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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter nate1982
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;D Well, actually the appointment yesterday was only to get the referral... in order to have the privilege to be on the 8 months waiting list...:rofl:

;D By the time I get an appointment... I WILL be out of my mind :cam:  :blotto:
the_girlfirend said:
;D Well, actually the appointment yesterday was only to get the referral... in order to have the privilege to be on the 8 months waiting list...:rofl:

;D By the time I get an appointment... I WILL be out of my mind :cam:  :blotto:

Ah I misread then sorry.

Well, by the sounds of it you are OK in the other aspects so at least you have a fairly good chance after all this is done? But you never know I suppose. I just have to wait until February to get my fate of Officer decided.. and thats long enough for me haha. (and if by chance I am rejected, NCM it is for awhile :D) So I wish you all the mental power you need to not go insane... I do not know if I could personally do it.. but I am paranoid half the time with that sort of thing. Good luck.
It is funny because when I received the letter the first thing my boyfriend said to me is: "are you sure you want to do this? you don't have to..."
And it was wierd when he said that because giving up was just not an option in my head... so I guess I am doing the right thing
I am still making phone calls and trying to get an emergency appointment with a psychiatrist... we will see how it goes, but I have a good feeling.

Good luck to you as well Marshall
stay in touch
I was denied for anxiety issues as well.  I went to my family doctor and he asked me some questions, took my BP and a few other things.  Now I'm 9 months in, on my QL3's course and doing just fine.

Good luck to you.

Thought I would update the post a little...
I have to say that I have made so many phone calls and giving my name and number everywhere in case of cancellations...
I was able to find a psychiatrist who could make an appointment with me next friday Dec 19... I just can't believe it  :D
I hope that it won't be cancelled or moved my, request is not a priority at all for them... fingers crossed.
Well, sometimes when you work hard... you get somewhere... let's pray now!  ;D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I am so happy! Just back form the psychiatrist... I am not a psycho!  :blotto:

He said he would send me the evaluation by the mail so I can bring it to the CFRC.
He said that I am a little anxious, but that I really do not need medication, that there should not be any restrictions on my future in the CF, and that no follow up is required.

Way to go tg,

let me know when you get your call for BMQ.....it would be really funny if we ended up in BMQ at the same time.
That is great news! You looked at the hurdle, sized it up and took it on. There will always be obstacles but it's a great feeling to take one down and be stronger for the next one. Good luck!
Hello everyone!

little update...

I went to the recruiting center this morning to drop off the psychiatrist evaluation.
But I was told that my file had been closed (not medically fit) and that they were not waiting for any documents  :deadhorse:
According to the lady at the CFRC, I will have to re apply... not sure what it means, but considering that I have worked really hard to get this evaluation... I thought that they were at least waiting for it. She said she would give it to the medical section. But I do not understand the point of closing my file so quickly.

Does anyone know if that is a standard procedure to close a file while waiting for a specialist evaluation?

Application Date: September 16, 2008
First Contact: September 29, 2008
CFAT: October 2, 2008
Medical: October 9, 2008, request more info from family doctor
  November 3, 2008 submitted all required documents
  November 24, 2008 letter from Ottawa requesting a psychiatrist evaluation
*** apparently my file was closed on November 26***
  December 19, 2008 Psychiatrist appointment
  January 5, 2009, submitted the psychiatrist evaluation

According to the info I have, my file was closed when the letter from Ottawa was received, but I do not understand why, because the letter was only saying: We need more info to know if you are medically fit for the military. But at the same time somebody closed my file with an "not medically fit" mention.  ???

Please let me know if any of you know if that is standard procedure, or why a file can be closed like that.

Thank you for your help
(when you start saying to yourself: "What else can possibly go wrong?") :rofl:

That doesn't sound like standard procedure. I would guess the med staff just made a mistake. If you can, drop by the RC and show the medstaff your letter from ottawa.

Oh and keep a photocopy of that psych evaluation for yourself.
Just want to say that I got a call today... I am now medically fit.  :D
I still have to reapply but it is only a matter of paperwork...
One step closer.
Congrates - I bet you are so relieved!!!

Good luck with the redoing all the paperwork - let us know when you get an Offer

I have over 37 years total CF experience (yes I am retired) and have seen numerous applications like yours. My advice, Don't tell them anything that will compromise your application(s). Anxiety issues, low stress tolerance, family situation, mental state, pot-smoking, etc, etc. "They" don't want anymore complications to any applications then you do, so DON'T tell them anything you don't want to explain later. The rest you will figure out as time in marches on.
Anxiety issues, low stress tolerance, family situation, mental state, pot-smoking, etc, etc. "They" don't want anymore complications to any applications then you do, so DON'T tell them anything you don't want to explain later.

That may have been the case 37 years ago, but it is not the case now. If you want to offer legitimate advice, fine. Please don't encourage people to lie/withhold information during the application process.

Army.ca Staff
Oil Can said:
I have over 37 years total CF experience (yes I am retired) and have seen numerous applications like yours. My advice, Don't tell them anything that will compromise your application(s). Anxiety issues, low stress tolerance, family situation, mental state, pot-smoking, etc, etc. "They" don't want anymore complications to any applications then you do, so DON'T tell them anything you don't want to explain later. The rest you will figure out as time in marches on.

So your profile says you're 50 and you state you have over 37 years experience. Joined the CF before you were 13 eh? We don't counsel people here to go against policy or withhold relevant info when asked for it. Someone joins and doesn't tell us a potentially serious problem, then it manifests itself in the middle of a fire fight and people get needlessly killed. Keep your bad advice to yourself, perhaps find somewhere else to hang around. We don't need bitter ex types showing people how to skive the rules. I'm not at a computer that will allow me to introduce you to the Warning Sytem, else you'd be on it.

Milnet.ca Staff
I'm not suggesting an applicant withhold pertinent medical information that would enable anyone to get killed nor skive the rules. What I am saying is, everyone has personal issues - why compromise your application with over qualify an area of your life that you consider personal. I'm not talking Spina Bifida, chronic medicated depression, etc. But lesser issues. Now that I read my previous thread it does sound a little "ol fartish".
BTW, I have read your Warning System rules and no I don't think these posts qualify for R/W. Everything I have stated here I have experienced during my career. I simply don't want people to get the idea the CF embarkation is like going to Disney Land. It's a real tough world out there and the CF members I have served with have held up with pride, honour and in my mind special distinction.

Just to clear up my career math, 12 to 18 years old I was in cadets, then Reg force from 18 to 50. So you where close at 13.

Anyway I will take my foot out of my mouth now.

Hey all,

So I decided to do a bit of a journal chronicling my way from fat man to soldier. I figured this Personal Stories section could help get my thoughts out, gain more information, and maybe even inspire someone in the future. I have yet to submit my application into the Recruitment Office, however I write my CFAT in 2 days.

I've always thought of joining the military. When I was younger, I'm 25 now, I was in the Cadets for three days, my grandmother (who I was raised and living with) wouldn't allow me to as she was PO'd at my uncle who 'left her for the military'. At 14, parents control you. I went through a bout with depression, was medicated for a few years, did a stint in the hospital and six years after quitting the pills, here I am as normal as anyone can be. That was my primary worry about joining the military. After a talk with my doctor, he said he wouldn't hesitate to sign the papers and even added that as far as our imperfect species goes, I'm as perfect as the next guy. So if anyone reads this who may have questions or concerns about teenage angst or parents who thought you needed meds because you grew up during the Ritalin Era, you are as healthy as you choose to live and don't let anything hold you back from your dreams.

Back to my 'personal story'.
  I have two beautiful daughters under 3-years old, a beautiful stay-at-home wife, but a fledging career in a Call Center. 4 weeks ago, I made the decision to pursue a military career. I am still at least 3 months away from turning in my Application (hoping for late December/Early January since the trades don't open til April). As mentioned above, I write my CFAT in two days.
One month ago, I was (still am) a Call Center worker. I was 5'11, 230lbs (definitely not muscle nor anything that resembles muscle), poor cardio, horrible eating habits, too much Tim Hortons (Extra Large Triple Triples)... you name it. I almost forgot, a heavy smoker as well.
That, my friends, was a month ago.
I started a daily regiment of getting up at 6am instead of 9am. Going to the gym or walking around a lake near my house. The lake takes about 35mins to walk around at about 2.6-2.8km. I started briskly walking around said lake or pond. First off at 35mins, increasing speed over the gradual 4 weeks, and doing it now in about 25mins. Changing my eating habits to more veggies and fruits, less fattening foods and calories, I have seen a weight decrease of 15lbs. 15lbs!!! I've went down a pant size even. I'm a mesomorph, I carry weight evenly so my face even lightened a bit, down to a chin and a half. 4 weeks ago I could barely do 5 push-ups, I can now cruise properly to 20. This is thanks to light weights at the gym, less weight more reps. Same with sit-ups. Fat got in the way. I cut back on smoking from almost a pack a day to sometimes 2 sometimes 5 a day. Not quit yet, but getting there. The patch didn't work for me, but my will to get into the military is. The most important part about starting to work out is cardio. Doing the light weights helps a tad with cardio as well as helping define and tone muscles (more reps). I do 15mins on the Crosstrainer 4 days aweek, and to measure in speed, roughly moving at 9kph. I'll be starting swimming in lieu of the gym on Wednesdays for an hour or so. My hope, is maybe to document my journey through the recruitment process and all the way to BMQ if possible. Its never too late.

Starting out
Weight- 230lbs
Push-ups- 5
Sit-ups- 5 proper

Weight- 212lbs
Push-ups- 20
Sit-ups- 15proper
Just to add, the three professions I have been looking into, not restricting myself to, are Aerospace Control Operator, Communicator Research Operator, and Refrigeration and Mechanical Systems Technician.