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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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Hi, I'm Jonathan Seguin,

I've been waiting since January 30th when I applied and got the automatic email for a response but they haven't given me any. Should I call or is it normal to wait for 2 months? Thanks for any answers or response.
When I applied They said that I didn't need to stop by and just apply online, then in the online email it said they would contact me when the application will be processed.
So I don't know what letter I have to get and online it doesn't say anything about getting a letter?
JonathanSeguin said:
Also I'm applying for the reserves in Ottawa if that helps.

That little bit of information definitely helps.  You will generally NOT receive a follow-up email if you are applying for Reserves.  It is your responsibility to inform the Reserve Unit which you have already been in contact with, that you have submitted your online application.  They will then continue your process from that point on.
Thanks, i got into contact through email, first time it sent auto reply so second time I made sure the title had the open status on my application so they knew what I was messaging about.
Also for recruiter I saw a recruiter, was passed to another office since I wanted to know about multiple areas, but the area I went to didn't have any at the time so I didn't know about talking to them after wards. But thanks for the info.
Well, no one can really answer that question. I'll give it a try anyway.

Assuming you're applying for the Regular Force, it could probably take 6-12 months (I hope someone else on this forum can verify/agree with me). That is without any issue's with your application; issue's such as, medical, physical, laziness to fill out forms or my personal favourite the competence of the recruiting center.

I applied when I was 17. I'm 20 now and still trying to get in. I've hit a few roadblocks here and there and I anticipate getting in when I'm 22 to give you a rough estimate.

If I were to give you advice: Be patient. There are many people who've had it worse than me.

jaysfan17 said:
Well, no one can really answer that question. I'll give it a try anyway.

Assuming you're applying for the Regular Force, it could probably take 6-12 months (I hope someone else on this forum can verify/agree with me). That is without any issue's with your application; issue's such as, medical, physical, laziness to fill out forms or my personal favourite the competence of the recruiting center.

I applied when I was 17. I'm 20 now and still trying to get in. I've hit a few roadblocks here and there and I anticipate getting in when I'm 22 to give you a rough estimate.

If I were to give you advice: Be patient. There are many people who've had it worse than me.


Five years? Thats unbelievable. I admire your determination though

We really would not have so much problems with redundant threads if only people would READ first before posting a question that has been answered thousands of times before and stickied so as to be right there, up front, for them to find:


I have to agree with some of your statements at this point I have been told there is a 3 month wait to get med 3 clearance back to the cfrc when I know of 2 people who did there meds same day as me who already got them back within 2 weeks merit listed and job offer. Both had med problems when I have none. So confused why I am to wait 3 months and there's was immediate very strange.
Respectyouall said:
I have to agree with some of your statements at this point I have been told there is a 3 month wait to get med 3 clearance back to the cfrc when I know of 2 people who did there meds same day as me who already got them back within 2 weeks merit listed and job offer. Both had med problems when I have none. So confused why I am to wait 3 months and there's was immediate very strange.

You know the last post on this thread was over 11 years ago, right?
Brihard said:
You know the last post on this thread was over 11 years ago, right?

We sure have made a lot of progress in fixing the system since then........
PPCLI Guy said:
We sure have made a lot of progress in fixing the system since then........
The sarcasm is strong with this one......[emoji1]

Haha 3 months.. I'm currently in week 16 of waiting. It takes time and it is what it is. Complaining does nothing to hurry it up, at least I would rather the problem of too much time than not enough time.

edit: a word
I'm 9 months into my application process and I understand where some of this frustration is coming from but this reminds me of (Rank) Scott's post about how "The CF does not owe anyone a job":

"You are applying against what could be hundreds, if not thousands, of people for what very well could be a very few jobs (perhaps even single digits). Just because it's the CF does not mean they HAVE to hire anyone - you must compete, just like you'd have to compete for a job anywhere."

"If you applied for a job elsewhere, would you automatically expect them to hire you? Of course not, as there are not openings for every interviewee and candidate."

"You have the right to apply, and at the same time the CF has the right to process or not to process, for their reasons. Given the current economy, political climate and culture, the CF can afford to be choosy, so why shouldn't they?"


I too thought I was competitive among my respective industry with my experience and academic achievements until I met others. The application process may be long and grueling, it can be fast or slow, some CFRCs could be more efficient than the others, but a process is a process, there are no shortcuts. I know I personally absolutely appreciate the Sergeant who is handling my file, he's been nothing but helpful. While your credentials may be impressive and competitive, if supply is over demand then you'll be waiting. The CF won't extinct with one less applicant and insulting the two NCMs who ARE serving members in the forces definitely won't help. Be a little more humble and good luck in your application shoguny2k.
To be sure, the recruiting process is extrememly slow, very frustrating and too damn cumbersome and understaffed at this point in time.

Amazing how the introduction of the Tech Idiot Boxes sitting on desks that were supposed to make us more effecient and make our transmission of files and paperwork "mobile" don't seem to hold a candle to 25 years ago.  Back then, one could show up at their nearest recruiting centre and apply, then be medicalled, enrolled and reporting to Cornwallis for Basic Trg a mere 12 days after that application.  I know - I was one of them and know too many these days who are fully qual'd already waiting 2 years just to see a CT occur.  SMH.
Ok so...

I know my experience with the recruiting process isn't the same as most have gone through, having started last august and shipping to BMQ tomorrow, but I do have experience in hiring and recruiting for other workplaces, having done a lot of hiring and recruiting myself. The fact of the matter is that when resources among recruiters are stretched thin (as they currently are) the importance of filling numbers can sometimes take a back seat when it comes to finding competitive candidates. What I mean to say is that recruiters are likely focusing on getting the best possible candidate off to Basic Training rather than just pushing through an armload of lesser-competent candidates.

Now I don't mean to say that the candidates are incompetent or aren't by any means qualified for the job, but rather that they are probably looking at candidates with not only the appropriate qualifications and work experience, but life experience and transferrable skills as well. They will likely process your file with due time, but the thing to remember is that this is a job application process, and they don't necessarily have to hire you, even if you do meet all the criteria.

Bitching and complaining about long wait times isn't going to help your matter either. In a country of 30 million people and only a handful of recruiting centers, it can be speculated that any one recruiter has 5 or more candidates that they're overseeing at any given moment, and that's being terribly generous. If you want to help your case along at all, ask your recruiter what steps YOU can take to make handling your file much easier. They may have something you can do, they may not.

In any case, I highly suggest all these people saying things like "I'm a qualified candidate, why aren't they licking my feet to hire me" or "I have all this experience, they should send me to Basic next week" to read this thread http://army.ca/forums/threads/103957.0.html so happily entitled "The CAF doesn't owe you a job, because you aren't that special. READ THIS FIRST!!!" because A) They DON'T owe you a job; and B) You really aren't all that special.
I think it needs to be clarified that Respectyoualls complaint wasn't about the the entire process just about the wait for medicals, and while I do agree with everything you said ThatOneRecruit it important to separate the parts of the process where the waits are affected by credentials and the parts of the process where the wait is not (as likely) influenced by credentials. The wait for medical (I would assume) is based on the stream of entry more importantly than anything else. It would make sense they are trying to get all the ROTP candidates declared fit/unfit in order to get out conditional offers for the coming year while other streams have had been pushed to the bottom of the pile, I'm sure someone like DAA could inform me if this is a smart assumption or if it is completely out to lunch. It is also important to remember that (according to what I was told at the RC) that if you have no medical issues your file will continue to be processed, but if there are medical issues that require sending extra paperwork to Ottawa then the processing is put on hold until the response comes from the medical officer.

Basically what I am trying to say is that it isn't that the recruiters are causing this wait by searching for the best candidate instead this wait is caused by just a backlog of files that will be cleared in good time. Though I will agree that bitching and complaining makes no difference in the process, just make a call every 3 to 4 weeks to see if there have been any changes. I'm sure everyone realizes there is some thing they wish they had more time to take care of before leaving for BM(O)Q whether it be hitting another workout goal or finding a renter to sub-let an apartment.

On a tangent:
It is always very interesting to think about the idea of hiring in general, having had to do hiring of students for summer work terms as well as for year long research projects, the idea of taking extra time to hire the most qualified candidate is really a double edged sword. This is because the most qualified candidate is also the most likely to get offered a different yet equal position from somewhere else but at the same time you don't know if someone is the most qualified candidate until you have interviewed all the candidates. I remember losing out on a very qualified student with loads of relevant experience because she ended up taking another job offer in the time it took to interview the other candidates. I'm sure there is no correct answer on how to address these problems in any organization, instead the answer must come from the business's morals/business plan/corporate strategy.
That looks it's not just my bad luck..An additional paper from my doctor was send in November 3 and I was thinking it will take 2-4 weeks...It's always a same ( your papers is still in Ottawa)...The problem is that I quit my job and it's no point to get a new one  and I don't know what to do with my apartment(my rent is ends in April) But I am volunteering for a food bank kitchen to get some cooking experience to be prepare for my future job as an Army cook..Still ,waiting is not my strong point :(
You Should Not Have Quit You Job Unless You For Sure Knew You Had A Job With The Forces Yes The Wait Time Can Take Some Time To Complete, But That's The Process And Theres Nothing That Can Be Done, I am Waiting Myself To Get In As Well But I Surly Wont Quit My Job Before I Know 100% That I Have Gotten Into The Forces. That Was A Big Mistake On Your Part To Quit Your Job.