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Anyone here have a MAC?

Mac User since 1996... forced to use that "other" OS at work... will never spend money on a Windows PC. Always willing to answer Mac questions, from new Mac users or from Windows users thinking about switching.

Dude.. I got a DELL... plus an iPod... very impress with the iPod... I just might have to switch to MAC someday.
I'm not a Mac fan, not in the least, but that Macbook Air has me impressed. Very impressed.

What doesn't impress me about Mac's is that the hardware is limited and Bios locked which gives an extremely limited upgrade path as opposed to PCs. It's all regular joe PC hardware now, but with the crap that the Mac commercials spouts it seems like Apple went into a time machine to bring back the latest technology from the year 2109 to use in their products.

Mac reminds me of that guy at work who just bought a Chevy Cobalt and put in a aftermarket DVD player and leather upholstery and claims his car is SO much better than anyone elses.  :p

I will admit that the last time I used the Mac with any seriousness was in 2000-2001 ish, so I don't know how many leaps and bounds the OS has made, but to me it's not as advanced as Windows in alot of regards (gaming *cough cough)...I feel it's more directed with a focus towards doing specific tasks than Windows though.
A question for you Mac lovers. I recently bought a MacBook (basic model, 1GB RAM) and so far I think it is great. I bought it to use on the road, mainly to surf the net, do email, and now that I have MS Office, do some work. Sometimes I get bored on the road and I was wondering if there any games that will work on this computer? I know the graphics are quite limited and I have read mixed reviews on various websites as to what works and what doesn't, just curious if any of you have any insights on this. Thanks.
The 2 things I didn't like about the MacBook Air was the 13 inch screen and the lack of USB and other ports.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
The 2 things I didn't like about the MacBook Air was the 13 inch screen and the lack of USB and other ports.

Not to mention the whole "no CD drive" thing which is a step backwards personally.  Their reasoning is that if the computers do not have it then kids will be less likely to uploud CDs to limewire and therefore help with the music download crisis thing.  Ya, bollocks like thats gonna happen.

Also, for softwhere you have to wirelessly download  from other peoples computers.  Very annoying I must say, I have had to tell Air owners to fly a kite many a time after they ask to install on MY Mac then wireless copy the software. 
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Didn't know about the CD drive thing.  Shitty

Indeed, also, if you didn't know.  The battery that comes with the Air is a new design built right into the computer so you can't take it out or replace it.  If there is a problem then the whole unit must be fixed or replaced($$$)

Not to mention the battery life is not as good as other macbooks.

Wow.  Like you said seems backward movement.  On my MBP there are no fans.  I am wondering about how it will keep cool.
Macbooks have the vents in the back right where screen is attached to the unit on the cylinder swivel thing, thats where the hot air is vented from.  :)
Cookie issues are a common problem with all browsers now as everyone is jacking up their security... in fire fox you can configure trusted sites, I've not used Safari I'm not sure it has that feature.

as for the I love Macs down with PC crowd

Macs used to be the pinnicle of computer engineering, then they took a sharp turn in their direction in the 90s and began targeting novice and below users that expect a computer to work like an appliance. IE turn it on, do a couple simple predetermined things like browse the internet, edit photos, and listen to music. If that is all you want from a computer, buy a Mac

PCs are and always will be the controlling influence because it allows advanced users full access to everything making it possible to innovate. Mac takes the best ideas from PC and other places, distills their functionality and rules what is allowed on their machines with an iron fist. Simplicity is a catch word for Mac.

Macs today have devolved from their elegantly designed predecessors to rebadged and half disabled PCs running a bastardized version of BSD free unix. They are easier to use and more reliable than PCs running windows because they can't do half of what PCs can do, and don't support half of what PCs do.

Anyone who doesn't see those mac vs PC commercials as outright lies does not know computers.

if anyone complains about how their windows machine sucks because it's slow, or crashes all the time I know it's because they are a 12:00 flasher who either lacks the drive and/or interest to learn how to properly operate the sophisticated device that is a PC, and suggest they get a Mac, the fisher price of the computer world.

If you enjoy your mac, more power to you. You are their target audience, and you will be better served owning a mac than a PC.

However I will not switch to a Mac for the same reason Nascar drivers aren't going to switch to Smart cars, so stop trying to convert those of us who are not interested in simplicity and facism in a computer. I want to be able to tweak and experiment and get into the nuts and bolts of my computer.

in short

PCs are like a vintage corvette that needs tweaking, time and skill to get max performance.

Macs are like a toyota echo, rounded, smooth, comes in pretty colours and anyone can operate one with few problems, but don't tinker around under the hood or you'll void your warranty.
Well that is very true, and its not the PCs that are the problem.  The reason I bought a mac early this year is one word, VISTA.  I would argue that Visa was Windows attempt at being more like Mac.  The flash and graphics and overall look and layout of Vista is very Macintosh.  However the Operating System itself is buggy, more then one media program open at once freezes the system.  Many drives are not installed resulting in programs not working at all.  I had to take my HP back three times with Operating System problems.  I loved my computer with XP on it, it did everything from web to media to simple programing without issue, but then when I got Vista with my new laptop, the problems started.  Now that being said, maybe I just got a lemon, but it would have cost $250.00 just to put XP on the Vista computer, not worth it in total.  So its not that I don't love PCs, but with no PCs being sent out to the floor with XP (best OS ever) anymore, Windows is looking at hard times.
c_canuk said:
Macs used to be the pinnicle of computer engineering, then they took a sharp turn in their direction in the 90s and began targeting novice and below users that expect a computer to work like an appliance. IE turn it on, do a couple simple predetermined things like browse the internet, edit photos, and listen to music. If that is all you want from a computer, buy a Mac

Yes and thats where the Mac craze is coming from.  The majority of people who buy a computer, only need it for those few things.  So all you have to do is add post modern looking designs and people will eat it up.  Its the same with Ipods, when you really think about it they are a huge pain, no drag and drop software so you cant even get music off other peoples computers unless they have Itunes.  Its just the big Apple Machine marching on I guess.

But hey, if 40 dollar MP3 players from Wal-Mart came in pretty metallic colors maybe people would make the switch eh?
So I put a bunch of folders in my pictures folder and they are all over the place.  How do I organize them (like on a PC)so they are all in pretty rows?
PCs are like a vintage corvette that needs tweaking, time and skill to get max performance.

I would suggest that if you're going to compare Gate's leviathan to a vintage car, a 71 Pinto might be a more appropriate match...



Edit to add:  I switched two years ago and will never return to a PC-based product, for many of the reasons cited by others.  I still run a PC laptop, but its gone as soon as it finally dies and a Mac replaces it too.
I run Macs for a couple of reasons:

i) They just work. I don't have to fiddle with the registry to make them work, I don't have to import random drivers off of support websites, everything just works first time. I have enough computer issues at work, I don't need them at home.

ii) They're *nix boxen that run Office. If they don't do something I want to do, I can compile some code that will allow me to do it without worrying about that idiotic Win32 API.

LWQ...check the menus at the top of the screen. There should be something like "View/Arrange By..." although it won't be called exactly that.
I've run vista on my laptop for since last june, the problems I've encountered were all VENDER related, HP pushing bad driver updates and programs that conflicted with windows, not a single problem with windows... some annoyances that were remedied in 10 minutes but no errors.

same as when I went with XP

Same as when I went with 2000

Same as when I went with NT

I won't comment on pre NT/2000 but then Mac was just as in differnet ways at the time

all the bugs and issues with vista are venders making mistakes with a new operating system, Dell is one of the worst offenders in that respect. I will admit that because Macs facistly control every aspect of their OS and hardware they don't have these problems, but yet again, I need more out of my hardware/OS than I can get with a PC running dual boot Windows/BSD

every platform has it's place, my point is that Macs will never be a hardcore nerd machine like they once were and Mac enthusiasts need to stop acting like it's a life style. Its a computer designed for novice users that's a bit prettier than the majority.

Vista is not a rip off of mac OS X, Vista is licenced from Suns 3D interface they were working on when OS X was a gleam in Jobbs eye, if anything OS X is a rip off of Suns interface.
Everyone here has brought up some good points regarding Mac's vs PC's.  However while MAC does have that nice GUI, PC has that nice gaming platform.  If you are into photoshop and making movies, and playing tetris (my buddy has a mac and thats pretty much all he could play) then MAC is for you.  If you like to game like most average computer users, PC with WINXP SP2 is the way to go.  Vista is difficult, but remeber so was XP when it came out, and now most major corporations including the DND use it as its OS.
As I mentioned, the only reason "It just works" is because all their components are Bios locked (does a Mac user know what that is?) and can not be upgraded (besides ram and I think CPU).

Besides the Bios lock, the only difference between them are the Operating Systems. Period. Mac's garbage commercials fool the uneducated into thinking that a Mac is superior to a PC when it's not.

Take a look here : http://www.apple.com/getamac/ads/ and watch the "Breakthrough" commercial. Last time I checked Macs used Intel CPU's on the same type of motherboard that PC user's use (different bios) with ATi / Nvidia video cards, X brand ram (Avaya, Samsung, etc), and Maxtor Harddrives (or whatever they use now).

Mac's "Just work" because they are so vanilla for people that don't know better. Their commercials are an insult to computer users everywhere, they pinpoint lies, fallacies and loads of BS just to propagate their OS. They may have been pertinent in the days of Windows 98 / ME, but with XP and Vista lol is all I have to say.

I've been running this PC with Vista on it stable since last December, 0 reinstalls, I play all the best games when they are released (in your face Mac), surf the web, if I want to edit photos I have my pic of programs that feel good to me , same with video. I also have access to all the latest apps, programs, etc if I'm in need of one for any reason.

drunknsubmrnr said:
I run Macs for a couple of reasons:

i) They just work. I don't have to fiddle with the registry to make them work, I don't have to import random drivers off of support websites, everything just works first time. I have enough computer issues at work, I don't need them at home.

ii) They're *nix boxen that run Office. If they don't do something I want to do, I can compile some code that will allow me to do it without worrying about that idiotic Win32 API.

LWQ...check the menus at the top of the screen. There should be something like "View/Arrange By..." although it won't be called exactly that.

Typical Mac user response really, and it shows how little you really know about the Windows OS as well as your technical experience. If my system doesn't do something I want it to do, I just spend 2 minutes to get the patch for it.

Enjoy upgrading your Macs also. If I want to run something more graphic, cpu or memory intensive, or need more HDD space I buy that part and pop it in. What's that a Mac user has to do again? suckas