Mike,

Size medium (women's) please, OD.  This is probably a men's small.


may be a silly question, but would it be frowned upon if a civilian (much like myself) bought and presumably wore one of these?

Sheerin said:
may be a silly question, but would it be frowned upon if a civilian (much like myself) bought and presumably wore one of these?
I'm assuming no, because they are not 'canadian forces issue'. Plus, Mike's getting the money anyway, and the publicity 'oh, cool, where'd you get that cool T-Shirt?'

XL Black for me, I'll let you know when I can afford it. :( i'm broke right now
Sheerin, it's not like a Regimental shirt, so there should be no problems there... (But thanks for checking first... :) )
Just figured I'd check first, i know how it is, some people don't like the wannabes :).

I'd be interested in getting one, probably a XL or XXL.
I'd like a medium size, if it's for a 42-44 chest. Otherwise, make mine large, please. Whatever the case, I would like OD as well.

Sounds good. Make sure you also cast your vote in the poll as well, so we have an accurate count. The interest level seems pretty good. A few more and I think I'll be ready to place an order!

ToRN said:
http://army.ca/shirts/ payment methods and sizes etc are on there.

I know you accept the payment by mail, but my question is I mail the $ to u first or u mail the T-shirt to me first.. sry I am noob for this kind of stuff.
Generally I mail the shirt out when I get the cheque. If for some reason I decided to pocket your money, I wouldn't be hard to find... :)

Still, if you're uncomfortable, we can work out a COD system or something like that... I won't take it personally.
Does that $20 price include any taxes? Or would that be added onto it? It didn't say on the other page.