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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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I submitted my application mid-march of this yr, was contacted a few days later. Cfat was done in April, then interview in August and medical in late September. After the medical everything moved really fast. I don't even know when I was merit listed because just days after Thanksgiving I got my offer and I'm flying out to St Jean this Saturday!
cbucholc said:
Yea well I got my first Cintact last month so I'm still waiting for my interview I email them once in awhile but they never respond so here I am just collecting more certification on some things and just keep exercising just to better my chances when the time comes .....might take up french, at this rate I should be fluent before basic lol

What kind of contact have you received from them? I would suggest going into your RC and talking to someone.
Like many others, my timeframe is a bit all over the place. Some portions have been completed very quickly and others have taken quite a bit of time. My initial application was August 2013, I got the email to send in copies of my birth certificate/transcripts/etc which I did. I never heard back after that and then my online login stopped working, it just said my access was disabled and to call x number (which was the number to the Kingston Recruiting Centre). I tried calling several times and left messages but not a word back.

Finally I gave up as my life was still changing and work was evolving fairly drastically. Then I ended up moving back east this year and quit my job, walked straight in to the recruiting centre where I live now and said that I wanted to talk entry plans. Sat down with the Captain and explained my situation. This was early July of this year. I ended up filling out a new application on paper while I was there and he spoke with someone about getting my application reenabled.

Since then, I've completed my CFAT in September, medical and interview in October, and was told that my application is very strong and may make the cut for early November selections. Medical came back good, record check came back good as well, though there was one question mark on my credit check but I believe it was an error on Telus' part and explained to the recruiter what the situation was and it was over two years ago anyway.

All in all, once the ball has started to roll it hasn't stopped. It's getting it to move at first that is a bit of a PITA.
KerryBlue said:
What kind of contact have you received from them? I would suggest going into your RC and talking to someone.

I received an email from them last month telling me that I should be contacted for an interview date within the next 6 months. I've called them a few times however, they never seem to answer their phone or call back. I also work 6 days a week with my day off being Sunday so going down there is rarely an option for me. So I am just patiently waiting :) I'm just thankful for even having the opportunity of an interview, no matter what the timeline.

I'm dealing with the Vancouver RC btw.
cbucholc said:
I received an email from them last month telling me that I should be contacted for an interview date within the next 6 months.

But you need to do the CFAT and TSD before they even start looking at booking you for an interview...
KerryBlue said:
But you need to do the CFAT and TSD before they even start looking at booking you for an interview...
Yea I assumed so however I'm just going off the Information I received in my email.
cbucholc said:
Yea I assumed so however I'm just going off the Information I received in my email.

If that's the case you best get phoning them right now and asking them to book an appointment for your CFAT. Your TSD and CFAT scores combined determine whether or not  they even process you for your interview or a medical. You don't want to wait 6 months for your medical just for them to find out you haven't even done your CFAT AND TSD. If you book it today it shouldn't take more than a month for those tests, that's probably the fastest portion of the process in my opinion. I'd hate to see you wait 6 months for no reason because the process is long enough as it is. Especially with half of the recruiting centers adapting to the new way of recruiting and the other half doing it the old way.
Moore said:
If that's the case you best get phoning them right now and asking them to book an appointment for your CFAT. Your TSD and CFAT scores combined determine whether or not  they even process you for your interview or a medical. You don't want to wait 6 months for your medical just for them to find out you haven't even done your CFAT AND TSD. If you book it today it shouldn't take more than a month for those tests, that's probably the fastest portion of the process in my opinion. I'd hate to see you wait 6 months for no reason because the process is long enough as it is. Especially with half of the recruiting centers adapting to the new way of recruiting and the other half doing it the old way.
Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately they never answer/ return my phone calls or emails. Like I had said in a previous post, I work 6 days a week with only Sundays off so I had booked this coming Thursday off so I can go down to the Vancouver RC and talk to someone. Wish me luck haha.
cbucholc said:
Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately they never answer/ return my phone calls or emails. Like I had said in a previous post, I work 6 days a week with only Sundays off so I had booked this coming Thursday off so I can go down to the Vancouver RC and talk to someone. Wish me luck haha.

Good luck, the first automatic email I got 2 days after my application asked me to email the Oshawa recruiting center to book a CFAT appointment which I did right away. I got a call about 5 days later from a sergeant asking if I was available on October 16th at 08:00 hours. I'm surprised you never received the same email, must be a glitch in your file.
I think most combat arms occupations generally have long wait times anyways because of the sheer number of applicants, so try not to stress or think they lost or mucked up your application. When in doubt, call. If they don't pick up... and you feel the need to get an answer.. call all day long.
It does require some patients. I applied January 9th for infantry. They just called my references last week and am finally waiting the call to get sworn in (Pres).
Finally! The emailed me for my CFAT. I'm scheduled for November 16th. Guess I better brush up on my math.
cbucholc said:
Finally! The emailed me for my CFAT. I'm scheduled for November 16th. Guess I better brush up on my math.

Do the practice test over and over and over!! Also relax when you go. Easier said than done I know but it helps to not be nervous and end up overthinking things
Rexracer said:
Do the practice test over and over and over!! Also relax when you go. Easier said than done I know but it helps to not be nervous and end up overthinking things

Great advice. I would like to add one more thing, make sure you are fully rested going into it. Don't let something stupid like lack of sleep get in the way of your success.
Rexracer said:
Do the practice test over and over and over!! Also relax when you go. Easier said than done I know but it helps to not be nervous and end up overthinking things

Best advice i can give you is brush up on your long division and problem solving skills. Math.com is great for it.
Treemoss said:
Best advice i can give you is brush up on your long division and problem solving skills. Math.com is great for it.

I spent a lot of time on math.com! Great place to practice !!
Hey Everyone,

I have passed everything (CFAT, Interview, Fitness Test) and I am just waiting on the RMO to sign off on my medical, I was just wondering how long this take and what happens after? Do you have any tips to make this process faster? From what I know it was sent up just over a week ago.

Thank you!
Honestly there really isn't anything you can do. The RMO reviews your file and determines whether you are fit or not. I believe the average I was told is about 2-4 weeks for it to go to the RMO, return and be processed by your RC. Mine took about a week and a half.

Afterwards assuming everything else on your file(CFAT, Interview, background check) is completed you should be merit listed.
It has certainly been a while. Some folks get in fairly quickly, others don't.
I applied in August of 2013. First call on January 1st.
I wrote my CFAT and TSD February 10th then had my medical and interview a month later. After a summer spent clearing up an issue and finally being medically cleared I am now merit listed. A year and 4 months. However all good things come to those who wait. I've learned a new level to my patience. Stay frosty everybody!