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AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

JSS is moving forward: www.merx.com.  DND is already looking for letters of interest  from teams of companies to form up!! It is not  an RFP, but compare the speed of this to the CPF or, heaven forbid, the MHP. It seems the government is very serious about moving this project along with some speed in order to perhaps be operational before the 2009-2011 commitment deadline. Good News!!
So does that mean there are chances we will see the JSS AND some LPD-type ships in the future ? That would be an ideal situation.
AFAIK, nothing has officially changed with the original concept with the JSS. I think the LPD/LPH is being "floated" as a trial balloon for now. 
I think with the CDS musing about no need for dedicated heavy airlift then maybe we will be back to a single hull type.
If I am wrong and the CDS musing about a ship that can land and support 1000 troops is true than I cannot see how we could possibly put an AOR capability and Amphib (of that size) capability into one ship.

Can anyone else?

Then again this is Canada we're talking about where anything absolutely out of left field can happen ???
I think with the CDS musing about no need for dedicated heavy airlift then maybe we will be back to a single hull type.
If I am wrong and the CDS musing about a ship that can land and support 1000 troops is true than I cannot see how we could possibly put an AOR capability and Amphib (of that size) capability into one ship.

Can anyone else?

Then again this is Canada we're talking about where anything absolutely out of left field can happen

Though I would never advocate the idea, unless out of necessity, in the past (presnet?) carriers (and USN Battleships) have been tasked with preforming a limited RAS capability for their escorts when no AOR was available or able to keep up with the task group...........Is the CDS thinking about something along the lines of a WASP size LHD taking on these roles for us  ??? I'd hope they would look at more viable,
off-shore designed and built (thus cheaper) AOR and perhaps a couple of used commercial Ro/Ros for the sealift capability of JSS.....When thats done, (plus the 280 replacement, FFH and SSK upgrades) then start looking at phibs.

That being said, I've read that the Dutch navy was considering a small LHD based on the Enforcer series to replace their older AOR........ ???

Kind of a waste to deploy an amphib to conduct RAS with your frigates and or destroyers if you are deploying to enforce sanctions on another nation don't you think?
AHHHHH! We've beaten this to death so many times!!!

Nevertheless, it seem like the feds want the JSS .. perhaps the LPD/LPH or whatever the heck they decide to call it is going to be a one off separate class of ship in the fleet.
I'm in "Wait, Out" mode on this one Whiskey.
Kind of a waste to deploy an amphib to conduct RAS with your frigates and or destroyers if you are deploying to enforce sanctions on another nation don't you think?

Of course, thats why I don't advocate that approach.......thats not too say the CDS shares the same views though, based of the speculation in the press of further mutating the role of JSS to include an enlarged troop carrying capability and DND's track record of doing suspect things.


USN concepts on Sea-basing.
Whiskey 601 said:
The gas guzzling, extenda-Tarawa got my attention!!  

Nice but I would hope we would look at something more attainable. The San Antonios are nice as well but I think even they are pushing our envelope.
Found these hunting around the JSS project website:

Proposed JSS capabilities (draft)


Proposed JSS concepts (some decent schematics and CG images)


2.9.4 Escape and Evacuation The ship shall have four Marine Escape Systems, each with a 200 person capacity.

"Fail to plan, plan to fail."

I'm just bumping this....

Do we have any new rumblings about JSS or a designated amphibious assault ship?


Matthew.    :salute:
The Joint Support Ship Statement of Operational Requirement (JSS SOR) - June 17


Interesting read....

It looks to me like it's pretty well spec'd-out which means our biggest hurdle (delay) is coming from getting the budget allocation to fund it.

1)  Build in Canada
2)  Ability to carry 4 Cyclone-sized helicopters per vessel.
3)  Adequate sealift surge capacity

1)  I'd still prefer separate the resupply ships from the sealift ships (but I'm guessing due to political reasons it's easier to buy 3 new ships than 6).
2)  Procurement model and long leadtime....sounds very similar to the MHP which may scare away some good potential suppliers.
3)  Not enough hulls (would like to see a minimum of 2 per coast as opposed to three in total)

Of note, does anyone know if we pay bidding companies for the design phase? 

To me that would make a lot of sense in that if you're going to separate it into two distinct phases (design versus construction) it is unfair to ask a company to provide their wisdom, experience, time, money and efforts when there is the distinct possibility at the end of the day they will get absolutely nothing out of the deal.  Even it's a nominal amount of $50 million per qualified bidding design team, it just seems like good business practice to me.....

Thanks in advance,

Matthew.  :salute:
Just as a side note, it looks like the Shelde Enforcer 27m beam might be an interesting alternative in that the standard 17,000 tonne version which measures 180m in length, could be modified to add a 20m mid-hull extension (reaching the 200 metre specification) which would contain all the at-sea resupply equipment.

Perhaps Ex-dragoon or others could comment on the direction they're leaning at the moment.

Matthew.    ???

Remember that interest in the Amphib only popped up a few months ago. Requirements, must haves and would likes have to be considered. Will be awhile yet as its not an overnight process.