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April 27th BMOQ

  • Thread starter Thread starter seawolf
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Hey guys/ gals if anyone needs any advice or has any questions, shot me a line I JUST GRADUATED BMOQ a few weeks ago through St. Jean. We only had 25 on our platoon (We had the highest attrition rate, we had it the worst ANYONE will ever get, so believe me I know the experience), the current French platoon there right now only has 12 (approximately), the english one there right now ~50. So lots of variation! Just fire me a message if you need any advice! BIGGEST PIECE I can say it is NOT (I repeat NOT) like BMQ!
carolynv11 said:
Hey guys/ gals if anyone needs any advice or has any questions, shot me a line I JUST GRADUATED BMOQ a few weeks ago through St. Jean. We only had 25 on our platoon (We had the highest attrition rate, we had it the worst ANYONE will ever get, so believe me I know the experience), the current French platoon there right now only has 12 (approximately), the english one there right now ~50. So lots of variation! Just fire me a message if you need any advice! BIGGEST PIECE I can say it is NOT (I repeat NOT) like BMQ!
Thanks carolynv11 .As you mentioned before you have been in 2 BMOQ cause of health issue. How did you find your first platoon and second? Were there some new changes or new things in your second platoon?
How many rucksack marches you had? How was fitness test? What about electronics policy in your last platoon? Any advices are welcome :)
When you say it's not like BMQ, what were the biggest differences you noticed?
dragnock said:
i swear in on the 27th in toronto  ;D
so cant wait

You swear in that day? So when is your bmoq?

Edit: ohh I see your other post now, you meant March 27th my bad.
secondchance said:
Thanks carolynv11 .As you mentioned before you have been in 2 BMOQ cause of health issue. How did you find your first platoon and second? Were there some new changes or new things in your second platoon?
How many rucksack marches you had? How was fitness test? What about electronics policy in your last platoon? Any advices are welcome :)

Huge differences, my first platoon was alot more relax and my second platoon was hard. LOTS of differences between the staff and lots of differences between the standards. (I broke my foot on week 8/9 on my first platoon, healed and started at week 8 of the second platoon)
In total I did 3 rucks - 3.2, 6.4, 13 (yes we skipped the 9.2, alot of BMOQs do)

THERE ARE NEW FITNESS TEST STANDARDS coming April 1! so you should all be under the new standards, it is called FORCE. If for some reason CFLRS doesnt change the express test isnt hard but it isnt easy either, dont take it lightly! Lots of people go to Warrior, the biggest thing is staff at CFLRS and ONLY CFLRS are super strict on pushups! train hard these weeks leading up to your course!
As for electronics, first platoon, we couldnt have our laptops until the weekend all course, second platoon we were allowed at all times, If you dont have a 3G or a data phone of any sort I recommend getting one. to atleast keep in touch with loved ones. I could always have my phone except during working hours, so expect to able to use your phone from 6pm-on.
Reaper-1 said:
When you say it's not like BMQ, what were the biggest differences you noticed?

You do BMQ in the first 7 weeks and even then you will have NOTHING compared to what BMQ is like.
EVerything is different from discipline, to meal timings, to how staff treat you, to what is expected of you. The first 7 weeks arent easy in any means but not hard, compared to my counter parts that were going through BMQ at the same time BMOQ is not hard. On my first course I never got "jacked up" once in the 10 weeks I was there. There were some people who were plain stupid and did stupid things that did. And dont think for once its an age/maturity thing. I had 17,18,19 CEOTP guys on my course too. In the last 8 weeks of the course its ALOT of sitting around. From the time you do your individual drill test in week end of 7/beginning 8 you dont do drill until week 13 and then its 2 intro classes to sword drill and then no drill until grad parade.
secondchance said:
Nice comments.What about Vimmy? How it was?

Vimy is an experience and a half. Pre-Vimy I found to be harder and so did alot of people, but you lovely folks have the joy of going through Vimy in the summer, be prepared for mud and heat and LOTS of heat and LOTS of bugs and lots of swamps.

Biggest piece of advice for Vimy and Pre-Vimy be a follower. No matter how much your counter parts might be doing something stupid or you dislike them or whatever just be a follower and do exactly as you are told, do NOT suggest anything, just keep your mouth shut and follow. It helps everyone out in the long run and believe me on day 4 of no sleep and you are ready to scream at people and people are ready to scream of you, find all strength to just do as you are told and FOLLOW. My favourite part of the whole course were our last night in pre-vimy and our last night in Vimy. So it can be ALOT of fun!
Nice comments carolynv11. Really appreciate it.I see some changes since I was doing BMOQ in 2011 (not finished).Any comments suggestions are welcome!!!
carolynv11 said:
THERE ARE NEW FITNESS TEST STANDARDS coming April 1! so you should all be under the new standards, it is called FORCE. If for some reason CFLRS doesnt change the express test isnt hard but it isnt easy either, dont take it lightly! Lots of people go to Warrior, the biggest thing is staff at CFLRS and ONLY CFLRS are super strict on pushups! train hard these weeks leading up to your course!

This only applies to current CF members, for recruits it doesn't take effect until April 1, 2014 as per below:

21. Will recruits at the Canadian Forces Leadership Recruit School (CFLRS) attempt the FORCE Evaluation during FY 13/14?

No, the CF EXPRES Test will remain the fitness evaluation for recruits at CFLRS for FY 13/14. The FORCE Evaluation will only be implemented for new recruits on 1 April 2014.

This quote was taken from: https://www.cfpsa.com/en/AboutUs/PSP/DFIT/Fitness/FORCEprogram/Pages/FAQs.aspx

Just an FYI.  :salute:
thanks to everyone for keeping this thread going..lots of great info goin around...does anyone have any more specifics on course outlines and material?
FullMetalJacket said:
thanks to everyone for keeping this thread going..lots of great info goin around...does anyone have any more specifics on course outlines and material?

All the infos are on the CFLRS site: http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/ps/off/index-eng.asp
                                                &    http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/ps/off/es-wt-15/index-eng.asp

And this is the ''Candidate information booklet'' : http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/pd/bic-cib/bic-cib.pdf
Another thing everyone will tell you is DO NOT look ahead! Focus on BMOQ first. Focus on passing those 15 weeks and then figure out what will happen after. Nothing is ever certain, everyone will talk about there next course, but there may not be a next course if you dont get through BMOQ (which 50% of my second platoon didnt make it through), focus on RIGHT NOW and BMOQ, not CAP or Primary Flight training, or your OJT posting.
carolynv11 said:
Another thing everyone will tell you is DO NOT look ahead! Focus on BMOQ first. Focus on passing those 15 weeks and then figure out what will happen after. Nothing is ever certain, everyone will talk about there next course, but there may not be a next course if you dont get through BMOQ (which 50% of my second platoon didnt make it through), focus on RIGHT NOW and BMOQ, not CAP or Primary Flight training, or your OJT posting.
Your platoon lost 50% ?
Tralax said:
This only applies to current CF members, for recruits it doesn't take effect until April 1, 2014 as per below:

This quote was taken from: https://www.cfpsa.com/en/AboutUs/PSP/DFIT/Fitness/FORCEprogram/Pages/FAQs.aspx

Just an FYI.  :salute:

I know for a fact PSP staff are running courses through it now. Whether its just trial or not I'm not positive on that one and you will have to wait to find out. If it is still EXPRESS than really focus on your pushups people!
secondchance said:
Your platoon lost 50% ?

Yes. Ask anyone when you get there about L-19. We had the highest attrition rate. 50% of the original platoon graduated.