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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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VancouverIslandHunter said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Unit: Canadian Scottish Regiment
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: -
Application Date: February 15th, 2013
Sent in documents/paperwork: February 15th, 2013
Aptitude Test: April 17th, 2013 (Passed)
Medical: April 17th, 2013 (Passed)
Interview:April 17th, 2013 (Passed)
Fitness Test: April 24th, 2013 (Passed)
Enrollment/Swear in: June 14th, 2013
BMQ Begins: Sometime in Summer 2013

Recruiting centre: ONLINE/Oshawa
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade choice 1: Military Police
Trade choice 2: Artillery Soldier
Applied: January 2012
File sent to CFRC: February 2012
First contact: April 20, 2013
CFAT: May 21, 2013
Medical: June 11, 2013
Merit listed:
Position offered:
swearing in:

Finally got the call for a medical, hopefully interview wont be long after.
Still waiting for my background to come back! It's been almost a month, so I'm attempting to get a hold of my recruiting centre today to check up on it. :)

Recruiting Centre: Ottawa, Ontario
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Medical Technician
Online Application Date: February 17th, 2013
Date Application sent to Ottawa: February 28th, 2013
First Contact from Ottawa: March 20th, 2013 (Emailed me my security forms to fill out)
Forms brought in to Ottawa: March 21, 2013.
CFAT completed : May 13th, 2013
Interview completed: May 13th, 2013
Medical completed: May 13th, 2013
Merit listed:
Position offered:
Swearing in:
Basic Training Begins:
Recruiting Centre: Regina, Sk
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: AVN
Trade Choice 2: AVS
Online Application Date: January 12 , 2013
First contact: February 26 2013, application sent to Regina
CFAT Completed : 2008, previous application
Forms brought in to Regina: March 26 2013
Interview completed: April 3 2013 (avn/avs)
Medical Completed: Part 1: April 3 2013, Part 2: May 9 2013
Merit listed: May 27 2013
Position offered: June 10 2013, AVS Tech
Swearing in: June 25 3012
Basic Training Begins: July 8 2013

Got the job offer this morning and I could not be happier!
Recruiting Centre: Ottawa, Ontario
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Medical Technician
Online Application Date: February 17th, 2013
Date Application sent to Ottawa: February 28th, 2013
First Contact from Ottawa: March 20th, 2013 (Emailed me my security forms to fill out)
Forms brought in to Ottawa: March 21, 2013.
CFAT completed : May 13th, 2013
Interview completed: May 13th, 2013
Medical completed: May 13th, 2013
Medical Cleared: June 5th, 2013
GARDA sent away: June 5th, 2013 (background check)
Merit listed: Waiting
Position offered: Waiting
Swearing in: Waiting
Basic Training Begins: Waiting

Got a hold of them. Background was sent away on June 5th, after my medical was 100% cleared. :)
So I applied at the end of March..
I got my email back, as standard, and followed the instructions (sent in school transcripts, and birth cert), but I haven't heard back yet.

I'm not sure what to do, as they haven't even reported that they received my things. I need to get going with my career here..

Any advice?
SMG I said:
Any advice?

Send them an email  jobs@forces.ca  and ask "What is the current status of my application?"

That would help.
I'm afraid I haven't noted exact dates so this may not be as accurate as some samples.  Dates provided are mostly guesses.  It's also been a long process.  I originally applied for Pilot in February 2012 and was offered AESOP June 10th 2013.

First Application

Recruiting centre: Hamilton
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: DEO
Trade choice 1: Pilot
Trade choice 2:
Tade Choice 3:
Applied: Feb 15 2012
File sent to CFRC: ?
First contact: May 2012
CFAT: summer 2012
Medical: summer 2012
Interview: summer 2012
Aircrew Selection: Oct 2012
Position offered:
Enrollment/swearing in:

I did well at Aircrew Selection.  I passed in Trenton and was sent to Toronto for medical where they found My sitting height is about an inch too tall to fit in the Grob aircraft.  Afterwards I immediately had ACSO added to my application but didn't pass the nav test.  I was told I have high military potential so they suggested I look at other jobs and reapply in the new year. 

Second Application.

Recruiting centre: Hamilton
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade choice 1: AESOP
Trade choice 2: Aviation Systems Tech
Tade Choice 3:
Applied: Jan-Feb 2013
File sent to CFRC: ?
First contact: ?
CFAT: Used original on file but had to take quick personality text April 2013
Medical: used previous
Interview: Job specific interview march 2012
Position offered: june 10th 2013 AESOP
Enrollment/swearing in: june 24th 2013

BMQ starts for me July 8th 2013.  It feels very surreal.

I have my CFAT in 4 hours.  I'm pretty excited to get into the process past just filling out my online application, and email/telephone.  I'm glad to be doing something  ;D
Passed my interview this morning.  All that's left is ASC, just waiting for dates ...

Recruiting centre: ONLINE/Oshawa
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade choice 1: Military Police
Trade choice 2: Artillery Soldier
Applied: January 2012
File sent to CFRC: February 2012
First contact: April 20, 2013
CFAT: May 21, 2013
Medical: June 11, 2013
Interview: waiting..
Merit listed: waiting..
Position offered: waiting..
swearing in: waiting..
BMQ: waiting..

Everything went okay at my medical today, they never asked for a urine test and i questioned the examiner about that and he said they no longer do urine tests. Now just waiting for my interview. does anyone have any idea how long after a medical you have to wait for an interview?
admky said:
Everything went okay at my medical today, they never asked for a urine test and i questioned the examiner about that and he said they no longer do urine tests. Now just waiting for my interview. does anyone have any idea how long after a medical you have to wait for an interview?

A lot of people complete their interview the same day as their medical. Other people are waiting 3-5 weeks. So its going to depend entirely on your recruiting center. They might even wait til medical clears before the interview. It seems each recruiting center, or even each case, can be completely different on the order of things getting done. But judging by everyone elses timelines posted, around 5 weeks seems like the longest. As always, if you wait a couple weeks and no update from them, just come up with a reason to email them and try to get more information from them on the timeframe til interview.

They aren't going to lose your paperwork or put a big warning beside your name for trying to make sure you are up to date with everything. You could just say something like "I wasn't sure if I was supposed to schedule my interview before leaving from my medical, and I want to make sure I leave my schedule open for that day. Do you know when about my interview will be scheduled, or do we need to wait for my medical to be processed before proceeding?" Something like that should work!
Recruiting centre: Ottawa, ON
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade choice 1: Engineer Officer
Trade choice 2: EME Officer
Trade Choice 3:
Applied: April 09 2013
File sent to CFRC: May 13, 2013
First contact: May 21, 2013
Dropped off forms: May 24, 2013
CFAT: Feb 2006
TSD Test: June 11, 2013
Medical: June 19, 2013
Interview: June 19, 2013
Merit listed:
Position offered:
swearing in:
Recruiting Center:Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat engineer
Application Date: November 19, 2012
First Contact: December 5,2012
File transferred to Victoria : April 24, 2013
CFAT completed: May 28,2013
Med completed : May 28,2013
Interview completed: June 17,2013
Position Offered:
BMQ Begins:

Just got my phone call for my interview now just need to make sure I know my trades.  I can't wait and couldn't be more excited.  Any advice would be much appreciated
Recruiting centre: Online/Edmonton
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade choice 1: Combat Engineer
Trade choice 2: Armoured Soldier
Trade Choice 3: Infantry
Applied: April 26 2013
File sent to CFRC: May 21, 2013
First contact: May 23, 2013
Dropped off forms: May 24, 2013
CFAT: June 13, 2013
Medical: June 14, 2013
Interview: June 14, 2013
Merit listed:
Position offered:
swearing in:

Just got the call for all my testing this week. Can't wait! :):)
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