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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Infantry21
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I Submitted my application Sept 03.
DOE - Armour
It took almost three years to clear my security check due to the fact I worked in Asia after university.
I finished my interview and medical in December 06.
My file is now in Ottawa and I'm waiting for an offer.

Advice to fellow recruits who have traveled "Be prepaired to wait"
                                                              "Be prepaired to wait some more" ;D
rossco said:
Advice to fellow recruits who have traveled "Be prepaired to wait"
                                                              "Be prepaired to wait some more" ;D

Amen...Hurry to wait... and wait...and then wait again

Well I'm 16, no criminal/financial history. Was born in Canada.....I have no idea why they are taking so long with my application. Is it because of my medical allergies?! Geez, the people in Ottawa need to get moving!
Well, for my CT here's the story.  Keep in mind, I am doing a Component Transfer with a Occupational Transfer (currently 011, going 226) and they had to do a PLAR to assess what trng bypass's I would get after 17 years in, 3 years of college including a post-graduate.  The OT adds a few steps, and adding steps includes stretching the timeline as the file has to hit more desks than a straight CT.

- walked into CFRC to start CT/OT 02 May 06;
- CFAT, interview, medical 07 June 06;
- PLAR completed 14 Aug 06 (granted BMQ  :blotto: bypass, as well as POET and the 226 QL3 courses, granted MOC qualified ATIS Tech);
- medical cleared October 06;
- selected by board 08 Nov 06; and
- Career Manager confirmed posting (to Halifax) 12 Jan 07.

Now, last step?  Getting the actual offer.   ;D

For those waiting, keep your stick on the ice.  The CF is stretched pretty thin across the board, including the folks at CFRG.  
officer.phil said:
I have no idea why they are taking so long with my application. Is it because of my medical allergies?! Geez, the people in Ottawa need to get moving!

Medical allergies can play a part of it...The forms need to be checked by an MO.

And as far as the people in Ottawa moving...yes, you're right. They should shove aside the hundreds of applications they have, and get to yours, because you are the first person to have to wait for your application to go through, and they are only sitting around drinking coffee and talking about last nights game.

Here's a piece of advice, for anything in the military, and particularly the Sigs world... Be patient...You've just had your first experience with what we call the "Hurry up and wait" concept.
officer.phil said:
Well I'm 16, no criminal/financial history. Was born in Canada.....I have no idea why they are taking so long with my application. Is it because of my medical allergies?! Geez, the people in Ottawa need to get moving!

You are 16, and your profile says you are a Reserve Sig Op.  You are saying your application is not done yet but you are in the Reserves??

Something is missing here...ok, to quote the Bible here...aka CF Recruiting website...

Basic Eligibility Requirements      

To be eligible for consideration for the Canadian Forces, you must meet the following minimal conditions:

be a Canadian citizen;
Citizens of another country who have landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) status in Canada may also be considered for enrolment when the CF has need of their skill, when the position cannot be filled by a Canadian citizen, and if the national interest would not be prejudiced. However, only under exceptional circumstances will authority be granted to enrol a citizen of another country.

be 17 years of age (with parental/guardian consent) or older;
junior level Military College applicants must be 16 years of age;
you may be enrolled in the Reserves providing you are 16 years of age;


So maybe you will clarify this because there is 2 of us not sure what you are talking about at this point in time...

Are you Reserve's now?  If so...how did you do...your BMQ...SQ...and Sig Op courses in the Reserves all in one year, providing your birthday was early in Jan of 2006, so you could actually be sworn in at the age of 16...complete 3 courses in less than 12 months (I have been in the Reserves for 17 years and, while it has happened, it IS rare).

Are you doing a CT to Reg Frce?

Or are you smoking rope?

Mud: His signature block gives a quasi time line...

Recruiting Center: Toronto (North York)
Component: Primary Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice: Signal Operator
Application Date: November 14, 2006
First Contact: November 16, 2006
CFAT - Medical - Interview: November 27, 2006
Position Offered: Pending...
BMQ: Pending...
Oh.  I didn't see that.  I was busy reading his profile where his MOC is listed at R215 Sig Op, and then trying to figure out why someone going NCM-side of the house would call themselves Officer.Phil.

And as far as the people in Ottawa moving...yes, you're right. They should shove aside the hundreds of applications they have, and get to yours, because you are the first person to have to wait for your application to go through, and they are only sitting around drinking coffee and talking about last nights game.

From  a retired (x 5months) medic sgt who finished with his time doing +4 years at a recruiting center & who knew the folks at Ottawa / medical recruiting: THANK YOU SIG_DES!...saves me time replying as per numerous previous posts in the past.  :salute:

Let me laught...its been 378 days since I applied for transfer...relaxe waiting is a virtue.
1 and a half year.
  now they are looking at my medical in ottawa. My medical was sent on Dec.the 18th. how long would I need to wait ?
Homer_Simpson said:
1 and a half year.
  now they are looking at my medical in ottawa. My medical was sent on Dec.the 18th. how long would I need to wait ?

378 days and counting...
So far, 2and a half months. they told me to call back next week as they are looking into my references

i think that they are startting to know its me when they pick up the phone ;D

Actually at my unit im transfering....when Im calling to the recruitment...I dont even have to identified myself...they know its me.... I find it funny.
mysteriousmind said:

Actually at my unit im transfering....when Im calling to the recruitment...I dont even have to identified myself...they know its me.... I find it funny.

don't call them too much, one Mcpl got really mad cuz i called every week .
It proves one thing...
that you are motivated and that you are showing interest.

I dont think its bad..i usally call once a week...except if there is some new info that needs to be discussed.