Hi all ! Nobody special here just another Operator... and two shiny penny's about to get rubbed together so here go's !
I was involved in the initial testing and trials for the FORCE testing phase #2 , which included 3 weeks of testing in Halifax.
I am in trade that is geared towards higher intellect then muscle mass... but motivated to stay fit I had worked hard to complete a ships diver course and make a great excuse to have to keep running and lifting in between learning new fire control radar parametric's!
The year previous to the FORCE being introduced I had been "exempt" from doing an Express test , I always viewed this as my free pass skipping a yearly test based on my personal motivation to be above the minimum standard for physical fitness, but I had seen quite a few other trades being restricted on how much gym time or PT time they could get during working hours vs my own sections...
Which leads me to think that having +2 points on your PER is not really a great thing for having achieved a higher physical test score, considering the clerks on board during our refit were never allowed off the boat and would have to do all training outside of regular hours vs the combat section whom didn't have any gear to use on board having hours to play floor hockey and lift mad weight.
The fact is the forces has a minimum standard and I think its great they want to encourage members to achieve "more" I know that from a unit level our CO had gave 1 day off to the top 10 members when the FORCE first arrived and you can bet your bottom dollar people were chucking sandbags faster then the usual suspects could eat duff during stand easy ! IT WORKED! We had a full blown competition on our hands and it was marvelous!
I know some will argue that its our job , and don't reward doing your job... but going above the basal level and reaching for more... your darn right to want to reward that...
because when your in the thick of things..... DO YOU WANT MEMBERS DOING THE BARE MIN?
....drops mic!