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April 27th BMOQ

  • Thread starter Thread starter seawolf
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BrickBackpack said:
Has anyone else gotten their documentation such as info on st.jean and security clearance paper work?

Nope, just my "Next of kin" info. For info on CFLRS, you can just go onto the website. http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/pd/index-eng.asp
Yea i have sworn in already. On 38 days LWOP lol

I have all my paperwork and the clearance form.

I'm assuming we get all this when we swear in.

For me that will be this Thursday.

Looking forward to working with all of you!
yea i had to fill out a next of kin form and emergency contact form and sign my actual contract ,etc.

Then in my package was the arrival booklet for St. jean, my posting message (reads like code, lol) and the security clearance form.

I also have to write my autobiography before showing up.
Im swearing in shortly..So i assume I'll be dealing with all that stuff. Thanks for the heads up seawolf. I am stoked to rock this along side all you guys and gals. I am curious. What age group we have. I am 26
Pilot - Turning 24 the weekend we arrive. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Pilot - 34. I'm glad to see others in the 30+ crowd. See you all out there.
How is the fitness regimes coming along?

I just got back from a 3km run. Gonna work on pushups later.
Fitness is going well. Altered my normal routine to get more cardio in before I go to work. 5 days a week, I'm up at 5:00 to run 4-5km (Mon., Wed., Fri.), or 30-40 min. elliptical (Tues., Thurs.); and, when I get home from work around 6:00 it's either circuit training with weights or more cardio. I'm trying to throw in some yoga on Saturday mornings, just to stay limber and stretch it out -- plus, I hear it's great for injury prevention.

When I began, I could run maybe 2km before nearly falling over, but with hard work, I'm happy to say I'm up to 5km. I figure the more you push through before you get to St. Jean, the better.
pushups and situps daily. Working a pyramid set for pushups. max. 50
Yoga is huge. glad to hear R.C. I've been rocking that in between running and it helps.
I can guarantee it assists will strengthening tendons and ligaments. Super important to avoid injury!
I am glad to see that there's an older age group so far as I am approaching this in a serious manner.
Band together and unite.
I hope everyones got their fitness going.
One question for those who have sworn in. What forms should i be keeping my eyes peeled to sign at enrollment? I have the security clearance form.
What in total has everyone signed...so I can ensure I am on point
LogO - Air

49 years (OK you all have my permission to start with the old guy jokes now :))
Run,run,run.Be ready to run as minimum 5K in 30 minutes or as maximum 5K in 25 minutes.Morning PTs have the run 20-30 minutes very often.
Sure do proper push ups as you can.You can see it on website of CFLRS.Push ups are important not only for Express test but for everyday life there. :)
Good luck!
I'm hoping I may see some of you Logo's in Borden for courses there.  Good luck everyone.
