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Anyone who could help please read and help me out at this situation.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Red-Water.06
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I really need help at the moment. In July 2007 I applied for Canadian Forces at Lorne Scots Recruiting Office, in September I got a call in one day to come to CFRC Mississauga to take my tests. I did so which took whole September. The last thing I had to do was to get my visual accuracy checked by a qualified medical profession which I did and sent my result to CFRC Toronto. I waited about a month and I thought it was strange because friends of mine who live at different area got their applications done within three months maximum. so I called CFRC Toronto and asked for medical officer.
Between I sent my visual accuracy and when I decided to phone CFRC Toronto Medical staff I got a call from Lorne Scots. The recruiting NCO said currently 32 Brigade is full except 7th Artillery in Toronto which is out of my transportation range. I was suggested to check on 31 Brigade which included Hamilton where I could reach. During that I decided to send my file to CFRC Hamilton and currently it still is with CFRC Hamilton.
When I called medical officer at CFRC Toronto, He told me that my medical info are fine and said it's on its way to Ottawa. I felt strange and asked him if he could send it to CFRC Hamilton instead. He asked for reason and I told him about my situation with 32 Brigade. At the end of the conversation he told me that my medical file is sent to Ottawa to get approved and I don't have a clue what the heck is going on. I've been waiting just over five months and I truly consider waiting not even a second longer because I do not want to miss a spot in 31 Brigade too. Could anyone suggest me what I could do, and who to talk to about it? If you need more information reply to this and I'll add it on.
-Adding that I was told that I passed everything at CFRC Missassauga and they were concerned about my visual acuracy and that I am told that 'It is fine.' by Medical Officer at CFRC Toronto.
The new LFCA Commander has cut the number of P Res positions so there is currently a shortage of recruit positions available. Keep in contact with the CFRC and also the P res unit you want to join. It's much easier to get into a P Res unit with their help instead of showing up at their door expecting them to give you a job. As a minimum go visit them on a parade night and talk to the unit recruiter. Follow up with a call or e-mail to the unit recruiter and heed their advice on when to apply, what to do to prepare and ask for their advice throughout the recruiting process. 
CFR FCS said:
The new LFCA Commander has cut the number of P Res positions so there is currently a shortage of recruit positions available. 

Do you know something the rest of us don't?  I must of missed this somewhere along the line? 

Perhaps a link would help clear that statement up.
5month of waiting is nothing, be patient, every things comme to a end when its time to....do not loose hope
There are actually Units in LFCA that are not recruiting?  Is that because they are topped up, or has some artificial limit been imposed?  I know here in the Maritimes, every Unit I've dealt with is dying for more recruits.
CFR FCS said:
The new LFCA Commander has cut the number of P Res positions

In a word, No.

There has been no reduction to LFCA's reserve strength target, nor have there been reductions to the number of reserve positions in LFCA.  There may be higher retention among reserve units, meaning less intake because of fewer positions to fill.  But there has been no reduction in positions or authorised strength; and if there were to be such a reduction, it would not be an Area Commander making that decision.
Perhas...and i mean PERHAPS, the MOC you are applying now is full...I would pretty much be astonish to see that but...it could happen.
Ummm... is it possible that LFCA is having trouble scraping together enough instructors to train the recruits they already have on the books?  What with people currently filling infrastructure positions, people currently deployed & the people currently training to be deployed, there aren't all that many NCOs out there available to train new recruits AND keep the trained soldiers occupied.

The Primary reserve is not a cornucopia...... with a never ending supply of personnel.
I would tend to be on the same point of view of Geo,

The same problem has begun for the Pres unit around Quebec city.
The thing is as soon as I turned 16, (Which is March) I wondered for co-op program, then Summer training plan. I noticed that I can't apply until I have highschool transcript saying that I do have at least 15 credits. So I had to wait till summer. I visited Lorne Scots Recruiting centre couple times to drop my files at the end of my schooldays. I met the recruiting officer back in April 2007 when He visited my school to advertise CF and said there are opened spots. I applied as soon as I can and for some reason the paperwork held me down till the end of summer.
One of the reasons that I preferred the Lorne Scots Unit is because one of its armoury is very close to my house. Less than 10 minutes drive way. Right now with CFR FCS help I am contacted CFRC Hamilton and currently in conflict with my files and selection of units. As CFR FCS suggested, I wish to visit Units for their parade  nights and getting to know people in the unit. I believe that I currently have a choice to visit RHLI and for that I need to travel over 30 minutes dirve way. I can't travel much more than Lorne Scots A Company frequently.(and of course this armoury is full) I was also offered co-op program from Lorne Scots for next semaster (2008) with full pay and transportation fee. I can't do so because I require subjects from next semaster. In a difficult case, if the application does not go through until summer, could any one suggest or tell me if there is and how to apply for summer training for whatever unit that I can contact?
Unfortunately for me, I wanted to go to infantry and looked at it as a career to regular force, even the hamilton area has no spot for me in infantry, only in artillery. does anyone know how much more trouble would i cause by transferring out of an artillery unit to an infantry in future? I believe that I'll at least try my best to get into the RMC when i graduate from high school, I'm not sure of how that works? Could anyone help of the process?
Red-Water.06 said:
Unfortunately for me, I wanted to go to infantry and looked at it as a career to regular force, even the hamilton area has no spot for me in infantry, only in artillery. does anyone know how much more trouble would i cause by transferring out of an artillery unit to an infantry in future? I believe that I'll at least try my best to get into the RMC when i graduate from high school, I'm not sure of how that works? Could anyone help of the process?

Just a thought: if the trade you're in (i.e. artillery) is in demand the day you want to get transfered to another trade, you might very well be prevented from doing so. Only join a trade in which you have an interest. My humble opinion...
Thanks for any piece of information, but could anyone else answer as well so i can make a solide decision?
In many places, once you get into a trade, they might hold you to your initial trade selection for 3 years.
In the reserves, when you move locations, the powers that be might be inclined to cut you a bit of slack and permit you a move and occupation change at the same time.
If i plan to stay with this artillery unit after checking them out, could someone tell me if there will be and or how much trouble will there be for me to go to RMC looking into infantry trade?
This is now .... that is later.
Many people train as Infantrymen, Sappers, Crewmen or Gunners while in the Reserves and chose to go into another trade when they go Reg (or RMC).  You should not be prejudiced by your decision.  Telling em that the Guns was your only choice should be explanation enough..... it will also give you better respect for their capacity to fight, once you are infantry.

PS... I started off as Infantry... and found the Engineers some time later.  I nevertheless have plenty of respect for what the infantry can (and can't) do.
Yet, it hit just over 6th month from first attempt to hand in the application. I contacted CFRC Hamilton and I am informed it is only my reference letters are to go. I'm hoping to get into a unit and start my trainnig in january at least. I am planning not to bother the CFRC for christmas and newyears. Could someone please suggest me what to do at this moment? Yet my current action to this is to wait. If anyone could suggest me what to do to have higher possibility of starting my training in january, it'll behighly appreciated.
Between Dec 15th and Jan 7th, not much happens anywhere.  People are on leave (or wish that they could).
What to do in the meantime?... Do some basic PT; pushups & situps + do the hamster thing on a treadmill (if you've had as much snow as we've had).
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